Scalby School Governing Body
School Improvement Committee.
Wednesday 10th June 2015 at 5.00 pm
Item / Minute / ActionSI
14/69 / Attendance.Individuals present shown in bold type.
Committee members underlined.
Local Authority GovernorsMr J Scoble (JS) (Governing Body Chair), Mr R Cannon (RC), (Governing Body Vice Chair, and Committee Chair), Mr A Backhouse(AB)
Community GovernorsMr M Goode (MG), Mrs S Williamson (SW), Mr P Noble (PN).
Parent GovernorsMrs S Hartley (SH), Mr G Casper (GC), Mr A Newton (AN), Mr A Robson (AR), Mrs C Wareing (CW).
Staff GovernorsMr D Read (DR) (Head Teacher), Mrs S Cammish (SC),Mr C Robertson (CR)
School staff Mr M McCluskie (MM)(Deputy Head Teacher), Mr B Evans (BE) (Assistant Head Teacher), Mrs M Garfield (MG2) (Assistant Head Teacher), Mr N Penn (NP) (Business Manager)
ClerkMr. R Hobson (RH)
Mr P Roberts
14/70 / Apologies for absence
- Apologies with had been received from Mr Cannon. Governors agreed consent.
- Vice Chair, Mrs Hartley Chaired the meeting
14/71 / Declaration of interest
To invite governors to declare any interest in matters which are the subject of, or are connected with, any item of business on the agenda.
No declarations made.
14/72 / Confidential agenda items
To consider if an agenda items need to be treated as confidential and excluded from the published minutes.
None selected.
14/73 / Minutes of the last meeting.
The minutes of the meetings of the committee held on 13th May 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
14/74 / Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered on this agenda.
SI14/59 5.2In year fair access policy.
The Head Teacher had consulted a Local Authority officer on this matter. He had confirmed that there is no outright ban within the Local Authority for schools in an Oftsed category being excused from taking in previously excluded pupils. However, it is discouraged. Scalby had benefited from this during the time in an Ofsted category.
14/75 / Policies and statutory documents
- Review and re-approve the following amended policies: -
- Children looked after
- The substance of this policy is unchanged. Amendments to update named people with particular responsibilities had been made.
- Governors asked that an annual review of the work in this area be presented to the first autumn term meeting of the School Improvement Committee.
- Governors re-approved the policy for use in school.
- Managing the health care needs of children.
- The amendments to this policy reflect changes to the North Yorkshire County Council model guidance on managing medications.
- Governors asked if the management of the fridge storage system was the responsibility of one person. It is.
- Governors re-approved the policy for use in school.
- School dress and appearance
- This policy was presented for periodic review with one amendment concerning the management of skirt length.
- Governors noted the requirement for long hair to be tied back during specific activities should apply to all pupils.
- Governors re-approved the amended policy for use in school.
14/76 / Teaching and learning
- The Assistant Head Teacher for Teaching and Learning gave a summary report for drop ins by use of the screen.
- The drop ins had been held on 15th May and 15th March. The focus had been marking and feedback, and the use of consequences.
- The use of consequences had been good with only one example of it being used incorrectly. Governors welcomed this.
- The marking and feedback focus had shown an improvement between the March and May observations. However, during this time the expectations had been raised in response to the practice Ofsted report. There must be a student response to the marking.
- Feed back for individuals and departments followed all the observations. Good practice and room for improvements were identified. Re-visits are made to check areas of concern.
- Governors asked if the same staff appeared in the cause for concern section in both cycles. Some did, and these were being addressed.
- Teaching and Learning policy
- The revision of this policy is not yet complete. A new commercial package called “Blue Sky” is being brought into use. It involves teachers taking a greater responsibility for their own continuing professional development.
- This has significance for several policies including Teaching and Learning, Performance Management, and Pay. These policies would need to be revised and presented as a package at the 2nd meeting of this committee in the autumn term.
- Governors asked about the cost of the package. It is £1300/year, to include all upgrades. It covers all teaching staff including teaching assistants.
- Marking proforma
- The Assistant Head Teacher for Teaching and Learning gave a presentation on the use of the new marking proforma. It s a tool to monitor the effect of marking and feedback on pupil performance. The Senior Leadership Team and Heads of Departments use it jointly.
- It has been trialled in English, Arts, and Humanities.It flagged up specific areas for development for individuals and departments. The Head Teacher confirmed that it is proving a really useful diagnostic tool.
- The next stage would be for all members of the Senior Leadership Team to use the proforma, and then to moderate the results. This should then be built into the quality assurance procedure.
