Curriculum Vita


Associate Professor and Director of the Flight Research Laboratory

Department of Aerospace Engineering

2120 Learned Hall, University of Kansas

Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2221

785-864-2964 FAX: -3597


B.S. Engineering Mechanics, 1972, USAF Academy, distinguished graduate (summa cum laude)

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1978, Ohio State University

Thesis: “Free Vibration of Fixed-Fixed Plates with an Edge Notch”, George Sutherland, advisor

Ph.D. Engineering Mechanics, 1983, Ohio State University

Dissertation: “Free Vibration Analysis with Beam Models which Include Bending Warping, Torsion Warping and Anticlastic Bending Effects”, Arthur Leissa, advisor


197276: Turbine Engine Design Analyst, Propulsion and Power Directorate, Aeronautical Systems Division (ASD/ENJ), Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio

197678: Propulsion Staff Officer, Engineering Directorate, Logistics Operations, Air Force Logistics Command Headquarters (HQ AFLC/LOE), WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio

197880: Instructor of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (HQ USAFA/DFCEM), USAF Academy, Colorado

198083: Doctoral Student, student of Professor Arthur W. Leissa, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Ohio State University

198389: Tenure Associate Professor of Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics (HQ USAFA/DFEM), USAF Academy, Colorado

1989-90: Chief, Analysis and Optimization Branch, Structures Division, Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright Research and Development Center (WRDC/FIBR), Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

1990-1992: Senior Research Engineer, Analysis and Optimization Branch, Structures Division, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright Laboratory (WL/FIBRA), Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio

1992-present: Associate Professor (and Chairman, 1999-2012), Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas


·  Aerospace Engineering Outstanding Educator Award, 1994

·  Henry E. Gould School of Engineering Outstanding Educator Award, 1994


·  Structural dynamics and structural acoustics of high performance light-weight structures

·  Structural design subject to strength and stiffness constraints


Curriculum Vita: Mark S. Ewing


·  Ho-Jin Hwang, “The Response of Thin-Walled Structures to Internal Blasts Including Crack Propagation”, MS, May 1995

·  Saied Mirsafian, “Forced Vibration of Two Beams Joined with a Nonlinear Rotational Joint”, PhD, May 1996

·  Kevin C. Downs, “Aircraft Conceptual Design Optimization Using Genetic Search Based on Return on Investment”, MS, May 1996

·  Alexander Kling, “Acoustic Response of a Cylinder to Point-Excitation”, MS, Dec 1997

·  Yahya Yilmaz, “Numerical Studies of Fibrous Composites from the View Point of Fiber-Matrix Interface and Fiber-Matrix Bonding”, PhD, December 1999

·  Ho-Jin Hwang, “Structural and Acoustic Responses of Beams and Plates Considering Various Damping Techniques”, PhD, May 2000

·  Ashok-Ghandi Pavannasam, “Optimization of Constrained Layer Damping Treatments in Sandwich Composites”, MS, May 2007

·  Sio, WanNok, “Statistical Energy Analysis of Sandwich Composite Cylinders with Constrained Layer Damping Treatments”, MS, August 2007

·  Siegele, K., “Meridian UAV Avionics Design”, MS, December 2007

·  Lusk, J., “Wing and Fuselage Structural Optimization Considering Alternative Materials”, MS, May 2008

·  Nunez, D, “J-Integral Computations for Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics in an hpk Mathematical and Computational Framework”, MS, May 2008.

·  Liu, W, “Experimental and Analytical Estimation of Damping in Beams and Plates with Damping Treatments, PhD, Dec 2008.

·  Vatti, K.K., “Damping Estimation of Light Weight Structures for Statistical Energy Analysis”, MS, May, 2010

·  Dande, H.A.,“Panel Damping Loss Factor Estimation Using The Random Decrement Technique”, MS, May 2011

·  Katipally, A.C.R., “Damping Estimation for Plates Joined at a Point Using Statistical Energy Analysis”, MS, August 2011

·  Jayachandran, S.A.K., “Evaluation of Loss Factors and Coupling Loss Factors for Plates Using Statistical Energy Analysis”, August, 2011

·  Dande, H.A.,“Evaluation of Loss Factor Estimation Techniques for Free Hanging Mechanically Excited Flat Panels”, PhD, May 2013 (graduation requirements satisfied 6 Feb 2013)


·  Reviewer for Journal of Sound and Vibration, Applied Mechanics Review, ASCE Journal of Mechanics and AIAA Journal

·  Senior Member, AIAA

·  Member, American Academy of Mechanics

Attached: Publications, Presentations, Detailed Professional Experience, Teaching Experience & Etc.


