February 19, 2007 Regular Meeting (as corrected)
Acton Community Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by President Ray Garwacki
All officers and members were present.
The Minutes of the February 05, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted.
Treasurers Report: Jim Connelly reported a balance of $ 1,294.05
Announcements & Correspondence:
· Michael Hughes discussed a notice that was published in the Country Journal from Mr. Primeaux stating that he was not contacted by the ATC regarding his concerns about the last election. Michael read a letter into the record detailing the attempts that had been made to contact Mr. Primeaux and the invitation for him to address the Council. A copy of the letter was sent to members of the press present at the meeting.
· A letter sent to Mike Meyers from the ATC was returned due to an incorrect address. The letter will be re-sent.
Sheriff Report: Robert Ferrell—Deputy Ferrell –no report
A. Proposed restaurant planned “Little San Gabriel Diner”. Located on Sierra Hwy and San Gabriel Rd. Parking and architectural design plans/elevations were discussed. The parking space calculations requested by LA County were questioned. It was again noted that the project must conform to the Acton CSD design specs. The location and specifications for trails was also discussed. Jacki and Bill will work with the developer to address and hopefully resolve these issues and report back.
B. Dennis Crane, TM 52882, reported on some new changes in his project. He handed out a draft Feasibility Study and copies of the Tract Map. We will discuss after current modifications are made. Schedule tentatively for the 3-5-2007 meeting.
C. Scott Sharitz, returns with a change in his lot split at Via Clarita Rd and McEnnery Ave. (APN 3217-025-016). Info was presented regarding his current plans and project status. Escrow has not closed on the property yet. Jacki will work with him.
D. TM 47282. Larry Tuma discussed a project he will be working onthat has expired. Five lots on ten acres. It is located on the N.E. side of Escondido Cyn. Road between Red Rover Mine Rd. and Jones Canyon. The issue will be lots that are less than the 165’ width. The Council reviewed the expired plan and indicated that we would not support it as it does not comply with the Acton CSD specifications. Larry will review our feedback with his client and return at a later date.
E. Norm Hickling, Supervisor Antonovich’s Field Deputy, presented a LA County Certificate of Appreciation to Larry Smith for his extensive support to the Council and the Community.
Planning & Coordinating: Dick Morris & Bill Davis
A. Nothing additional to report at this time.
Finance/Ways & Means: Jim Connelly --nothing to report
By-laws: Michael Hughes --nothing to report
Trails, Open Space & Recreation: Ray Billet –A/AD Trails Council received a letter from the ADTC
That they don’t have standing to advise re ADCSD issues. More info to follow.
Publicity: Mike Foster--nothing to report
Utilities: Jim Connelly--nothing to report
Community Standards: Mike Hughes -- nothing to report
Beautification: Mike Foster -- nothing to report
Drainage & Roads: Carl Young: --Jacki informed the Council that a bid had been put out to widen Soledad Cyn. Rd. in Acton and the bid specified Curbs and Gutters which does not comply with the CSD. Jacki will follow-up.
Santa Clara River Steering Committee: Ray Billet--nothing to report
Friends of Acton Park Liaison: Mike Foster-- nothing to report
Community Club Liaison: Dick Morris –The 1st Gymkhana, Pancake Breakfast and swap meet
will be held on March 4, 2007.
Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Ray Billet—A Chamber Mixer will be held at Acton Video on
2-22-2007, the Networking Breakfast will be held on
2-23-2007 and a St Patrick’s Day Dinner (sponsored
by Waste Management) will be held on 3-16-2007.
Traffic Committee: Michael and Carl --nothing to report
Library Committee: Mike Hughes --nothing to report
Emergency Response/Disaster Planning: Mike Hughes-- nothing to report
School Board Liaison: Mike Hughes—Mark Distaso, President of the School Board, made a
Presentation to the Council, and the Community members
Present, on the status of our School District. He asked if the
Council would be willing to meet with the School Board and
the Agua Dulce Town Council to discuss the status and plans
for Vasquez High School as well as other School District
issues. The Council expressed their willingness to work with
the School Board. Michael Hughes will work with Mr.
Distaso to identify a date for the meeting.
Open Items: 1. Hauled Water & 2. Arsenic and well standards. –There is still no feedback from LA
County Dept. of Health Services. Michael Hughes moved that a letter be sent to Supervisor Antonovich regarding the lack of response from the Health Dept. The motion carried.
3. CSD interpretations by the County. -No new update.
4. Map extensions of timing that exceed County Ordinances. -No new update
5. Archery Center- Place on next meetings agenda for discussion.
6. CSD Boundaries—a subcommittee reviewed the current boundaries. A general
discussion followed regarding our boundaries. We also discussed the boundaries as
recently outlined in the Country Journal.
7. Waste Management representatives gave a brief presentation of their proposed
changes in their upcoming CUP request. They will be requesting to increase the
volume of trash received from LA and the number of truck trips required to move
that volume. The Council did not take a formal position on their CUP request.
1. A discussion was held regarding the boundaries where information is being gathered by the Agua Dulce Town Council Community Standards Revision Committee relative to revisions in their Standards, as shown in a recent
Issue of the Country Journal. Several motions were discussed. The final motion, made by Michael Hughes was to send a letter to the Ague Dulce Town Council requesting that we meet to discuss boundaries before a formal proposal is made by the ADTC. The motion carried.
OPEN FORUM: None was presented.
Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting, March 5, 2007, @ Acton Community Club @ 7:30 PM.
Planning Meetings have been canceled until further notice.
Adjournment: -The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM
Submitted by:
Michael R. Hughes