Sioux Falls School District

English I and Foundations of English I

June 2009

Course Description:

This yearlong course is an integrated course designed to improve student skills in writing/language, reading/literature, speaking, listening and viewing. The focus on reading and writing supports the District philosophy statement, 21st Century Skills, and research-based instructional strategies

Instructors of Foundations of English I have the discretion to modify curriculum requirements and pace of instruction

Course Guide:

1st Quarter

9.R.1.1 Students can apply example clues to extend vocabulary.

9.R.2.1 Students can evaluate text by applying comprehension strategies.

9.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.

9.R.3.1 Students can analyze an author’s use of literary elements in fiction.

9.R.4.1 Students can analyze text to determine the influence of time periods, culture,

geography, and author’s background.

9.W.1.1 Students can write a thesis statement for an expository or persuasive


9.W.1.2 Students can revise a document for sentence fluency.

9.W.1.3 Students can write an informational document using primary and secondary

sources that are listed on a reference page.

9.W.2.1 Students can revise text for the correct use of phrases.

9.W.2.2 Students can identify and incorporate prepositional phrases in the writing


9.LVS.1.3 Students can clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence within an informal setting.

9.LVS.1.4 Students can support a presentation with audio/visual aids and technology, considering audience and purpose.

Writing and Grammar - 15 days

12-13 informal and formal pieces focusing on personal, narrative, and reflective writing.

Grammar, usage, punctuation and capitalization are integrated into context.

·  Writing process

·  Paragraph writing

·  Capitalization and punctuation review

·  Parts of speech review

·  Prepositional phrases

·  At least 2 formal, multi-paragraph pieces written to a prompt (could be tied to lit units)

·  At least 10 informal pieces (could include responses to literature, journals, summaries, etc.)

·  Significant Task: Edgar Allan Poe research project

Literature - 25 days

Short stories, nonfiction, and poetry or literature circles using choice novels

·  Reading strategies

·  Units 1-3 - Short stories, nonfiction, and poetry: plot, characterization, point of view, setting, imagery, and conflict.

·  Edgar Allen Poe: poetic devices, mood, suspense, and irony.

Independent Reading and Conferencing - 8 days

·  Introduction to the library

·  Library book talks

·  Students spend one period each week reading and responding.

·  Literary analysis/response form and/or conferencing on at least one book per quarter.

·  Significant Task: Independent Reading Project including at least three books per semester.

Differentiated Instruction

Writing and Grammar - 15 days

·  Allow minimized writing tasks such as two to three paragraph essays instead of five.

·  Allow use of a laptop in classroom if needed.

·  Prescribe structural formula for an essay - give students some transitional words, etc.

·  Use white boards for student interaction.

·  Cut up laminated sentences into words for students to manipulate into their own sentences.

·  Pull writing samples from published literature or from student writing to show levels of writing done well.

Literature - 25 days

·  Make story maps to understand chronological events of the story.

·  Targeted passages

·  Cultural connections.

·  Listen to CD short stories, nonfiction, and poetry or literature circles using choice novels - 10 days

Independent Reading 8 days

·  Student and teacher many decide how many pages are appropriate to read per quarter.

·  Students choose novels to filt reading levels.

2nd Quarter

9.R.1.1 Students can apply example clues to extend vocabulary.

9.R.2.1 Students can evaluate text by applying comprehension strategies.

9.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.

9.R.3.1 Students can analyze an author’s use of literary elements in fiction.

9.R.5.1 Students can evaluate primary and secondary sources for credibility.

9.W.1.1 Students can write a thesis statement for an expository or persuasive


9.LVS.1.2 Students can implement organizational methods for informative presentations.

9.LVS.1.3 Students can clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence

within an informal setting.

9-12 NC.3.3 Evaluate technologies that increase educational and workplace opportunities.

SD Library Standard - Students are able to complie and evaluate potential sources for


Writing And Grammar - 15 days

12-13 informal and formal pieces focusing on personal, narrative, and reflective writing.

Grammar, usage, punctuation and capitalization are integrated into context.

·  At least 2 formal, multi-paragraph pieces written to a prompt.

·  At least 10 informal pieces (could include responses to literature, etc.)

·  Prepositional phrases.

·  Career Exploration

·  Significant Task: Literary terms booklet

Literature - 25 days

·  Unit 11 - The Odyssey: connect to literary terms from significant task

·  Unit 7 - Poetry: alliteration, assonance, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, and rhyme.

·  Short stories, nonfiction, and poetry or literature circles using choice novels (as time allows)

Independent Reading and Conferencing - 9 days

·  Library book talks.

·  Student spend one period each week reading and responding

·  Literary analysis/response form and/or conferencing on at least one book per quarter.

·  Significant Task - Independent Reading Project including at least three books per semester.

Differentiated Instruction

Writing and Grammar -

·  Allow minimized writing tasks such as two to three paragraph essays instead of five.

·  Allow use of a laptop in classroom if needed.

·  Prescribe structural formula for an essay - give students some transitional words, etc.

·  Use white boards for student interaction.

·  Cut up laminated sentences into words for students to manipulate into their own sentences.

·  Pull writing samples from published literature or from student writing to show levels of writing done well.

·  Give students a teacher-generated list of words from which to choose such as a list of adjectives to work into their writing.

·  Group development of topic sentence before beginning writing assignment.

Literature -

·  Listen to CD short stories, nonfiction, and poetry or literature circles using choice novels.

·  The Odyssey, Next-Text version

Independent Reading and conferencing - 8 days

·  Student and teacher many decide how many pages are appropriate to read per quarter.

