Mulkimüdafiə fənnindən test sualları
- What applies to emergency military?
A) phenomenon, resulting from the use of weapons of mass destruction
B) phenomenon, resulting from actions of terrorist organizations
C) phenomenon, resulting from the collision drug traffickers
D) effects resulting from shootouts criminal organizations
E) phenomenon, resulting from a mass poisoning with the use of hazardous chemical substances and bacterial agents.
2. What is the situation which has arisen as a result of the government crisis, ethnic strife, terrorism, drug trafficking?
A) The situation of military-political
B) the situation is critical and criminal nature
C) the situation of crisis and economic nature
D) the situation is a state of war and terror
E) the situation is man-made and domestic nature.
3. In what could turn social situation, if not prevent it in a timely manner?
A) in emergency military
B) in the man-made disastera
C) in environmental emergencies
D) in the emergency of a political nature
E) in the emergency social and cultural nature.
4. What is a conflict of emergencies?
A) military clashes, extremist political struggle, social unrest, terrorism
B) ethnic and religious conflicts, accidents and disasters, environmental changes
C) military clashes, geophysical hazards and disasters, fighting gangs
D) Dangerous geophysical and hydrological phenomena environment
E) extremist political struggle, drug trafficking, smuggling.
5. Refers to the natural and disaster?
A) and meteorological phenomena agrometereologicheskie; geophysical hazards; hydrological hazards; infectious diseases of humans, animals and vegetation; geological hazards
B) hydrological hazards of the sea; change the state of the hydrosphere, and biosphere; infectious diseases of humans, animals, vegetation
C) infectious diseases of humans, animals and vegetation; sudden destruction of buildings and houses, leakage from the spread of virulent toxic substances
D) the spread of radioactive substances; spread into the environment biologically hazardous substances; accident in communal life-support systems
E) wildfires, hydrological hazards at sea, geological hazards, geological hazards; Emergencies related to changes of land, atmosphere and hydrosphere; Emergencies related to changes in the biosphere.
6. What is a conflict-free emergency?
A) natural (natural, natural), technological, environmental disasters and catastrophes
B) natural (natural, natural), environmental, social disasters and catastrophes
C) environmental, terrorist, smuggling phenomena and processes
D) man-made phenomena and processes, techno-natural, religious and national character
E) local, regional, facility, global disasters and catastrophes
7. How to share disaster on the scale of the impact and severity?
A) local, facility, local, regional, national, global
B) local (partial), national, large-scale, regional, local
C) the regional, national, global, disastrous, local
D) local, local, regional, transnational, emergency
E) local, local, global, contrast, crisis, catastrophic.
8. What is a man-made disaster?
A) traffic accidents (accidents) and catastrophes; fires; explosions; sudden destruction of buildings, houses and household accidents
B) fires and explosions in transport; sudden destruction of buildings and houses; forest wildfires
C) an accident as a result of the spread of radioactive substances, hydrodynamic accident; hydrological hazards
D) explosions mountain ranges; death of climbers; avalanches, fires in the Communication and
E) the sudden destruction of buildings and houses; the spread of exotic diseases; geophysical hazards
9. Depending on the classification of man-made disaster that relates to transportation accidents (accidents)?
A) accidents on main pipelines
B) an accident in the sewer system
C) an accident in the water system
D) an accident in heating systems
E) an accident in the municipal pipelines
10. Depending on the classification of industrial and transport accidents, to a variety of man-made phenomena is the discovery of unexploded live ammunition?
A) military and domestic nature
B) the sudden destruction of buildings and houses
C) detection (loss) of chemically hazardous substances
D) detection (loss) of radioactive sources
E) aviaavarii (car accident)
11. What kinds of traffic accidents are not related to the accident?
A) with the collapse of the earth
B) air crash
C) water accident
D) ground accident
E) underground accident
12. What does not apply to environmental emergencies?
A) Emergency associated with the hydrological and geophysical hazards
B) Emergency associated with changes in state land
C) emergencies related to atmospheric changes and hazards
D) Emergency associated with changes in the hydrosphere
E) ES, associated with changes in the biosphere
13. To what kind of environmental disaster is the fact of "the emergence latitude zone" acid rain "?
A) disaster-related changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere
B) Emergency associated with changes in the hydrosphere
C) Emergency associated with changes in the biosphere
D) Emergency associated with changes in the state of the water surface of the ocean
