Please ensure that the student is aware that you are submitting this nomination form and letter as the student will need to also submit material for the nomination package to be considered complete.


First Name: / Last Name:


First Name: / Last Name:
Email: / Phone:
Position Title:

The above student is being considered for the Arts Co-op UBC iSchool Student of the Year Award for the 2016/2017 academic year. Your frank and thoughtful comments about the candidate’s performance in your workplace will assist the Adjudicating Committee in assessing this student’s accomplishments.

Dates of student’s employment in your workplace:

What was the nature of your association with the student? Manager Supervisor Coworker

How well do you know the applicant? Slightly Reasonably Well Very Well

Part I: Accomplishment Ranking

Please rank this student’s accomplishments in comparison to other students or comparable workers you have employed using the table below.

Top 3% / Top 10% / Top 25% / Top 50% / Bottom 50% / Unable to judge
Has sense of responsibility, is productive
Is prompt, dependable, conscientious
Ability to work collaboratively
Respects others
Skillfully and creatively manages resources
Problem-Solving ability
Analyzes problems, has common sense, is decisive
Responds well under pressure, acts on constructive criticism
Is honest, behaves ethically
Understands and respects disparate perspectives
Is flexible, adapts easily to change
Top 3%
percentile / Top 10%
percentile / Top 25%
percentile / Top 50%
percentile / Bottom 50%
Percentile / Unable to judge
Listening Ability
Listens actively, checks for understanding
Willingness to learn
Eager to master new duties and tasks
Written communication skills
Communicates clearly and effectively
Oral communication skills
Communicates clearly and effectively

Part II: Review of Final Co-op Work Term Learning Assignment

During each co-op work term, students complete 5 Co-op Work Term Learning Assignments (including the end of term evaluation)that are reviewed and evaluated by their Co-op Coordinator. These Learning Assignments, completed during their personal time, allow them to build their professional portfolio and network,actively reflect on various aspects of their work term, and enable them to further develop their career goals. For particular assignments, students are asked to consult their supervisor before including specific data, samples of written work, or information about the workplace in their assignment before submission.

The co-op student reviewed theirfinalWork Term Learning Assignment(report, poster, presentation, or video) with you:

No Yes, the student’s final assignment is:

Not Confidential


Note: Assignments marked as confidential will only be read by the UBC iSchool-SLAIS Co-op staff member on the adjudication committee, not the entire adjudication committee, making them difficult to properly evaluate.

Part III: Recommendation Letter

Please attach a letter (2-pages maximum, 1 inch margins, 10-point font minimum) on company letterhead. Your letter is a vital component of the adjudication process; please provide detailed examples and offer insights into the student’s work habits and character where possible. Please answer the following questions in your letter:

  • What were the student’s duties/responsibilities?
  • Did the student have any outstanding work achievements that make this candidate an exemplary co-op student (cost savings, process/quality improvements, design/development innovations, improved customer service, significant research or other initiatives etc.)?
  • How was the student’s performance in comparison to your expectations?
  • How did this student, or co-op students in general, benefit the department/ company?
  • What else would you like us to know about the student’s performance?

Please include your signature at the bottom of the letter, in addition to on this evaluation form

______/ ______
Signature / Date

Please email your completed nomination form and your accompanying letter in PDF formatto 8am on Tuesday,September 5, 2017. The rest of the application package needs to be submitted by the student by this deadline. Details of what the student applicant needs to include in their package can be found here: