From: Todd O'Shell

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 2:14 PM

To: 'alexander, e'; 'anderson, j'; 'andreassi, l'; 'armato, j'; 'backstrom, j'; 'bagin, r'; 'baker, d'; 'barney, m'; 'becker, v'; 'belcher, s'; 'belsak, h'; 'bernarding, b'; 'berzonski, b'; 'betz, j'; 'bisney, k'; 'bittle, p'; 'blake, j'; 'bollinger, m'; 'bonnar, c'; 'boren, j'; 'bower, m'; 'bradley, t'; 'briceland, r'; 'brody, m'; 'bruce, s'; 'bunnick, j'; 'casello, d'; 'casper, j'; 'catherman, m'; 'check, d'; 'choplecki, s'; 'clark, d'; 'cohrs, c'; 'connolly, c'; 'cooker-pace, c'; 'costanzo, s'; 'cowburn, l'; 'crawford, p'; 'cummings, m'; 'curley, m'; 'curtze, m'; 'davies, d'; 'davis, m'; 'deemer, r'; 'dininno, m'; 'dominy, b'; 'donohue, l'; 'dorshmer, k'; 'dull, j'; 'eaken, p'; 'eberl, m'; 'ed, j'; 'edwards, g'; 'etter, s'; 'evans, k'; 'falonk, a'; 'farnum, m'; 'feller, l'; 'flotta, v'; 'forrest, m'; 'frey, d'; 'garber, a'; 'gathers, w'; 'giannini, k'; 'gibbs, t'; 'gillmer, r'; 'goldberg, j'; 'golofski, s'; 'gomez, j'; 'graybeal, a'; 'greco, s'; 'greenawalt, l'; 'greth, l'; 'greto, j'; 'gruber, k'; 'guthrie, s'; 'hafler, m'; 'haley, m'; 'harder, s'; 'hartman, l'; 'harvey, j'; 'hathhorn, r'; 'hazen, j'; 'heiberger, l'; 'heintzman, j'; 'herr, k'; 'herrmann, m'; 'hershey, a'; 'hess, n'; 'higgins, d'; 'hillard, p'; 'himes, j'; 'hinish, t'; 'hippert, l'; 'holliday, a'; 'hood, j'; 'horrocks, j'; 'jamison, e'; 'jewett, b'; 'johnson, k'; 'jones, b'; 'jones, k'; 'kanagy, b'; 'kaufman, k'; 'keeler, p'; 'kelliher, e'; 'kennedy, p'; 'king, s'; 'kish, r'; 'klein, m'; 'klibert, a'; 'kolenchak, t'; 'kolonay, d'; 'lane, s'; 'lauro, m'; 'leiphart, l'; 'lemon, s'; 'liberaski, c'; 'linch, a'; 'little, e'; 'lloyd, k'; 'long, j'; 'masullo, j'; 'mccaffery, d'; 'mccartney, c'; 'mccool, m'; 'mcelroy, g'; 'mcgalla, n'; 'mcglone, p'; 'mchugh, s'; 'mcvey, l'; 'miller, a'; 'miller, f'; 'miller, j'; 'miller, s'; 'milner, j'; 'mischler, m'; 'mohn, k'; 'mooney, w'; 'moore, v'; 'morgan, m'; 'murphy, b'; 'new, b'; 'newell, k'; 'nichols, w'; 'norman, m'; 'novey, d'; 'noyes, d'; 'odenthal, n'; 'oelschlager, b'; 'oneal, a'; 'oshell, t'; 'oshell, t'; 'pakula, s'; 'perotti, j'; 'pesare, m'; 'pete, g'; 'peters, k'; 'phy, s'; 'pontz, p'; 'poore, d'; 'posner, m'; 'potteiger, c'; 'pritts, j'; 'quinn, j'; 'raffel, l'; 'rapant, p'; 'rhoades, c'; 'rhoades, l'; 'rhue, j'; 'rismiller, k'; 'roberts, h'; 'robinson, s'; 'rockwood, s'; 'rometo, a'; 'rowe, r'; 'rupert, j'; 'russo, l'; 'ruth, r'; 'salatto, a'; 'sardon, j'; 'scalise, f'; 'schwoebel, j'; 'scott, w'; 'sensenig, b'; 'shaneyfelt, j'; 'sherman, d'; 'shewell, s'; 'shingle, m'; 'skrocki, s'; 'smith, d'; 'smith, h'; 'smith, k'; 'smith, l'; 'smith, m'; 'smith-wood, l'; 'snyder, r'; 'spencer, s'; 'spotts, j'; 'stanfield, w'; 'stewart, d'; 'szish, j'; 'tabachini, s'; 'tantillo, m'; 'tedesco, r'; 'thompson, s'; 'tourre, m'; 'tylutki, l'; 'vandrew, a'; 'veverka, c'; 'viglianti, a'; 'vojtko, t'; 'waber, p'; 'walker, j'; 'wallace, m'; 'weir, k'; 'witmer, g'; 'yorty, s'; 'young, d'; 'zablotsky, s'; 'zanella, c'; 'zaslow, n'; 'zastawniak, j'; 'zimmerman, l'

