Twin Falls School District
Course/Subject: PHYE 130
Grade: 9-12
Instructor: Rebecca WillsEmail: fice Number: New GYM
Office Phone: (208) 737-5208 ext 3029Office Hours: M-F 12:00-1:30
Course Description: This course is an introduction to spinning also known as Indoor Group Cycling. Spinning is a full-body, low impact, aerobic exercise that can help strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, boost energy, burn off extra fat, tone legs and stomach, reduce stress and tension, and boost peak performance.
COURSE PRE-REQUISITES: To be successful in this course, student attendance and motivation is a must. Students will need: 1) athletic shoes or cycling shoes 2) workout attire (school appropriate)
3) H2O4) Heart Rate Monitor5) Towel
Instructional Philosophy: The goal of this course is to provide students from beginning to intermediate levels with a knowledge base to properly and effectively cycle with cadence rules in mind. By the end of this course students will: 1) improve cardiovascular endurance, strength, and energy levels; 2) know how to set up a spinning bike; 3) know how to properly change hand positions with the different seated and climbing positions; 4) know what their resting and target heart rates are and 5) learn how to cycle in their target heart rate zone to most effectively burn fat.
Power Standards:
Standard 1: Skilled Movement - Students will understand and demonstrate competency in setting up a bicycle and using proper hand and feet techniques in order to achieve the greatest full range of motion during a spinning session.
Standard 2: Movement Knowledge - Students will understand and apply their knowledge of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics in spinning in order to achieve top performance.
Standard 3: Physically Active Lifestyle - Students will be able to participate daily in physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression and/or social interaction.
Standard 4: Personal Fitness - Students will be able to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of fitness.
Standard 5: Personal and Social Responsibility - Students will be able to exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Major Course Projects and Assignments: Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments:
Learning Outcome 1:Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices
Activity: Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge
Outcome Assessment:On-line course evaluation (only for dual credit students)
Learning Outcome 2:Students will improve and/or maintain their level of cardiovascular fitness.
Activity 1:Students will measure their resting heart rates, recovery heart rates and calculate their target heart rates at the different energy zones.
Activity 2:Students will also participate in a wide variety of fitness testing in order to assess their current fitness level throughout the semester. During each workout, students must wear a heart rate monitor.
Outcome Assessment: Pre, mid, and post-assessment.
Learning Outcome 3:Students will improve understanding & knowledge of how a spinning class is designed.
Activity 1:Students will have to teach their spinning segment to a song of choice during the last two weeks of the semester and follow the guidelines that they have been taught all semester.
Activity 2:Student will keep a notebook of all the assignments and projects in class.
Activity 3:Student will take a spinning final at the end of the semester.
Outcome Assessment:Students will be assessed by a departmental rubric for song, portfolio, and final.
Assessment and Grading Plan:
10 pointsDaily Participation from Heart Rate Monitors: student must be in their target heart rate range.
1 / 25:00 / 130-185 / 1:00(4.0%) / 24:00(96%) / 0:00(0%) / 154
2 / 31:00 / 130-185 / 11:00(35.5%) / 20:00(64.5%) / 0:00(0%) / 144
3 / 34:00 / 140-185 / 0:00 (0%) / 7:00(20.6%) / 27:00(79.4%) / 191
4 / 33:00 / 140-185 / 1:00(3%) / 32:00(97%) / 0:00(0%) / 161
5 / 31:00 / 140-185 / 2:00(6.4%) / 19:00(61.3%) / 10:00(32.3%) / 173
100 ptsdressing down (-20 points for each no dress; 5 no dresses = automatic F)
50 points2 Spinning Songs (1 climbing song and 1 fast song)
50 pointsSpinning Final
Grading Scale:
Your final grade will be based upon the following percentages of total points.
90% to 100% A
80% to 89% B
70% to 79% C
60% to 69% D
50% F
Components of the Grade:
- Students will be grade on the effort during each spinning workout which will be based off the heart rate monitors and participating in class.
- A letter grade drop will result for each day a student does not dress down. If a student does not dress down or is truant, then they will not be able to make up the day.
- Students need to come prepared to workout (appropriate workout attire following the school’s dress code policy and workout shoes and H2O) every class period.
- Student must follow the school’s dress code or a no dress grade will be given.
- Students are required to wash clothes everyday or every week. Showers are recommended.
- Make-ups for unexcused and excused absences will take place before school or during SMART.
- After students set up bike and begin warm up, they are to remain on the bike until the cool down in order to receive a proper and adequate workout.
- Students are responsible for transportation to and from CSI.
Policy for Re-Doing Work:
Attendanceis required to be successful in this class. If a student is present in class, then they will be required to workout no matter what.If a student is sick and cannot workout, they should stay home. If a student misses a class (excused or unexcused), it is the student’s responsibility to make up the day. The student has until the last week of classes to complete any absences (no make ups will be allowed during finals week). Only 1 make up per day. Doctors’ excuses will excuse the student from the activity that day, however the student will be required to make p that day in order to receive credit.
A note from parents does not excuse a student from total class participation or from dressing down. We may modify participation to best fit the health needs and concerns of the student. A medical note from a doctor is needed when a student cannot fully participate for more than 3 consecutive days.
Additional Fees:
Each student will need to pay $25 and turn in a permission slip in order to participate in Beginning Spinning. The student will not participate until both the money and permission slips are turned in. This fee will pay for the following: CSI facility, equipment, and heart rate monitor strap. We are aware that students may have financial difficulties; it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their teacher in advance to make arrangements.
CSI email:Since email is the primary source of written communication with students, all registered CSI students get a college email account. Student e-mail addresses have the following format: <address> where <address> is a name selected by the student as a part of activating his/her account. Students activate their accounts and check their CSI e-mail online at Instructors and various offices send messages to these student accounts.Students must check their CSI e-mail accounts regularly to avoid missing important messages and deadlines. At the beginning of each semester free training sessions are offered to students who need help in using their accounts.
Disability Statement: Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at their opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls campus. 208-732-6260 (voice) or 208-734-9929 (TTY) or email .
On-line Course Evaluation Statement: Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in, they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!
Grading Rubric:
CriteriaHeart Rate
Reading / 0-28% / 29-38% / 39-48% / 49-58% / 59-68% / 69-78% / 79-88% / 89-95% / 95 - 100%
Points / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Grade / F / F / F / F / D / C / B / A / A+
Description / Weight Management Zone / Healthy Heart Zone / Healthy Heart Zone / Aerobic
Zone / Anaerobic
Zone / Red Zone
Weight Management Zone (Warm up)--- 40 - 50% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more serious walkers. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!
Healthy Heart Zone (Fat Burning) --- 50 - 70% of maximum heart rate: This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.
Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) --- 70 - 85% of maximum heart rate: The aerobic zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat.
Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) --- 80 - 90% of maximum heart rate: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardio respiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you'll be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.
Red Line (Maximum Effort) --- 90 - 100% of maximum heart rate: Although this zone burns the highest number of calories, it is very intense. Most people can only stay in this zone for short periods. You should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so.