City of Costa Mesa
Industrial Way Storm Drain Improvement Project
Project Budget
(a) / (a1) / (b) / (c) / (d) / (e)
Budget Category / Funding Match-City Drainage Fees / Funding Match- In-Kind Staff Costs / Requested Grant Funding / Other State Funds Being Used / Total / % Funding Match
(a) Direct Project Administration / $300,000 / $0 / $300,000 / 7.5%
(b) Design/Engineering / $200,000 / $50,000 / $200,000 / $0 / $450,000 / 11%
(c) CEQA / $50,000 / $0 / $50,000 / 1.5%
(d) Construction / $1,000,000 / $1,600,000 / $0 / $2,600,000 / 60%
(e) Construction Administration / $200,000 / $0 / $200,000 / 10%
(f)Contingency / $200,000 / $200,000 / $0 / $400,000 / 10%
(g) Grand Total / $1,400,000 / $600,000 / $2,000,000 / $0 / $4,000,000 / 100%

Detailed Project Budget

No. / Quantity / Type / Description / Unit Price / Total
1 / 1 / LS / Mobilization (heavy equipment transport to and from the project site) / $60,000 / $60,000.00
2 / 1 / LS / Clearing and Grubbing (removal and moving of existing vegetation and trees) / $20,000 / $20,000.00
3 / 3,000 / LF / Construct 48" Diameter RCP Storm Drain Line (Reinforced Concrete Pipe 40”) / $500 / $1,500,000.00
4 / 1,000 / LF / Construct 60" Diameter RCP Storm Drain Line (Reinforced Concrete Pipe 60”) / $800 / $800,000.00
6 / 8 / EA / Construct Manhole Pipe to Pipe per SPPWC Std. Plan No. 320-1 (mandatory per CA requirements) / $3,000 / $24,000.00
7 / 10 / EA / Construct Catch Basin (collection basins for water to dump into the pipes) / $6,000 / $60,000.00
8 / 720 / SF / Remove Existing and Construct Local Catch Basin Depressions / $10 / $7,200.00
9 / 500 / LF / Remove Existing and Reconstruct New Curbs and Gutters / $50 / $25,000.00
10 / 3,600 / SF / Sawcut and Remove Existing and Replace New 6" Asphalt Concrete / $3 / $10,800.00
11 / 1,000 / SF / Sawcut & Remove Existing & Construct New P.C.C. (Portland Cement Concrete) Driveway Approaches / $10 / $10,000.00
12 / 200 / LF / Construct 30" Diameter Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Drain Line / $200 / $40,000.00
13 / 10 / EA / Install Bioretention Filteration system (engineered water treatment device at each catch basin) / $20,000 / $200,000.00
14 / 10 / EA / Construct P.C.C. Collars / $800 / $8,000.00
15 / 1 / LS / Traffic Control and Temporary Striping (while the project is under construction) / $40,000 / $40,000.00
16 / 1 / LS / Install Traffic Striping, Signing, Pavement Legends and Raised Pavement Markers (at project completion) / $30,000 / $30,000.00
17 / 1 / LS / Upgrade Bio-swale (engineered grass ditch to catch water) / $97,000 / $97,000.00
18 / 200 / CY / Over-Excavation (removal of excess dirt when digging for the new drainage pipe) / $65 / $13,000.00
19 / 1 / LS / Trench Compaction (compacting remaining soil in the trench) / $50,000 / $50,000.00
20 / 100 / TON / Crushed Miscellaneous Base (crushed rock under the new drainage pipe) / $50 / $5,000.00
21 / 1 / LS / Final Engineering (design, review, drawings) / $450,000 / $450,000.00
22 / 1 / LS / CEQA (EIR, consultant and review) / $50,000 / $50,000.00
23 / 1 / LS / Construction Management (In-house project administration) / $500,000 / $500,000.00
TOTAL / $4,000,000