PART 1 – Corrections / Updates to Qs & As already on the website

·  In Section II, Pre-Grant Award, Section C. Certification (1511,1201,1607)

o  Removed Q & A # 3

o  Replaced with the following question and answer:

Question: Does the Governor’s Section 1511 certification cover direct ARRA grants to Indian tribes?

Answer: While in some cases the STIP referenced in the Governor’s Section 1511 certification may include the Tribal transit projects, Tribes are not required to submit the certification described in Section 1511. Section 1511 only specifies that State or local governments must submit a certification; it does not mention ARRA infrastructure investments by tribal governments.

o  Removed Q & A # 4

o  Replaced with the following question and answer:

Question: Must the direct recipient in one of the Insular Areas (Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands) provide a Section 1511 certification for transit projects?

Answer: Yes, if the projects are not included in a Section 1511 certification by the chief executive officer of the insular area. When transit projects in an Insular Area are not included in a certification made at a higher level, an appropriate official should sign a Section 1511 certification and provide a list of the transit projects that have been properly reviewed and vetted as an appropriate use of ARRA funds. DOT will post the certifications received.

·  In Section IV, Post-Award/Closeout/Oversight, Section A. Reporting Requirements

o  Removed Q & A # 1

o  Replace with the following question and answer:

Question: Will the Federal Financial Report (FFR) and Milestone Progress Report (MPR) reporting requirements for ARRA grants be different than current requirements?

Answer: No. In the Federal Register of March 5, 2009, FTA stated that FFRs and MPRs were due 10 days after the end of the quarter. However, effective with the quarter ended 12/31/09 reporting and beyond, FTA will allow recipients of ARRA funding to submit FFRs and MPRs by the 30th day after the end of the calendar quarter. Reports for the quarter ending 12/31/09 are due on January 30, 2010.

PART II – New Questions

None at this time

Revised: 1/15/2010 4:44 PM