Salesforce Two Way Integration


CRM (Salesforce) integration feature was introduced to system to help users organise all the data they have available on customers across different platforms. The CRM Accounts section enables integration of Salesforce CRM software with the system.

Integrating Salesforce CRM with the system will give users the opportunity to improve customer communication and retention as well as enhance customer prospecting and tracking abilities.

With Salesforce CRM software integrated with the system users will be able to manipulate, download and feed data through to the system automatically. This is helpful as both systems become one and it eradicates difficulties of managing two different platforms. Both systems speak to one another and updates take place in real time.

This document will demonstrate how to integrate Salesforce CRM software with the system.

To integrate Salesforce CRM accountwith the system, navigate to Configuration and select CRM accounts from the list and click on Add CRM.

This will display the screen shown below.

Choose the preferred CRM software from the dropdown menu [Currently we only support integration with Salesforce CRM software].

Fill in CRM description, CRM username, CRM password and CRM Token.

Once satisfied with entries please click on Save CRM.

Salesforce CRM Software will now be integrated with the system and data can begin to be imported. Click on Import CRM Data from the Data section in the Navigation bar.

Upon clicking Import CRM Data the system will an option in the form of the window below.

Click on Download Data and select the appropriate information from the two drop down menus that will appear on the screen below.

Select the appropriate [Salesforce] CRM Account and CRM Campaign that needs to be imported to the system and click on Download.

The system will start downloading selected Campaigns from Salesforce CRM software to the system.

The downloaded campaign will be saved as CSV format, converted into XML table when imported to the system.


Once the Salesforce / CRM integration is enabled data can be pushed back from the system to Salesforce. Edits made by the agent in ECN will be automatically saved in the CRM without any delay. The edits saved in ECN will be saved in Salesforce CRM almost immediately as the system and the Salesforce CRM speaks to one another.

Agents are now able to create a new record in ECN and view the newly created record in Salesforce without any delay.

Editing Note Fields

When edits are made on the system, the added information is not pushed back to Salesforce in real time. Edits made in the notes field on ECN would have to be manually instructed to be pushed back on Salesforce.