IHO-EU network WG,5th meeting, 13/14October 2016




Committee of the Regions

Meeting room VMA 845

Rue Van Merlant 2

Participation of the representant of the DG MARE (M Iain Shepherd)

Participation of the Director of EMODNET Secretary, ( M Jan Bart Calewaert)

15.00 / Welcome by representant of the Committee of the Regions CoR (tbc)Approbation of the agenda, aims of the meeting / CoR
15.15 / 1 / Presentation of the CoR and its actions, potential cooperations (tbc) / CoR
15.45 / 2 / Presentation of a new IENWG participant / IIM
Presentation of the main results and debate with DG MARE around the future orientations / France
How to promote IHO standards for acquisition of bathymetric data in coastal zone
How to develop training (learning, e-learning, diffusion of good practices) for the stakeholders in the member states
How to insure, in partnership with the HOs, the validation of bathymetric data in coastal zone to increase the mutualization of useful data for EU maritime policies / All
17.15 / Conclusions of the day / Chairman

Friday 14th October


Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions Offices

14 Rd-Point Schuman

9.00 / 5 / Welcome by representant of the CPMR
Presentation of the CPMR and actions in common with IENWG
Presentation of the tool developed in the coastal mapping project by the CPMR / CPMR
9.30 / 6 / "High resolution seabed mapping" call news / France
9.45 / 7 / Review of actions and decisions
Annex 1; List of actions / Chair
10.15 / 8 / Presentation on European Location Framework. Action A4.6 ( / Norway TBC
10.30 / 9 / LAT in INSPIRE Technical Guidelines for Coordinate Reference Systems and Grid Systems / Chair
10.45 / 10 / Representation of the members of IENWG during the EU Maritime Day in Finland / SW HO
11.00 / 11 / Visit of IHB director and SHOM Director to the Director General MARE / (IHB/France)
11.15 / Break
11.30 / 12 / MSP DIRECTIVE
Discussion on the organization or IENWG representation at the EU expert Group (next meeting in Rostock 17 November) / France
11.40 / 13 / MSP DIRECTIVE
First results from the Simcelt project
Results of the calls for transnational MSP on the Mediterranean and Atlantic (tbc) / France
12.00 / 14 / Call for information from SHOM to the members of the WG
Historical documents of the HOs are a key source of information for the climate change models. The SHOM has started the scanning and interpretation of its huge stock of paper documents : old maps/sheets, tide measurement records… presentation of the project
Questions to the members about their archive documents and their interest in a potential EU-international project / France/All
12.15 / 15 / Recommendations of IENWG to the EU on the way forward to implement conclusions of Coastal mapping project / France/All
12.45 / 16 / Updating work program and Conclusions – next meeting / Chairman
13.00 / End of the meeting