Crystal Petersen/Horatio Alger Life Sciences Scholarship

The Crystal Petersen/Horatio Alger Life Sciences Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior of the Arriba-Flagler Consolidated School District. The Crystal Petersen/Horatio Alger Life Sciences Scholarship is not based on the best test scores or the highest grade point average, but more on how the student has overcome trial and adversity; and through persistence and determination, been able to realize his or her goals. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage and aid students to pursue their dreams through higher education, despite challenges and adversity.

The application is open to students who have:

Ø  Exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity; demonstrated as articulated in a one page, single spaced biographical essay of personal triumph over adversity.

Ø  Strength of character; as demonstrated in documented involvement in extracurricular school and community activities, presented in the form of a resume.

Ø  A good academic record; the applicant must have a GPA of 3.0 or better upon graduation. Transcripts must be included with all applications.

Ø  Financial need, which is a consideration, but not a major determining factor in selection. Financial need may be discussed in the applicant’s one page essay.

Ø  Commitment to pursue a college education, as demonstrated by the inclusion of a photocopy of the applicant’s acceptance letter from an institution of higher education.

Ø  A desire to contribute to society through a career relating to the applicant’s anticipated field of study; demonstrated as articulated in less than one page describing the applicant’s short and long term goals (two milestones).

Ø  Preference may be given to students planning to major in one of the following fields:

§  Biology,

§  Ecology,

§  Natural Resources,

§  Fishery and Wildlife Biology,

§  Environmental Sciences,

§  Agricultural Sciences, or

§  Animal and Range Sciences.

The scholarship recipient will be announced at graduation, with the funds, in the amount of $500, being paid directly to the recipient upon the completion of his/her first semester or quarter at an institution of higher learning, provided that the recipient sends an official transcript to Mrs. Crystal Chick showing the achievement of a 2.5 GPA or greater. The official transcript must be received by February 1st during the recipient’s freshman year in college.

An alternate recipient will be chosen as well and will be eligible for receipt of the funds if the scholarship recipient fails to attend an institution of higher learning or fails to provide an official transcript showing the achievement of a 2.5 GPA by February 1st.

Applications will be made available via the school website, and completed applications must be postmarked to Mrs. Crystal Peterson Chick no later than April 1st.

Crystal Petersen/Horatio Alger Life Sciences Scholarship


Applicant’s Full Name: ______

Applicant’s Mailing Address: ______


Applicant’s E-mail Address: ______

Name of the Institution of Higher Learning that Applicant will be attending:


Current GPA: ______

Please attach the following documents:

ü  a one page biographical essay,

ü  less than one page describing the applicant’s short and long term goals (two milestones),

ü  a resume,

ü  a copy of the applicant’s high school transcript, and

ü  a photocopy of a letter of acceptance to an institution of higher education.

Mail completed applications to:

Crystal Peterson Chick

#13922 Hudson Way

Thornton, CO 80602