Goods transportation in transport sector – isthe volume of goods transported for commercialpurpose by enterprises regardless their type ofownership and organization-legal form havingtransport as a main kind of activity, and natural personshaving activity in road transport.

Goods transportation in non-transportsector - is the volume of loads conveyed for own needswithout having profit from transportation byenterprises rather than transport sector, having activityin other areas (industry, agriculture, etc.) of economy.Transportation by road transport means of nationaleconomy in agriculture are not included to nontransportsector information. After obtain informationfrom examination in this area and correspondinginformation of previous years would correct incollection in next year.

Goods transportation by railway transport– Calculated as the sum of loads conveyed by railwaymeans inside of country including economytransportation and transportation by all types ofworking park; small railway carriages, separate railwaycarriages, route dispatches and containers either byinternal and international lines. This factor calculated

as sum of loads accepted for transportation anddispatches inside of country during report period. Thevolume of loads conveyed by railway means in nontransportsector is calculate on the base of loadsconveyed in other areas of economy by railwaytransport, which are not on the commercial use.

Freight transportation in sea transport ismeasured with the volume of loads sent or accepted byall types of swimming means, ships belonging to state'sshipping enterprises and rented from other owners orforeign shipping enterprises and the sum of loads sent

or accepted is calculated on base of all trips.

Goods transportation in road transport is thesum of work done by lorries, pickups, vans and trailers.Goods transportation in road transport is realized bylegal persons registered as a legal person havingtransport work as a main kind of activity and individual

owners-physical persons having activity in this area.The factors of transport work done by physical personswas determined from the results of sample survey.Load conveyances by motor transport in non-transportsector consists of the loads transported by nontransport

(industry, agriculture, etc.) enterprises.Transportation by road transport means of national

economies in agriculture was not included to nontransportsector information.

Goods transportation by air transport is thevolume of all loads, mail and paid luggage, conveyedby transport aviation and special specialized aviationplanes and helicopters in all flights of internal andinternational lines. The equipment required to do thework by the flight designation of the plane is notincluded to the loads conveyed by special specialized

aviation means.

Pipelines - goods transportation by oil and gaspipes is the volume of oil, oil products and gastransported through pipelines inside of country, alsothe volume of transit loads dispatched from thecountry. Freight transportation by pipelines in nontransportsector is the volume of oil and oil productsdispatched by non-transport enterprises (eg: oilcompanies), enterprises not having transport work as amain kind of activity.

Freight turnover factor in transport sector -is calculated with ton-km according factor toconveyance of the load (ton) by every trip made bytransport means of transport enterprises and naturalperson-individual owner before creating legal personhaving activity in transport sector. This factor iscalculated as the sum of result of multiplication of loadquantity (ton) to freight distance (km) by every trip.

Freight turnover in non-transport sector -is defined by multiplication of load quantity (ton) tofreight distance made by transport means of nontransportenterprises.

Freight turnover in railway transport – iscalculated by the multiplication of transported loadquantity to the shortest distance of freight turnover.Freight turnover by country inland is separatecalculated and summed according every railway lineinside the country.

Freight turnover in sea transport –iscalculated as the of multiplication of transported loadquantity to the shortest distance (measured by a mile)between dispatching harbor and destination harbormade by ships belonging to shipping enterprises orrented from other ship owners. Mile is used as ameasurement unit in sea transport and it equals to 1852

meters in mainland distance.

Freight turnover in motor transport –iscalculated by multiplication of transportation distancelength to load quantity transported in every trip bymotor transport. On the base of this rule ton-km issummed. According to this the turnover of loadtransported by trailers attached to lorries and primemovers is calculated.

Freight turnover in pipelines is the - sum oftransportation (ton-cubic meter) and km. This factor isdefined by multiplying the distance of transportation tothe load actually transmitted. At separatetransmissions the transportation distance (transmissiondistance) is supposed to be multiplited to the loadsactually transmitted and the results are supposed to besummed.

Freight turnover in air transport –iscalculated by multiplying the transportation distance(flight distance) to the tons of loads (including mail andpaid luggage) transported by every trip and summingthe results.

Passenger transportation factor - in transportsector consists of the number of passengers transportedon commercial base by all types of inland andinternational route means, by railway carriages andtrains, ship, bus, taxi, plane and helicopters, also trains,

metro and trolleybuses.

All passengers (including those who havelicense for free going) transported by inland and

international lines are included to the quantity ofpassenger transportation regardless the level of tariffapplied for trip payments.

Passenger transportation in railway -transport consists of the sum of passengers transportedto far distances from all stations and by lines outside ofcity. All passengers sent from own stations of thecountry, came from other countries, also passengers

came to this country by transit way by internationalroutes are considered when this factor is calculated.

Passenger transportation by motortransport - is considered as the number of assengers

transported at international routes and by busses ortaxis inside of country (including city transport)regardless tariffs applied. Passenger transportation inthis type of transport is realized in transport and nontransportsectors. Passenger transportation in transportsector is the activity of transport enterprises andphysical persons before creating juridical unit havingtransport work as main kind of activity. Passengertransportation by physical persons will by included tothe general work of motor transport according to theresults of sample survey.