E) ES, associated with changes in the state of the water surface of the ocean
14. To what kind of disaster is the fact of "dry water sources and the occurrence of sudden need for drinking water?"
A) disaster-related changes in the state of the hydrosphere
B) Emergency associated with changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere
C) Emergency associated with changes in the biosphere
D) Emergency associated with changes in the state of the water surface of the ocean
E) ES, associated with changes in the state of the water surface of the ocean
15. To what kind of disaster is the mass death of cattle?
A) Emergency associated with changes in the biosphere
B) Emergency associated with changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere
C) emergencies related to infectious diseases of farm animals
D) Emergency associated with the occurrence of epiphytoties
E) Emergency associated with the emergence of epizootic
16. What is the name of infectious diseases of farm animals?
A) epizootic
B) epidemic
C) panfitotiya
D) epiphytotic
E) fauna of exotic diseases
17. What are the names of people infectious diseases?
A) epidemic
B) enzootic
C) epizootic
D) epiphytotic
E) panfitotiya
18. What is the condition of crops?
A) epiphytotic
B) epidemic
C) enzootic
D) epizootic
E) an exotic disease
19. To what kind of emergencies include landslides, mudflows, Marjal, falls, dust devils?
A) dangerous geological, natural phenomena
B) hydrological hazards
C) geophysical hazards
D) meteorological hazards
E) agro-meteorological hazards
20. To what kind of emergencies include storm, hurricane, storm, hail, heavy snowfall?
A) meteorological and agro-meteorological hazards
B) agrometeofizicheskie hazards
C) geophysical hazards
D) atmospheric-physical phenomena
E) geological hazards
21. What is an emergency?
A) is the circumstances arising as a result of natural disasters, major accidents and disasters, as well as factors of military, economic, social and political considerations resulting in death
B) This circumstance arising from factors of political, economic, crisis, catastrophic
C) this circumstances arising as a result of earthquakes, mudslides, destruction of dams, road traffic accidents, traffic congestion, etc.
D) is the circumstances arising as a result of the destruction of buildings and structures, ethnic strife and other factors of social and military-political and economic nature.
E) is the circumstances arising as a result of natural disasters, industrial accidents and injuries, as well as public opinion polls and the anti-crisis actions.
22. include emergency peaceful nature?
A) natural disasters, environmental changes in the environment, fire at the warehouse of spare parts
B) natural disasters, radioactive contamination from a nuclear explosion, accidents and disasters
C) the appearance of the source of the chemical destruction of chemical bombs, floods, mudslides, accidents in the maritime transport
D) natural disasters, electromagnetic pulse, a plane crash, the drying up of water sources
E) mass death of animals, violation of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, from ethnic ballistic missiles
23. What is a disaster?
A) This is an extremely natural phenomena that lead to significant destruction of property, shock and death.
B) This is an extremely natural phenomena that lead to the defeat of the people, the sudden destruction of buildings and structures, infectious diseases of animals
C) this extraordinary natural phenomena, which lead to a change of state land, heavy snowfall, landslides, wildfires.
D) This is an extremely natural phenomena that lead to emergency situations involving a change of state land, avalanches and landslides and damage to fertile land
E) is an extraordinary natural phenomena that are associated with fires and explosions at nuclear power plants, accidents in the water system, for platinum, gas pipelines
24. What is a disaster?
A) earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, hurricanes, landslides, floods, snow drifts, infectious diseases of humans, animals, plants
B) the sudden destruction of buildings and houses, as a result of the accident spread (leakage) of highly toxic substances, hydrodynamic accident
C) meteorological and agro-meteorological phenomena that change the state of the soil and the earth's crust, changes in the composition properties of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere
D) areas inland sea pollution, extinction of animals and different kinds of plants, hail, rain, heavy snowfall, strong heat
E) an exotic disease in humans especially dangerous infectious diseases, epizootic, the disappearance of flora and fauna that are sensitive to changes in the living environment
25. What is an industrial accident?
A) is the sudden stoppage of the object, which leads to the destruction of buildings, equipment and injure people
B) is a partial stoppage of the object, which leads to the defeat and loss of life, destruction of buildings and structures and equipment
C) it is a slow stop operation of the facility, which leads to the destruction of buildings, equipment and injure people
D) is the emergency stop operation of the object, which leads to the destruction of buildings, equipment and injure people
E) is a special stop operation of the facility, in order to prevent the possible destruction of buildings, structures, technological equipment related to the accident in the energy business.
