

Chocolat is a 2000 British-American romantic comedy-drama film based on the novel of the same name by Joanne Harris. Chocolat tells the story of a young mother, played by Juliette Binoche, who arrives at the fictional, repressed French village of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes in 1959 with her six-year-old daughter and opens La Chocolaterie Maya, a small chocolaterie. Her chocolate quickly begins to change the lives of the townspeople. It should be noted Juliette Binoche is one of the most recognized international movie actresses. The movie also has well-known actors/actress: Johnny Depp, Judi Dench and Alfred Molina.

The movie was nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress.

·  Read Leviticus 19:33-34; 2 Chronicles 6:32-33; and Luke 4:16-22

·  How is each character imprisoned in some way:

o  Comte: mayor

o  Vianne: lead character

o  Armande: landlord, mother and grandmother

o  Caroline: daughter and mother of the gifted, but suppressed son

o  Josephine Muscat: abused wife

o  Pere Henri: priest

o  Roux: pirate

·  What do you think of the use of pagan elements in telling the story?

·  How are the Gospels reduced to morals and to the church members’ views?

·  What can we learn from the practice of Lent shown in the story telling?

·  How does liberation come to the characters?

·  Pay attention to the conversation between Vianne and Roux on the boat and the meanings behind the conversation.

·  What signs of the Passion narrative and Easter do you see in the story and the characters?

·  What are the lessons of discipleship in the movie?

·  The town is Christian in its appearance but what is lurking underneath it?

·  What is the symbolism when the North wind blows open the church doors? What is the symbolism when Conte shuts the church doors?

·  What are your thoughts on the priest’s Easter sermon?

·  What is the symbolism of Vianne’s choice of clothes and colors?

·  Is Vianne a Christ-like figure? If so, why is she and/or what does she do? If not, why not?

PG-13 Sexual elements, domestic violence