Teacher Education Co-operation July 30-August 4, 2015
Beijing Normal University – University of Helsinki
Room108, Siltavuorenpenger 5, Helsinki
July 28, Tuesday
Arrival and accommodation in the visiting rooms Töölö Towers of the University of Helsinki. (see attachments sent earlier)
Escort: Pauli Peräinen tel. +358504488903
Casual dinner in Töölönranta. (19:00)
July 29, Wednesday
Visit in the Buildings of the University of Helsinki and National archives.
July 30, Thursday
No scheduled program.
July 31, Friday, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Helsinki
Address: Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, ROOM K108
New ways of assessments and supporting students’ learning
9:00- 9:30 Welcome addresses and Introduction of participants
Professor Hannele Niemi
9:30 – 12:00 Assessment and supporting different learners
The aims: To discuss and search for how we can co-operate in research and teaching/in-service training on the themes related to assessments, especially supportive diagnostic and formative assessments. The special aims are related to the following issues:
· What is meant by a child with special needs (e.g. learning difficulties, low performance, challenging behaviour)
· The principles of inclusion of every child (based on Unicef’s Convention on the rights of the child)
· Early identification of learning difficulties
· Early intervention on learning difficulties
The focus of the session is how assessments can help teachers to find out what kind of support students need in they learning. The Finnish researchers will present their research what they have done in developing assessment tools and intervention programs for low performing children. The Finnish research group is specialized in learning difficulties in mathematics.
· The development of mathematical skills in children and young people
· The background elements in mathematical development (e.g., cognition, motivation/interest factors)
· What is mathematical learning difficulties (incl. dyscalculia, mathematical learning disability, low performance in mathematics)
· What are the background elements in mathematical learning difficulties
· The assessment procedures (theory and practice) related to mathematical learning difficulties (kindergarten and school based)
· The evidence-based intervention-programs related to mathematical learning (kindergarten and school based)
Professor Pirjo Aunio as a coordinator of the morning session
Lunch 12:00 -13:00 in a local restaurant
13:00 – 16:00 New methods and tools for students’ assessments and support for engagement
To discuss and search for how we can co-operate in research and teaching/in-service training on the themes related to new tools and methods of learning assessments.
How to use ply and playfulness for identifying students’ learning?
Professor Kristiina Kumpulainen
LUMA Center - inspiring and supporting youth in STEMlearning
Professor Maija Aksela and Dr. Sakari Tolppanen (the site visit to the center on Tuesday morning)
Small children's video productions in science learning
Jenni Vartiainen
Digital stories as learning artifacts - perspectives for assessment
PhD student Johanna Penttilä & Professor Hannele Niemi
PhD student Johanna Penttilä as a coordinator of the afternoon session
The discussions will provide a basis for teachers’ in-service courses to Chinese teachers.
16:00 – 17:00 Wrap up discussion of the day
Dinner – (based on visitors’ preferences: Chinese or Finnish food)
August 1, Saturday
9:00-10:00 The Finnish education for students’ wellbeing
Professor Markku Niemivirta & Professor Pirjo Aunio & Professor Hannele Niemi
10:00 – 11:00 Role of assessment at different levels of the Finnish educational system
Professor Hannele Niemi & Professor Pirjo Aunio
11:00 – 12:30 Innovative school – Working together for 21st century learning and wellbeing for all students
Tiina Korhonen, Head of Innokas School Development Network
13:00 Lunch in Helsinki (Restaurant Salutorget) and sightseeing (Hannele Niemi & Tiina Korhonen)
August 2, Sunday
Hannele Niemi invites visitors to her home in Järvenpää (Virolahdenkuja 11) and have BBQ there.
Visiting also Finland’s the most well-known composer Jean Sibelius’ home museum Ainola http://www.ainola.fi/eng_index.php’
The music of Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) has had a unique and profound impact on Finnish culture and the image of Finland, upon which it opened up entirely new vistas. His earliest works were produced at a time when Finland needed powerful achievements and stirring feelings for its emergent culture. Sibelius drew on folk music and the folk poetry heritage for the subjects and stylistic materials that were transformed in his fruitful imagination into a highly personal form of artistic expression. In his approach to the European symphonic tradition, he incorporated his own formal solutions and bold tonal language.
School students celebrating Sibelius:
August 3, Monday
Teacher Education Co-operation Planning meeting 03 Aug 2015
Beijing Normal University – University of Helsinki – Fun Academy
9:00-10:00 Visit in Playful Center, Professor Kristiina Kumpulainen
10:00-16:00 Business meetings for concrete planning courses in China
Siltavuorenpenger 5A, room K108
10:30 Welcome, and review of the overall plan (the “big picture”) and BNU comments on the long-term objectives
11:00 Feedback from BNU on the proposed teacher education programs: the five programs proposed in January 2015 and new options based on Friday’s and Saturday’s discussions. There are several options how the courses will be implemented: totally in China, or partly in China and partly in Finland.
· Feed back of objectives and contents – How do they fit with Chinese needs?
· How should the structure be developed?
· Are the programs relevant in short-term? How about longer term?
12:00 Lunch, invited by Professor Jari Lavonen, Head of the Department of Teacher Education
13:00 Design of teacher education co-op programs:
· What teachers do we target and in what order? How many such teachers?
· What are the topics and content that gives the highest added value?
· Which are the programs we should begin with: one of the five programs already proposed, or some of the topics discussed during the meeting in May and July 30-31. (assessment, special pedagogy, mathematics…)
· What are the learning objectives of the selected programs?
· How do we structure the programs: face-to-face tuition vs. online, tuition in Finland vs. in China, length of programs, credits and diplomas?
· How are the programs managed between the Universities: academic steering committee? Joint campus?
14:50 Tea/Coffee break conversation: how can the political level co-operation between China and Finland contribute to our co-operation (Learning Garden agreement, presidential meeting next fall)
15:10 Planning the first concrete steps: what programs can be put in place during 2015?
15:30 Understanding the processes, next steps and schedules on both sides: BNU decision making process, and UH program design process. Contract process and financial aspects of the co-operation. Pricing process for the programs. Role of Fun Academy.
16:00 End of meeting
Professor Jari Lavonen, Professor Hannele Niemi, Pär Andler (Fun Acadmy) and researchers who are involved in courses offered to Chinese teachers.
18:00 Dinner invited by the Vice-Rector Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki
August 4, Tuesday
9:00 – 10.30 Brain researchers supporting learners
The aims: To discuss and search for how we can co-operate in research and teaching/in-service training on the themes how the latest research and new research methods in neuroscience can support learners.
Professor Mari Tervaniemi & PhD student Ritva Torppa
10:30 - 14:00 Visit LUMA Center and meeting summer club students in Viikki Campus, Dr. Sakari Tolppanen
Lunch at the Viikki Campus
August 5, Wednesday: Departure to the airport