26. What is a disaster?
A) are those industrial accidents that lead to massive loss of life
B) those work-related accidents, which lead to massive destruction of buildings and structures
C) are those industrial accidents that lead to massive forest fires
D) are those industrial accidents that lead to mass destruction of people and the surrounding vegetation
E) are those industrial accidents that lead to disabling a significant amount of valuable equipment and process equipment.
27. What are some work-related accidents and disasters?
A) explosions, fires, flooding, pollution, radioactive, toxic and highly toxic substances
B) landslides, hurricanes, landslides, floods, pollution and radioactive emergency chemical agents
C) earthquakes, mudslides, fires, snow drifts, infectious diseases of humans and animals
D) train accidents, active avalanches and landslides on the territory of production facilities, the presence in the land of heavy metals and other harmful substances high concentration.
E) forest, underground, prairie fires, fires and explosions bystrovosplamenyayuschihsya substances, fires and explosions on transport, fire in the subway.
28. At 8 hours 00 minutes there was a nuclear explosion. At 11 hours 00 minutes the radiation level was Rizm = 40 R / h. Knowing from the table that the factor for converting radiation levels at 1:00 Ks = 3 to determine the radiation level at 1 hour after a nuclear explosion.
A) 120 R / h
B) 130 R / h
C) 140 R / h
D) 150 R / h
E) 160 R / h
29. What is the gamma radiation?
A) are electromagnetic waves similar to X-rays and rays of light propagating in the air at a speed of 300.000km / sec for hundreds of meters
B) an electromagnetic field, X-rays and emits light rays propagating in the environment at a rate 300.000km / sec to hundreds of meters
C) are electromagnetic waves propagating in the air similar to X-rays and rays of light at a speed of 300.000km / sec for hundreds of meters
D) is the X-rays, similar to electromagnetic waves and rays of light propagating in the environment at a speed of 300.000km / sec for hundreds of meters
E) is a radioactive radiation in the electromagnetic field propagating light beams at a speed of 300.000km / sec for hundreds of meters
30. At 9 hours 00 minutes the radiation level was 80 R1 = F / hour, 9 hours 30 minutes 55 R2 = R / h. The ratio P2 / P1 = 0.70, and depending on the time of the explosion to the second measure passed 2 hours (T = 2). From Table Ks = 3. determine the radiation level at 1 hour after a nuclear explosion.
A) 165 R / h
B) 127.5 F / hour
C) 128.5 F / hour
D) 195,5 R / h
E) 130.5 p / h
31. Determine the dose employed in the shops if the radiation level at 1 hour after vigorous explosion was R = 400 R / h. The radiation dose to the open area is A = 160R. Radiation attenuation coefficient shop Khosla = 7.
A) 22,8R
B) 25R
C) 27R
D) 29R
E) 31P
32. What is a non-SI units of measurement of X-ray exposure dose and gamma radiation?
A) X-rays
B) R / hr
C) mR / s
D) mR / hr
E) and X-ray mR / hr
33. What is the dose of radiation received personal composition of the passage of the vehicle on the territory of which the average radiation level is Rav = 120 R / h. Vehicle speed V = 40 km / h, the travel distance S = 20 km. Start of overcoming zone 1 hour after a nuclear explosion. Radiation attenuation coefficient of the vehicle Khosla = 2
A) 30P
B) 40P
C) 50P
D) 60P
E) 70r
34. What is used as a non-SI units of measurement dose X-ray and gamma radiation?
A) R / hr
B) X-rays
C) mR
D) kilojoule
E) x-ray / m2
35. What units measure radiation levels of gamma radiation?
A) R / hr; mR / hr
B) P; mR
C) R / hr; P
D) R / hr; mR
E) mR / hr; mR
36. What types of ionizing radiation of radioactive substances are most dangerous to humans?
A) gamma radiation
B) a beta-radiation
C) alpha radiation
D) beta and alpha radiation
E) gamma and alpha radiation
37. What types of ionizing radiation of radioactive substances less dangerous to humans?
A) an alpha-particle
B) a beta-particle
C) gamma radiation
D) alpha and gamma radiation
E) beta and gamma radiation
38. Aircraft B-52 was used poison Vi-X Weather conditions: wind speed V = 2 m / s, the depth of the infected cloud Q = 6 km, the length L = 8 km. Determine the area of the spread of the infected cloud.