Subject: March 30 e-Comm Alert

e-Comm Alert March 30, 2007–Vol. 2, #27

A Weekly Bulletin of News and Notes for Members of the Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association

PenSPRA…A Blue Ribbon Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association

Inside this week…

1.  Bylaws Revision Approved by NSPRA

2.  PenSPRA Central Meeting April 19th

3.  Continuous Cycle of Communication Available

4.  Get Your Healthy Habits Posters

5.  Three Saturdays to PR Excellence

6.  Internal Communication Request Reminder

7.  Job Vacancy – Montgomery County IU 23

8.  Additions to Membership Directory

1. Bylaws Revision Approved by NSPRA

NSPRA approved the PenSPRA Bylaws Revision at their March 23rd Executive Board meeting. Attached is a final and approved copy of the Bylaws, which go into effect immediately. Thanks to all who assisted in this effort.

2. PenSPRA Central Meeting April 19th

Mark your calendars for a PenSPRA Central Lunch-Time Gathering! The meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2007 at the Ruby Tuesday restaurant, York Galleria Mall. Bring your best ideas, your biggest headaches or concerns, your toughest questions and samples of some of your favorite District publications! The floor will be open to discuss what suits YOUR needs most. A flyer on the meeting is attached.

3. Continuous Cycle of Communication Available

A PenSPRA and PASBO collaboration is now in written form and available to help in your Act 1 communication efforts. The “Continuous Cycle of Communication – Living with Referendum” booklet is available for $15 and is an excellent resource for district to use in preparing their upcoming Act 1 communication plans. “Continuous Cycle” provides an Act 1 primer, communication tools to engage the community, information on getting a campaign started, the four phases of a campaign, and a campaign case study. To order, or for more information, contact Julie Maurer at the PenSPRA offices at or 412-394-5831. Supplies are limited, so order today!

4. Get Your Healthy Habits Posters

Healthy Habits postersare now available from PenSPRA and are a great communication value. Three different posters have been developed that can be placed in school buildings and provide tips on how to stop the spread of germs (click here to view a PDF sample). Posters are 8.5 x 11” printed in full color on coated card stock. The posters are being sold for $2.00 per set of 3 posters, plus shipping (see below). Orders are being accepted for whole sets (all 3 posters) with a minimum order of 10 sets. To order, or for more information, contact Julie Maurer at the PenSPRA offices at or 412-394-5831 (see shipping info below).

Shipping costs are as follows: 10 sets-$4.95; 11-20 sets-$5.10; 21-30 sets-$6.05; 31-40 sets-$6.75; 41-50 sets-$7.30

5. Three Saturdays to PR Excellence

The Philadelphia Chapter of PRSA will host “Three Saturdays to PR Excellence” on April 14, 21 and 28. This professional development primer and refresher for all levels has been extremely popular the previous three years; it is highly recommended for professionals just starting out in their PR careers; professionals from other disciplines who have been asked to take on a PR role; or more senior executives who are looking to sharpen their skills in areas such as communications theory, research, ethics, and media relations. “Three Saturdays” also serves as the Philadelphia Chapter's review course for APR candidates. For more information, visit

Thanks Marci Davis for sharing.

6. Internal Communication Request Reminder

Member Linda Heiberger from the Eastern Center for Arts and Technology is seeking information on how districts communicate internally. She is trying to find best practices on internal communications and software used to accomplish the task. If you have information you can share with Linda, email her at .

7. Job Vacancy – Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23

The Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23 (near Norristown, PA) is searching for a Director of Communications. See attached job position advertisement for more information. Position is open until successfully filled.

8. Additions to Membership Directory

Below is revised member information since the directory was printed. Please make the appropriate changes to your directory.

Bill Jones e-mail –

Marilyn Posner email –

Tina Vojtko email –

Below are members who joined since the directory was printed. Welcome to all new members!!! Please make the appropriate changes to your directory.

Julie Backstrom

Public Information Specialist

State College Area School District

131 W. Nittany Ave.

State College, PA 16801 Ph: 814-272-8600

Email: Fx: 814-231-1047

Kristopher Dorshimer

Information Technology Administrator

Monroe Career & Technical Institute

P.O. Box 66, Laurel Lake Drive

Bartonsville, PA 18321 Ph: 570-629-2001

Email: Fx: 570-629-9698

William Mooney


82 S. Rolling Road

Springfield, PA 19064 Ph: 610-742-5032

Email: Fx: 610-938-6005

Silvia Rockwood

Library Supervisor

Chambersburg Area School District

435 Stanley Avenue

Chambersburg, PA 17201 Ph: 717-261-3477

Email: Fx: 717-261-3427

Josh Schwoebel

Director of Communications

Mars Area School District

545 Route 228

Mars, PA 16046 Ph: 724-625-4589

Email: Fx: 724-625-3499

If you have an item for e-Comm Alert, contact Todd O’Shell or Patricia Kennedy (contact information below).

Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association (PenSPRA)

Todd O’Shell, President – South Butler County School District, (724) 352-1700, ext. 1604

Jessica Long, Vice-President – Hempfield School District, (717) 898-5539,

Linda Andreassi, Secretary/Treasurer – Seneca Valley School District, (724) 452-6040,

Patricia Kennedy, Executive Director – Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3, (412) 394-5777,