Archival Journals:

Shahady, P.A., Lyon, C.A., Chopin, M.A., Shauer, J.J. and Ewing, M.S., "Effects of Modulated Blade Spacing on Static Rotor Acoustics and Performance," AIAA Progress in Aeronautics, Vol 38, 1975.

Leissa, A.W., and Ewing, M.S., "Comparisons of Beam and Shell Theories for the Vibrations of Thin Turbomachinery Blades," Transactions, ASME, Journal of Engineering for Power, Vol 105, No 2, 1982.

Ewing, M.S., Leissa, A.W., and Hinger, R.J., "On the Validity of the Reduced Bending Stiffness Method for Laminated Composite Plates," Composite Structures, vol 9, no 4, pp 301317, 1988.

Ewing, M.S., "Another Second Order Beam Vibration Theory: Explicit Bending Warping Flexibility and Restraint," Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 137, no 1, pp 43-51, 1990.

Ewing, M. S., and Mirsafian, S., “Forced Vibration of Two Beams Joined with a Nonlinear Rotational Spring: Clamped and Simply-Supported End Conditions”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 193, no 3, pp 483-496, 1996.

Ewing, M. S., “Response of a Tactical Missile to Convected Aerodynamic Excitation”, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol 33, no 3, pp 360-365, 1996.

Liu, W. and Ewing, M.S., “Experimental and Analytical Estimation of Loss Factors by the Power Input Method, AIAA Journal, vol 45, no 2, pp 477-484, 2007.

Cordill, B.D., Seguin, S.A., Ewing, M.S., “Shielding Effectiveness of Carbon-Fiber Composite Aircraft using Large Cavity Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 62, no. 4, pp 743-751, April 2013.

Villa, M, Hale, R.D. and Ewing, M.S., “Effects of Fiber Volume on Modal Response of Through-thickness Angle Interlock Textile Composites”, Open Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.4, No.1, 2014.

Emily Arnold, Jie-Bang Yan, Richard D. Hale, Fernando Rodriguez-Morales, Prasad Gogineni, Jilu Li, and Mark Ewing, “Effects of Vibration on a Wing-Mounted Ice Sounding Antenna-Array”, LAP Lambert virtual journal, Feb 2014.

National and International Conference Proceedings (Research):

Fisher, C.A., Ewing, M.S., and Leissa, A.W., "Vibrations of Antisymmetrically Laminated Composite Plates Subjected to Normal Inplane Initial Stress," Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Composite Structures, Paisley College of Technology, Paisley, Scotland, 2729 Jul 1987.

Ewing, M.S., and Venkayya, V.B., "Structural Identification Using Mathematical Optimization Techniques", Proceedings, 32nd AIAA Structures, Dynamics and Materials Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 8-10 April, 1991, pp 840-845.

Ewing, M.S., and Kolonay, R., "Dynamics Structural Model Modification Using Mathematical Optimization Techniques," Proceedings, Computer-Aided Optimum Design (OPTI '91), Boston, Massachusetts, 24-26 June, 1991, pp 285-295.

Ewing, M.S., "Structural Identification Using Mathematical Optimization Within a Production Finite Element Analysis Code", Proceedings, ADPA/AIAA/ASME/SPIE Active Materials and Adaptive Structures Conference, Alexandria, Virginia, 5-7 Nov 91, pp 372-373.

Ewing, M.S., Chrostowski, C., and Hasselman, T.K., "Comparison of Popular Finite Element Updating Techniques", Proceedings, AIAA Structural Dynamics Specialists Conference, Dallas, Texas, 13-15 April, 1992.

Ewing, M.S., Kivity, J. and Lenselenk, H., "Internal Blast Response of a Ring-Reinforced, Thin-Walled, Right Circular Cylinder: Analysis and Test", Proceedings, FAA Aircraft Hardening and Survivability Symposium, Atlantic City, NJ, 11-13 Aug 1992.

