MEXXX, OU ME Department Course Assessment Report, 1
Course #: MEXXX / Course Title: XXX / Instructor: XXXYear/qtr: 200X-200X/ X / Prerequisites: XXX
Catalog Description: XXX
Outcomes List, Assessment Summaries, and Ratings
List all of the outcomes assessed in this course and indicate the date of last assessment and the type of assessment (if any)required this quarter. For all outcomes being assessed this quarter provide a summary of assessment findings and an overall rating of whether or not students achieved the outcome, and attach an example of the assessment evidence (including graded copies of marginally acceptable student work). For initial and follow-up assessments, also attach a description of the learning activities and assessment evidence for each outcome.
List the relevant program outcome, for example:[ABET-c] OU ME graduates will demonstrate an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
Assessment rating: The percentage of students who achieved the outcome / rating
List all of the course-level outcomes assessed in this course that support this program outcome, and provide a rating for each. For example:
c.1) Problem solving skills, including the ability to convert an open-ended problem statement into a statement of work and/or a set of design specifications [Competence; ME470; Design]
- Date of last assessment of this outcome (Year/qtr): 200X-0X / X
- Type of assessment required this quarter:__None __Initial __Follow-up __Status
Assessment evidence collected for this outcome: Explain here or reference page # where theevidence is located
Justification for the Assessment Rating for this outcome: Put text here or reference page # where it is located / :
Add additional course outcomes within the program outcome block, or add additional program outcome blocks to cover all outcomes assessed in this course.
Summary of proposed changes (compile all changes described above)
Proposed changes to this course or the curriculum based on this assessment report: (describe changes here or reference page # where info is located.)
Proposed outcomes changes: (change wording, move to a different course…)?
If you would like to recommend changes, describe them here or reference page # where info is located