Algebra I Grading Policy and Syllabus
Mrs Donatelli • 2015-2016
Text: Algebra (Holt McDougal 2007)
Website: (username and password required)
1st Grading Period3rd Grading Period
Foundations for AlgebraQuadratic Functions and Equations
Equations Data Analysis and Probability
2nd Grading Period4th Grading Period
Linear FunctionsExponential and Radical Functions
Exponents and PolynomialsRational Functions and Equations
Factoring Polynomials
Grading Scale
93 – 100A
85 – 92B
77 – 84C
70 – 76D
Below 70F
TESTS: A 100-point test will be given at the conclusion of each chapter.
QUIZZES: Section Quizzes will be given after every 2 or 3 lessons and vary in points.
Homework Quizzes may be given after any lesson and may be unannounced.
NOTEBOOK: Each student is expected to keep a 3-ring binder for Algebra and bring it to class everyday. Notebooks (worth 50 points) must have four (4) page dividers and be organized in the following manner.
1.) Class notes
2.) Homework
3.) Practice and Other
4.) Important Papers
HOMEWORK: All homework assignments are expected to be completed by the student. It is the student's responsibility to use the homework to master the content. Homework will be kept in Algebra 3-ring binder. Some homework will be checked for effort.
IN-CLASS PRACTICE: Students will earn points for using class time appropriately (up to 10 points per week). This means independent work time, cooperative group work, and participation. Students can not earn points unless they are present in class, therefore good attendance is imperative. Students will be “excused” if absent, but must make-up any homework, tests or quizzes. Students may lose points if they do not come prepared with class materials, do not work productively or follow directions, or are disruptive to others' work time.
OTHER: Grades may be given for group work, computer lab assignments, or other assignments. Extra credit points can be earned for demonstrating work or other types of participation.
CLASS MATERIALS: Bring to class every day your textbook, Algebra binder, pencil/eraser, and calculator. A graphing calculator is recommended but a scientific calculator is acceptable.
MAKE-UP POLICY: Students must see me the day they return from an absence or field trip to schedule a make-up test/quiz. Students are responsible for any class notes missed and should always check Progress Book for missed homework.
PROGRESS BOOK: Grades will be updated once a week and students are encouraged to check their progress frequently. Homework assignments will be posted in advance on this website and on the classroom assignment board.
ONLINE CLASSROOM: Check for updates and class announcements and please e-mail me with any questions or concerns. ( )
CALAMITY DAY/SNOW DAY: All students are expected to check my online classroom for any announcements regarding reminders about assignments, rescheduling of quizzes/tests, or a possible "blizzard bag" assignment.
I am available for assistance during the following times: after 7:15 am through homeroom, 3rd period, 7th period, 9th period, or immediately after school on some days. I may not always be in my room so please give me advance notice if possible.