Ewing, M. S., "Response of a Tactical Missile to Aerodynamic Excitation", Proceedings, 36th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 10-13 April 1995.

Ewing, M. S., and Hwang, H., "Damage Propagation in Thin-Walled Structures Due to Internal Blast", Proceedings, 36th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 10-13 April 1995.

Ewing, M.S., Arnold, A., Asadi, M., and Saripalli, S., “Polymer Matrix, Woven Fabric Composite Manufacturing Process Design with Melt-Out Mandrels”, Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Composites Engineering, New Orleans, 21-23 August, 1995.

Ewing, M. S., “Design of an Aircraft Wingbox with a Genetic Search Algorithm”, Proceedings, 37th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Seattle, WA, April, 1996 [AIAA-96-1536].

Sim, P., Lim, T.W., and Ewing, M.S., and Swearingen, J.D., “Structural-Acoustic Interaction Modeling with Passive Damping Materials for Interior Noise Abatement”, Proceedings, 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Toulouse, France, 2-4 June 1998.

Farokhi, S., Mirsafian, S., Sherwood, T., and Ewing, M. S., “Prediction of Asymmetric Buffet Load on Horizontal Stabilizers in Massively Separted Flows”, Proceedings of the 21st ICAS Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 3-18 September, 1998.

Ewing, M.S., Yilmaz, Y.I. and Hale, R., “Using a Simple Concentric Cylinder Model to Interpret Failure Stresses in a Single Fiber Fragmentation Test”, Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Composites Engineering, July 2-8, 2000, pp 217-218.

Landes, J., Hale, R.D., and Ewing, M.S., “Dynamic Structural Response of a Fiber Reinforced Plastic Telescope Mirror” Proceedings, 24th International Modal Analysis Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 30 Jan-12 Feb 2006.

Liu, W. and Ewing, M.S., “Experimental and Analytical Estimation of Loss Factors by the Power Input Method, Proceedings, 47th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 1-4 May 2006, Newport, RI.

Liu, W. and Ewing, M.S., “Particle Damping of Composite Honeycomb Beams by the Power Input Method”, Proceedings, 48th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Honolulu, HI, April 2007.

Donovan, W.R., Hale, R.D., Ewing, M.S., and Siegele, K., “The Design and Development of the Onboard Systems for the Meridian Unmanned Aircraft”, Proceedings, Infotech at Aerospace, 2007 (also AIAA-2007-2745).

Liu, W. and Ewing, M.S., “Estimating Particle Damping of Honeycomb Sandwich Plates Using a Fluid Analogy”, Proceedings, 49th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April 2008, Shaumberg, IL.

Liu, W. and Ewing, M.S., “Predicting Damping Loss Factors for Beams and Plates with Constrained Layer Damping”, Proceedings, 49th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April 2008, Shaumberg, IL.

Hale, R.D., Ewing, M.S., Taghavi, R., Colgren, R., Downing, D.R., “Vertical Integration of Virtual and Actual UAV Prototyping in the Aerospace Engineering Curriculum”, Proceedings, AUVSI Unmanned Systems North America, 10-12 June 2008, San Diego, CA.

Ewing, M. S., Dande, H., and Vatti, K., “Validation of Panel Damping Loss Factor Estimation Algorithms Using a Computational Model”, Proceedings, 50th AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Palm Springs, CA, May 2009.

Ewing, M. S., “Damping of Engineered Structures”, Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Vibrations Of Continuous Systems, Zakopane, Poland, July 2009, pp 15-17.

Dande, H. and Ewing, M. S.,“Panel Damping Loss Factor Estimation Using the Random Decrement Technique”, Proceedings, 51st AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2010.

Ewing, M. S. and Vatti, K., “Coupling Loss Factor Estimation for Plates Joined along a Line: Analysis and Experiment”, Proceedings, NoiseCon 2010, Baltimore, MD, April 2010.

Ewing, M. S. and Vatti, K., “Coupling Loss Factor Estimation for Plates Joined at a Point: Analysis and Experiment”, Proceedings, NoiseCon 2010, Baltimore, MD, April 2010.

Ewing, M.S., and Dande, H., “Damping Loss Factor Estimation for Coupled Plates Using Experimental Transient Statistical Energy Analysis”, Proceedings, 52nd AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, 4-7 April 2011.

