
Professional Indemnity Insurance Scheme for Members of the Independent Pack Providers Association

IPPA Members Home Information Pack Providers Insurance Scheme - PROPOSAL FORM

To proceed with cover please complete this short proposal form and return together with a cheque (made payable to Insurance2day)toInsurance2day Insurance Services Ltd of Turner House, Queen Street, Stourbridge, DY8 1TP

or E-mail: , Tel: 01384 442 165 or Fax: 01384 444 976 to pay by credit or debit card.

Name of Individual or Company(s) incl. any Subsidiary Companies for whom cover is required:
Full Address including Postcode:
Date Established:
Telephone: / Fax: / Email:
IPPA Membership Number:
1) Please provide full details of each Partner/Principal/Director and any Employees who will be compiling Home Information Packs (HIPs) :
N.B. If the majority of principals are not accredited DEAs or HIs please provide copy CVs for referral to insurers
Full Name / Accreditation Date as Domestic Energy Assessor / Accreditation Date as Home Inspector / Status Within Firm (i.e. Principal, Employee etc)
2) / Please provide details of your estimated income and estimated number of Home Information Packs provided for the forthcoming year(please put a ‘x’ in the box for the estimated number of HIPs or state how many HIPs if over 600):
Estimated Annual Income / £
Estimated number of HIPs / Up to 300 / 301-450 / 451-600 / 600 +
N.B. If you exceed the estimated number of HIPs during the course of your policy please notify Insurance2day immediately to upgrade your policy cover
3) / Please provide details of the 5 largest potential clients for the forthcoming year
Client / Estimated Income / Estimated number of HIPs
4) If you require cover for any activities other than the provision of Home Information Packs please provide details.
5) / In respect of HIP completion will you at any time during the course of the policy:
a) Produce your own Energy Performance Certificates / Yes/No:
If Yes, please notethe following endorsement will apply:
It is hereby and agreed that the Insurer shall not have any liability under this policy for, or directly or indirectly arising out of, or in any way involving domestic energy assessments produced by the Insured. All other terms, conditions, exclusions and limitations in this policy remain unaltered.
b) Source the Official Copy Register and Title Plans directly from H.M.Land Registry / Yes/No:
c) Source Drainage & Water searches directly from the relevant water authority / Yes/No:
d) Source Official Searches (including optional searches) and the LLC1 from the relevant local authority / Yes/No:
If Yes, to question 5 d), please provide full details of any previous experience you may have in sourcing this information and/or details of any training undertaken in respect of the sourcing of searches and details of any support systems in place should the situation arise which requires the assistance of a more experienced person.
e) Carry out personal searches / Yes/No:
If Yes, to question 5 e), please give full details:
N.B. Cover cannot be arranged under this scheme for anyone carrying out personal searches
f) Provide any other constituent parts of the HIP (other than as detailed above and the Index and Sale Statement) / Yes/No:
If Yes, to question 5 f), please give full details:
6) / In respect of the elements of the Home Information Pack provided to you by independent third parties:
a) Do all of these third parties have professional indemnity insurance? / Yes/No:
b) Are your subrogation rights intact against all of these third party providers? / Yes/No:
7) Please provide details of your procedures for ensuring that the content of any HIP provided by you is correct.
8) / Claims Information:
Has any claim of a professional liability nature ever been made against you or any partners, principals or directors? / Yes/No:
Have any complaints been made against you or any partners, principals or directors or have any disciplinary proceedings been brought by any Regulatory Body? / Yes/No:
After full enquiry is the Proposeraware of any circumstances which may give rise to a potential claim or request for indemnity under the policy? / Yes/No:
If Yes, to any of the above, please give full details:
9) / General Questions:
Has your policy ever been cancelled or had special terms imposed? / Yes/No:
Has any partner or member of staff been involved in any fraud or dishonesty? / Yes/No:
If Yes, to any of the above, please give full details:
10) / What limit of professional indemnity cover do you require? / £
What limit of public liability cover do you require? / £
11) / Do you currently hold professional indemnity insurance? / Yes/No:
If Yes, please provide the following details:
Business Activities you are insured to undertake:
Expiry Date: / Insurer:
Limit of Indemnity: / £ / Excess Applicable: / £
Premium: / £ / Retro-Active Date:
I/We confirm that the above answers, statements, particulars and additional information are true to the very best of my/our knowledge and belief.
After full enquiry, I/We also confirm that I/We have disclosed all information and material facts that may alter the Insurer’s view of the risk, or affect their assessment of the exposures they are covering under the Policy. I/We understand that all answers, statements, particulars and additional information supplied with this proposal form will become part of and form the basis of the Policy.
I / We undertake to inform Underwriters of any material alteration to these facts whether occurring before or after the completion of the contract of insurance.
Signature of Principal /
Partner / Director
Full Name / Date
Data Protection
It is agreed by the You that any information provided to the Insurer will be processed by the Insurer, in compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, for the purpose of providing insurance and handling claims, if any, which may necessitate providing such information to third parties. By signing this Proposal Form You are consenting to the use of information, including sensitive personal information, for the above purposes. Where personal information relates to third parties You confirm that it has been given the requisite consent to disclose such information to the Insurer for processing.
Once completed please save this document and then e-mail to , fax to 01384 444 976 or post to Insurance2day Insurance Services Ltd, Turner House, Queen Street, Stourbridge, DY8 1TP.
If you require assistance please call 01384 442 165.
Please also complete the Debit/Credit Card Mandate Form BELOW.
N.B. No cover is in place until you have received written confirmation.
The premiums are minimum and deposit premiums –
return premiums are not given in the event of policy cancellation.

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