WashakieCountySchool District #2 School Board MinutesDecember 8, 2008

The regular meeting of the WashakieCountySD #2 Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. byChairman Janette King. Present were board members Jonna Abel, Laura Yaracz, A.J. Jenness,Casey Johnstone and Terril Mills. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Erdahl, Business Manager Jim Mayer, and Administrative Assistant Neysha Lyman. Guests present wereDolleen Grobe, Wende Jenness, Ginger Largent, Jessica Jackson, Georgia Stocklin, Jan Kiefer, George Miller, Mitzi Stephenson, Desiree Taylor and Christin Allen

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Janette King.

Adopt Agenda: Jonna Abel made a motion to adopt the amended agenda, adding Item I under Business Discussion Agenda; Letter of resignation of HS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Guests and Patron Comments:Ginger Largent and Jessica Jackson presented a $15,500 grant award to Mitzi Stephenson at the After School Club and Ten Sleep Community Center.

Reports and Recognitions:

New Board Member Oath of Office: A.J. Jenness, Terril Mills, and Jonna Abel were given the Oath of Office by Chairman Janette King.
Election of Board Officers: Laura Yaracz made a motion for Jonna Abel as Board Chairman. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0. Janette King stepped down from the board. A.J. Jenness made a motion for Terril Mills as Vice Chairman. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0. Terril Mills made a motion for A.J. Jenness as Board Treasurer. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0. Terril Mills made a motion for Laura Yaracz as Board Clerk. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0. Casey Johnstone made a motion for Jonna Abel as NW BOCES Representative. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.
NW Practicum:Jan Kiefer and George Miller from Eleutian Technology discussed with the board the possibility of bringing a student teacher from Korea in to the elementary in conjunction with NW to work on their practicum. Mr. Erdahl said he was fine with bringing in a student teacher.
Relations Committee Update: Wende Jenness, Desiree Taylor, Georgia Stocklin and Christin Allen presented to the board the activities they have completed this year and their objectives for the future.
Technology/Maintenance and Transportation Update: Mr. Erdahl answered questions on the technology and maintenance/transportation reports that were included in the board packets.
Principal’s Report: Mr. Erdahl added comments to the principal report that was included in the packet.
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Erdahl added comments to his report that was included in the packet.

Business (Consent Agenda Items): Minutes of the November 10, 2008 meeting were approved. Board members received copies of the statements and bills for review. A.J. Jennessmade a motion to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 5-0. Authorization to the pay the following vouchers: General Fund warrants #12946-13018 in the amount of $176,521.88; Federal Fund warrants #2577-2585 the amount of $8,587.19; Major Maintenance Fund warrant#1103 in the amount of $820.06; Hot Lunch Fund warrants #902-905 in the amount of $9,291.12; Activity Fund warrants #1693-1698 in the amount of $1,848.97.

Approved prepaid bill: General Fund warrants #12929-12945in the amount of $11,027.58. Federal Fund warrant#2574-2576in the amount of $3,032.47.

Annual designations:

  1. Set time and Place for regularly scheduled Board meetings as the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Board room.
  2. Set location and availability of meeting minutes and notices at the front office and library.
  3. Approve school attorney; Tracy Copenhaver with Copenhaver, Kath, Kitchen & Kolpitchke, as LLC.
  4. Additional meetings will be set as called for by State Statute or special meetings as the board deems necessary to conduct business. Special/extra meetings shall be scheduled and advertised as required by Statute.

Business (Discussion Agenda Items):

Authorize Administration to Advertise for a Principal: Laura Yaracz made a motion to authorize the advertisement of a K-12 principal on January 5th through February 28th. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0.

Select Superintendent Evaluation Form:Terril Mills made a motion to accept form #2 with scale 1-3. Seconded by A.J. Jenness. Motion carried 5-0.

Set Date for Board/Superintendent Evaluation:A.J. Jenness made a motion to set the date of the Superintendent Evaluation and Board self evaluation for January 19th, 2009 at 6 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Preliminary Discussion for Pre-School: Discussion began on the future of the preschool/day care. Ask the community, through the newsletter,on their thoughts or comments of the preschool/day carefuture needs. Would like to have Mary Erdahl tell parents that this is being discussed and receive input from parents who use the preschool/day care.

Receive Bus Bids: Mr. Erdahl explained the process of receiving bus bids. The State will collect all bus bids. He will discuss the bids with Jim Blackburn and Bill Grobe once they are received. The board should be able to review the bids next month.

Placement of student at NW BOCES:A student is being placed at BOCES.

Executive Session: A.J. Jenness made a motion to go into executive session at 8:50 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0. A.J. made a motion to come out of executive session at 9:33 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0. Laura Yaracz read the minutes of the executive session. A.J.Jenness made a motion to approve the minutes of the executive session. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Policy/Procedures Review

Approve Update to Discipline Policy 5.23/5.26 (2nd Reading):A.J. Jenness made a motion to accept Discipline Policy 5.23/5.26 pending approval of wording by the school attorney. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0.

Discuss Policy 8.4 Use of Building Update:Terril Mills led discussion of Policy 8.4.


Accept Resignation of Aaron Abel as High School Boys’ Assistant Coach: A.J. Jenness made a motion to accept the resignation of Aaron Abel as the High School Boys’ Assistant Coach. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Accept Dividing Duties of High School Boys’ Assistant Basketball Coach: Laura Yaracz made a motion to accept dividing the duties of the High School Boys’ Assistant Basketball Coach between Dennis Colbrese and Sarah Novak. Seconded by Casey Johnstone. Motion carried 5-0.

January Board Agenda Items:Board/Superintendent Evaluations. Review Calendar Options. Instructional Team Update. Select Bus Bids.

Meeting Was Adjournedat 9:56 p.m. by Chairman Jonna Abel.



Jonna Abel, Chairman


Neysha Lyman, Board SecretaryLaura Yaracz, Clerk