Hale, R.D., Arnold, E., Ewing, M.S. and Liu, W., “Method for Design and Analysis of Externally Mounted Antenna Fairings in Support of Cryospheric Surveying”, Proceedings, 52nd AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, 4-7 April 2011.

Cordill, B.D., Seguin, S.A., Ewing, M.S., “Shielding Effectiveness of Composite and Aluminum Aircraft, Model, and Measurement Comparison”, Proceedings, 2011 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Binjang, Hangzhou, China, 10-12 May 2011.

Ewing, M.S., and Dande, H., “On When Oscillatory Response of a Structural Element is Not Modal Response”, Proceedings, 8th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Whistler, British Columbia, July 2011, pp 13-15.

Cordill, B.D., Seguin, S.A., Ewing, M.S., “On Reverberation Theory and Carbon-Fiber Composite Aircraft”, Proceedings, 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Conference, Graz, Austria, 13-16 May 2012.

Aziz, M.A., Cordill, B.D., Seguin, S.A., Ewing, M.S., Mamaril, B., Phillips, J. and Pendse, V., “Shielding Effectiveness of Composite Aircraft: A Reverberation Chamber and Virtual Measurement Study”, Proceedings, 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Conference, Graz, Austria, 13-16 May 2012.

Ewing, M.S. and Dande, H.A., “Characterizing Plate Damping Loss Factor Estimation Errors”, Proceedings, 53rd AIAA Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-26 April 2012.

Dande, H.A. and Ewing, M.S., “On the Effect of Mechanical Excitation Position on Panel Loss Factor Estimation with the Power Input Method”, Proceedings, Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD, 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY (paper IN12-1188).

Ewing, M.S. and Dande, H.A., “On the Accurate Estimation of Damping in Structural Elements”, Proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Courmayer, Italy, July 2013, pp 25-27.

Shi, L, Allen, C., Ewing, M.S., Keshmiri, S., Zakharov, M., Florencio, F., Niakan, N. and Knight, R., “Multichannel Sense-and-Avoid Radar for Small UAVs”, Proceedings, 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, October 6-10, 2013. Syracuse, NY.

National Conference Proceedings (Education):

Ewing, M.S., Armstrong, T., and Fisher, C.A., "Design of Lightweight Aircraft Structures with a Microcomputer Toolkit," Proceedings, ASEE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1986.

Fisher, C.A., and Ewing, M.S., "A ZeroBased Mechanics Curriculum," Proceedings, ASEE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1986.

Ewing, M.S., and Antoon, F.A., "Using the Apple IIe Microcomputer and the Adalab Interface Card for Transducer Measurement and Process Control," Proceedings, ASEE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, June 1986.

Ewing, M.S., "PCBased Vibration Laboratories at the U.S. Air Force Academy," Proceedings, ASEE Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, June 1988.


Abstracts and Minor Conference Proceedings:

Ewing, M.S., "Free Vibration of Thin, Shallow, Cylindrical Shells with a Beam Model Including Bending Warping and Torsion Warping," Developments in Mechanics, Proceedings of the 19th Midwestern Mechanics Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 9-11 September 1983, vol 13, pp 108-109 . [abstract only]

Nicholls, D.J., Ewing, M.S., and Becker, M.L., "Strength, Toughness and Structural Damping Characterization of Tough, Rubbermodified Epoxy Interlayers in High Stiffness Composites," Proceedings, IndustryUniversity Advanced Materials Conference, Golden, Colorado, 1517 Feb 1987.

Ewing, M.S., and Leissa, A.W., "Accuracy of the Reduced Bending Stiffness Representation of Laminated Composite Plates," Proceedings, Sixth International Conference on Composite Materials, Imperial College, London, England, 2025 July 1987. [abstract and poster]

Ewing, M.S., "Symbolic Algebra Computer Programs in Mechanics", Developments in Mechanics, Proceedings of the 21st Midwestern Mechanics Conference, Houghton, Michigan, August 1989. [abstract]

Ewing, M.S., "Practical Limitations on Updating Finite Element Models Using Mathematical Optimization Techniques", Developments in Mechanics, Proceedings of the 22nd Midwestern Mechanics Conference, Rolla, Missouri, 6-9 October, 1991, pp 570-571.