Risk Factors and Indicators of Influence

Risk Factors / Indicators of Influence
Community Risk Factors:
Availability of Alcohol and Drugs / High Alcoholic Beverage Sales by Location, Trends in Exposure to Drug Use, Perceived Availability of Drugs
Availability of Firearms / Firearms in the Home, Firearms Sales
Community Crime / High Number of Weapons-Related Charges, High Violent Crime Rate, High Number of Arrests for Driving Under the Influence, High Number of Adult Drug/Alcohol Related Arrests, High Adult Property Crime Arrests, High Murder Rate, High Volume of Gang-Related activity reported by law enforcement
Social and Physical Disorder / High Number of Hate Crimes, Poor External Housing Conditions, Vandalism, Condemned Buildings
Community Instability / Low Home Ownership Rates, High Number of Rental Occupied Housing, High Number of Property Vacancies, High Number of Children Moving
Low Community Attachment / Low Number of Population Voting in Congressional and Presidential Elections
Economic Deprivation / Children/Families Living Below Poverty Level, High Number of Single Parent Household Families, High Number of Food Stamp Program Recipients, High Number of Youth Participating inFree and Reduced Lunch Program, High Unemployment Rate, High Number of Individuals Without Health Insurance, and High Number of Children Without Health Insurance.
School Risk Factors:
Academic Failure / Student Reading, Math, and/or Science Proficiency is below the National Average
Negative Attitude Toward School / Chronic Absenteeism, High Rate of Truancy/Drop Outs, High Rate of Suspensions/Expulsions
Inadequate School Climate / High Rights of Violence/Crime on School Grounds, Physical Decay of School
School Dropout / Event Dropout, Status Dropout
Family Risk Factors:
Family History of Problem Behavior / Low Rate of Literacy, Pregnant Mothers using Drugs/Alcohol, Babies born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Family Management Problems / Children Without Adult Supervision, Lack of Parental Involvement In School
Child Victimization and Maltreatment / Reported Child Abuse and Neglect Cases, Unpaid Child Support, Requests for Social Service Intervention
Family Conflict / Domestic Violence (Arrests, 911 Calls), Divorce, Intimate Murders
Peer Risk Factors:
Gang Involvement / Gang Activity Participation, Police Reports of Youth Gang Activity, Perceived Peer Gang Involvement
Peer Alcohol, Drug Use, and Delinquency / Reported Use of Alcohol and Drugs by Friends, Violent Friends