Passenger transportation by tram,trolleybus and metro transport. The number of

passengers transported by tram and trolleybusses isdefined according to the number of tickets sold.(if thereis a gurard).In transports where there is no guard it isdefined by dividing money obtained from retail sale ofsubscription coupons and tickets to definite tariff.

The number of passengers transported bymetro is calculated according to one time paymentcoins people use to get to platform. Also the number ofprivileged passengers passing through seruiee passisincluded to this guantity.

The number of passengers having license forfree trips by tramway, trolleybus and metro transport isdefined according to the results of sumple survey (eg:once in a half year) or the number of licenses given forfree trip. The number of passengers from all categories

of population having license for free transportation thatare transported at cities is defined according tocalculations and surveys.

Passenger transportation in air transport -all passengers (excluding dispatch of transit passengers, including passenger transportation byordered flights) transported by all types of transportand hospital planes and helicopters of countryaccording to internal and international airlinesregardless of applied tariff.

The number of passengers transported bysea transport - is the number of all passengerstransported in all voyages by own or rented ships. Alsothe passengers transported between foreign harbors bydispatching people abroad or bringing from abroad atforeign ship voyages are included to the sum oftransported passengers.

Passenger turnover in transport sector -characterizes the volume of work of passenger

transportation transport with distance and it ismeasured as passenger-km. Passenger turnover iscalculated by multiplying the number of passengerstransported to transportation distance.

Passenger turnover in railway transport – iscalculated by multiplying the number of passengerstransported during report period to the tariff distance oftheir transportation. Passenger turnover by railwaytransport in the area of country is calculated as the sum

of all passenger turnovers of railways passing from thearea of the country.

Passenger turnover by motor transport –iscalculated by multiplying the number of passengerstransported at internal and international lines to theirtransportation distance. The average transportationdistance of one passenger is defined on the base of onetime sample survey. Passenger turnover at taxis iscalculated by multiplying the loaded run of car to theaverage number of passengers (2 passengersconsidered) transported by one trip and the results aresummed.

Passenger turnover in tramway, trolleybusand metro transport - is calculated by multiplyingthe number of passengers transported to the averagedistance passenger transported. The average distancepassenger transported is calculated according to the

survey (once in 5 years) results of transportation ofpassengers by metro, tramway and trolleybus lines of the city.

Passenger turnover in air transport –iscalculated by multiplying the number of passengerstransported by the planes and helicopters of thecountries aviation transport during report period to thedistance of transportation and the results are summed.

Passenger turnover in sea transport -(passenger-mile) is calculated by multiplying the

number of passengers transported by every voyage tothe distance (mile equals to 1,852 km) of transportationand the results are summed.

Length of ways- Ways are the railways,motor, sea and other ways, also the ways speciallyprepared for electric transport where correspondingtransport means work. The length of roadways isdefined according to technical passport informations oftransport enterprises used for ways. Communicationways on the balance of transport enterprises belongs toways (on the general use) of transport sector. Railway,motorway and other ways belonging to non transportenterprises belong to the ways (not on general use) of

non transport sector.

The length of exploited railway – iscalculated as the sum of separate railway lines and thelength of separate railway lines is determined with thedistance between main way line and stations. Thelength of exploited ways that are not on general use iscalculated according, to the distance starting with thesign “limit of entrance way” till the end of railway. The length of exploited ways which has not exit to generaluse railway net is defined according to way directionsbetween enterprise objects and last point. The length

of diesel locomotive lines and electrified lines areseparately defined from the sum of used railwayswhich are on the general use.

The length of highways on general use. Allthe road net of the country except city streets and roadsbelonging to industry, construction, agriculture andother organizations is included to the length ofmotorways on general use and individual roods are theroads given to enterprises, organizations, unions,official people of agricultural and other organizations for use for technological, special and individual needs.There are firm covered and sand roads according tocover conditions, state important and indigenous

important roads according to the importance of theroad.

Trolleybus lines - are the electrical lines (onair) used for the movement of trolleybus transportmeans. The exploit length of trolleybus lines iscalculated according to double lines and the partdefined for trolleybus transport means. The exploitlength of trolleybus lines is calculated according todouble lines and the part defined for trolleybus routeand for back way is included.

Tramway lines - are the rails supplied for the activity of tramway transport means and for passengertransportation only. The part defined for the back wayalso included in tramway transport.

The length of magisterial oil and oilproduct pipes - is calculated according to the length ofmagisterial pipes passing through the country used forflow of oil and oil products; it’s calculated with kmaccording to single pipes.

The length of magisterial gas pipes – iscalculated as the sums of separate gas pipes consideredto sent gas from pump stations to the industry anddistribute enterprises of the country. The length ofdispose nets sending gas to household consumers is notincluded to this informations; сalculated with kmsaccording to single pipe.