- Governors asked if it was a bought in system, and how had the teachers responded to the use. It had been developed in house, and had been well received so far.
- Governors noted there was a section on the proforma for disadvantaged pupils. Could there be a more specific reference to pupil premium students. The Assistant Head Teacher confirmed that this would be possible. The pro forma would be used to compare and contrast, the effects of marking and feedback on whole class and various groupings of students.
- Praising Stars 5
- The Assistant Head Teacher for Teaching and Learning presented the report on screen, and the document was shared with governors. It is attached to these minutes as an appendix.
- The projections for year 11 are the expected performance in the public examinations. Compared with 2014 the overall results are expected to show significant improvement.
- The important measures of 3 and 4 levels progress will exceed national averages in English, and be outstanding in maths.
- In science the results are expected to improve on 2014 for the triple science set, and be above national averages. The core science group are expected to perform less well. However, the core science group are not a full mixed ability range. The top performers are moved onto the triple science set. This negatively affects the core science data. Governors re-confirmed their approval of this. Triple science has important implications for the future career paths of students and the school’s approach is the correct thing to do.
- The gap between disadvantaged learners and others is on course to close in terms of English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, and Additional Science compared to 2014. In Core Science and Physics it has widened from 2014. There is more encouraging news on closing the gap in the year 10 analysis.
- Exclusions are reducing in all years except year 9. However the gap is closing between disadvantaged students and others in all year groups except year 8. Governors welcomed this.
- Attendance levels have declined slightly in years 7 and 9 but improved in 8, 10 and 11. Persistent Absentees have reduced in all year groups except year 9. However, years 9, 10 and 11 remain well above national average. Governors welcomed the very high attendance of year 11 as the exam season approaches.
- Effort grades are a very clear indicator of future performance.There is a notable gap in terms of E1+E2 for disadvantaged students and E1s for years 7, 9 and 11. Governors recognised this needs to be addressed. Intervention through mentoring and family contact continues. A group of year 10 students and their families will soon be meeting with the Head Teacher for a frank discussion prior to the final year.
- There are 7 students on roll on outreach tuition. The school can have very little influence on their performance and the data is significantly affected. In year 10 there is only one such student.
- Governors recognised the importance of the comprehensive analysis provided. They thanked the Assistant Head Teacher for his presentation. He then left the meeting.
14/77 / Head Teacher items
Contained in the joint session with the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
14/78 / Standing items
- Academy status Refer to joint session.
- Pupil Referral Unit
- The new management is in place and recruitment of staff is continuing.
14/79 / Urgent Items agreed by the Chair.
14/80 / Dates of future meetings
Full Governing Body Meetings at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 8th July.
14/81 / Joint session with Finance and General Purposes Committee
- Staffing update
- The school is fully staffed for September. Governors welcomed this.
- Induction programmes for new colleagues have been arranged.
- Combined Cadet Force
- The Ministry of Defence require cadet forces to be accessible to students through to the age of 18. Negotiations with post 16 partner schools are under way to see if this can be achieved.
- Academy status.
- Two reports had been circulated to governors. The Head Teacher used the screen to give a presentation on this matter.
- He described the new political landscape and the drive for all schools, particularly secondary schools, to become academies. He reviewed the local situation, and described the possibility for change and the potential impact on Scalby School.
- He reviewed the types of academies that are available. This included being part of a collaborative teaching alliance, or an established chain under a sponsor.
- Governors noted that there are both positive and negative effects of departing from the Local Authority. Partnership with other schools would support professional development, including the potential to train and develop teachers within the school. The Local Authority have significantly less resources to support professional development in future. There would be a potential short fall in Local Authority capital financing for building projects, and the funding of a lead practitioner for the coastal area.
- Governors recognised the positive advantages of making a decision on the school’s own terms. An enforced change could remove the ultimate decision making authority away from the local community.
- Governors recognised the changing situation regarding academisation. Governors authorised the Head Teacher to register an interest, and to lead a team of colleagues to commence due diligence, to prepare for the process of academisation. A final decision would be taken at a future Full Governing Body Meeting.
- Governing Body re-constitution update
- Two parents have been nominated for the 2 parent governor posts and will therefore fill the vacancies. The 5 core members of the new Governing Body will meet prior to the next Full Governing Body Meeting to consider the appointment of the co-opted members. They would consider the skills analysis previously completed. Any unfilled vacancies could be filled by further recruitment in the autumn term.
- Co-option and the election of Chair, would take place at the end of the final Full Governing Body Meeting of the current Governing Body on 8th July.