A) 48 km2
B) 46 km2
C) 47 km2
D) 49 km2
E) 50 km2
39. What is the purpose dosimeters?
A) to define and measure radiation levels in the area, the degree of infection of people, food and property of radioactive substances
B) to identify and measure the dose poisoning people, food contamination, equipment and property agents and SDYAV
C) to define and measure the dose agents and SDYAV in the affected area (infection) radioactive substances
D) for the definition of species of bacteria and infections in the area of disinfection, sanitation, and people degassing
E) for the definition and measurement of radioactive and chemically hazardous toxic and poisonous substances on the ground
40. What is called the degree of radioactive contamination of the object?
A) the amount of radioactive substances introduced to the object per unit of time
B) the number of ionizing radiation incident on the object at a time
C) the amount of the exposure dose of X-rays incident on the object at a time
D) the amount of the exposure dose of gamma radiation incident on the object at a time
E) the amount of the alpha, beta and gamma particles, with the object caught per time unit
41. In what units is measured by the degree of radioactive contamination of gamma radiation?
A) mR / hr
B) R / h
C) mR / cm2
D) P / m2
E) disintegrations / min
42. What is estimated radioactive contamination?
A) at the level of radiation
B) at an irradiation dose
C) according to the degree of infection
D) on the exposure dose
E) by gamma irradiation
43. What is estimated human exposure radioactive substances?
A) by the number of doses
B) exposure dose
C) exposure dose
D) the degree of exposure
E) radiation levels
44. What are the methods of detection and measurement of ionizing particles?
A) photographic, chemical, scintillation, ionization
B) photographic, biological, chemical, ionization
C) photographic, position, scintillation, ionization
D) mechanical, medical, stand-alone, ionization
E) autonomous, custodial, evacuation, stationary, portable
45. What method of detection and measurement of ionizing radiation dosimetry used in all devices?
A) ionization
B) ionizing
C) exposure
D) photographic
E) chemical
46. What is the sensing device (radiation detector) in the survey instrument?
A) an ionization chamber and gas meter
B) a photographic camera and a scintillation counter
C) the ionization chamber and gas trap
D) ionizing radiation and trap gas trap
E) camera and fotogazoapparaturny counter
47. What is the ionization chamber?
A) an inert gas filled closed volume in which are arranged two mutually isolated electrode
B) water filled closed volume in which are arranged two mutually isolated electrode
C) a gas-filled closed volume in which two connected with each other electrode
D) air-filled closed volume in which there are two connected to each other isolated electrode
E) air-filled closed volume, in which there are isolated from each other by two ionizing element
48. Find the area of possible contamination of the infected cloud depth of 10 km2. Angle spread poison is 450
A) 3,924 km2
B) 4,924 km2
C) 5,924 km2
D) 6,925 km2b
E) 7,924 km2
49. Which register ionizing radiation chamber having an inlet port?
A) gamma and beta radiation
B) a gamma-radiation and positron
C) beta radiation and pi-Mizonov
D) neutrons and electrons
E) All kinds of radiation
50. The radiation level at 1 hour after a nuclear explosion was 60 R / h. Attenuation coefficient tractor K = 4. Determine the time of the tractor driver in the contaminated area. Permissible radiation dose for workers 30 R.
A) 2:00
C) 3:00
C) 4 hours
D) 5:00
E) 6:00
51. What distinguishes the types of dosimeters?
A) Indicators of radioactivity (signaling) rentgenmetry, radiometers-rentgenimetry, radiometers, dosimeters individual
B) indicators, alarms, alarm-rentgenmetry, radiometry- alarms, alarms dozimetry-
C) indicators, alarms, indicators, rentgenmetry, signaling radiometers, indicators of exposure, chemical reconnaissance unit
D) dose meters, meters presence of agents and bacterial agents, meters, indicators, gauges, rentgenmetry
E) signaling dose rates, power meters doses, dose meters, gauges levels of radiation areas
52. What groups are divided dosimeters?
A) radiation reconnaissance, monitoring the degree of contamination and exposure control
B) radiation meters area, exploration area of radiation, radiation control area
C) levels of radiation dose intelligence, reconnaissance extent of infection, intelligence irradiation
D) signaling dose of radiation, radiation dose rate meters, control dose rate
E) radiation survey extent of infection, control the level of radiation exposure control
53. What do the indicators of radioactivity?
A) for the detection of radioactive contamination by beta and gamma radiation and audio sound-light signal
B) for the detection of radioactive contamination on alpha and beta radiation and measuring radiation levels on it
C) for the detection of radioactive contamination by gamma radiation and neutrons and measure radiation levels on it
D) for the detection of radioactive contamination by beta rays and neutrons and measure radiation levels on it
E) for the detection of radioactive contamination by alpha, beta, gamma radiation and measuring radiation levels on it