·  Students choose novels to fit reading levels.

3rd Quarter

9.R.1.1 Students can apply example clues to extend vocabulary.

9.R.2.1 Students can evaluate text by applying comprehension strategies.

9.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.

9.R.4.1 Students can analyze test to determine the influence of time period, culture,

geography, and author’s background.

9.W.1.1 Students can write a thesis statement for an expository or persuasive


9.W.1.2 Students can revise a document for sentence fluency.

9.LVS.1.1 Students can analyze the use of images, text, and sound in media for accuracy,

validity, and influence.

9.LVS.1.2 Students can implement organizational methods for informative presentations.

9.LVS.1.3 Students can clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence

within an informal setting.

9.LVS.1.4 Students can support a presentation with audio/visual aids and technology

considering audience and purpose.

Writing And Grammar - 15 days

12-13 informal and formal pieces focusing on personal, narrative, and reflective writing.

Grammar, usage, punctuation and capitalization are integrated into context.

·  At least 2 formal, multi-paragraph pieces written to a prompt.

·  At least 10 informal pieces (could include responses to literature, etc.)

·  Sentence fluency: subjects, verbs/predicates, clauses (independent and dependent), sentence structure (simple, compound, complex)

·  Significant Task: Romeo and Juliet project

Literature - 25 days

·  Unit 10 - Romeo and Juliet: tragedy, tragic hero, soliloquy, aside, allusion, comic relief, foil, irony (situational, dramatic, verbal)

·  Unit 4 - Short stories, nonfiction, and poetry: theme and symbolism OR Literature circles using choice novels (as time allows)

Independent Reading and Conferencing - 8 days

·  Library book talks.

·  Student spend one period each week reading and responding.

·  Literary analysis/response form and/or conferencing on at least one book per quarter.

·  Significant Task - Independent Reading Project includes at least three books per semester.

Differentiated Instruction

Writing and Grammar -

·  Use white boards for student interaction.

·  Cut up laminated sentences into words for students to manipulate into their own sentences.

·  Pull writing samples for published literature or from student writing to show levels of writing done well.

·  Give students a teacher-generated list of words from which to choose such as a list of adjectives to work into their writing.

·  Group development of topic sentence before beginning writing assignment.

Literature -

·  Romeo and Juliet Next-Text version

·  McDougal-Littell Textbook: character analysis charts, open-minded charts, cluster diagrams, sequence chains, scene-by-scene summaries, targeted passages, paraphrasing of targeted passages and cartoons.

·  Listen on CD.

·  Romeo and Juliet graphic novel.

Independent Reading and conferencing

·  Student and teacher many decide how many pages are appropriate to read per quarter.

·  Students choose novels to fit reading levels.

4th Quarter

9.R.1.1 Students can apply example clues to extend vocabulary.

9.R.2.1 Students can evaluate text by applying comprehension strategies.

9.R.3.1 Students can analyze an author’s use of literary elements in fiction.

9.R.4.1 Students can analyze test to determine the influence of time period, culture,

geography, and author’s background.

9.R.5.2 Students can interpret procedural text to complete a multi-step task.

9.W.1.1 Students can write a thesis statement for an expository or persuasive


9.W.1.2 Students can revise a document for sentence fluency.

9.LVS.1.3 Students can clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence

within an informal setting.

9.LVS.1.4 Students can support a presentation with audio/visual aids and technology

considering audience and purpose.

9-12CT.3.1 Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem

solving, and decision making in content learning.

Writing And Grammar - 15 days

12-13 informal and formal pieces focusing on personal, narrative, and reflective writing.

Grammar, usage, punctuation and capitalization are integrated into context.

·  Research project tied to library standard

·  At least 2 formal, multi-paragraph pieces written to a prompt (including research project).

·  At least 10 informal pieces (could include responses to literature, etc.)

·  Sentence fluency: subjects, verbs/predicates, clauses (independent and dependent), sentence structure (simple, compound, complex).

·  Significant Task: Literature circles OR Socratic circles.

Literature - 25 days

·  Novel (choose one): Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, The Pearl, Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies

·  Unit 9 - Short stories and nonfiction: inference OR Literature circles using choice novels (as time allows)

Independent Reading and Conferencing - 9 days

·  Library book talks.

·  Student spend one period each week reading and responding.

·  Literary analysis/response form and/or conferencing on at least one book per quarter.

·  Significant Task - Independent Reading Project includes at least three books per semester.

Differentiated Instruction

Writing and Grammar -

·  Use white boards for student interaction.

·  Cut up laminated sentences into words for students to manipulate into their own sentences.

·  Pull writing samples for published literature or from student writing to show levels of writing done well.

·  Broad choice of research project topics and modes of presentation such as pamphlets, brochures, papers and PowerPoint presentations.

·  For literature circles give students a note sheet with some items completed.

·  Guided discussion.

·  Rubrics for class discussion.

·  Listen to CD.

Independent Reading and conferencing

·  Student and teacher many decide how many pages are appropriate to read per quarter.

·  Students choose novels to fit reading levels.


Curriculum Services

English I Curriculum
Content Standard / Essential Questions / Enduring Under-standing / Important to Know and Do / Worth Being Familiar With / Vocabulary / Texts / Supporting Materials / Significant Tasks / common assessment
9.R.1.1 Students can apply example clues to extend vocabulary. / How does prior knowledge influence understanding of new vocabulary? / Broaden and practice vocabulary using context clues. / Context / Ø  McDougal Littell Literature 2008
Ø  McDougal Littell Language Network: Grammar, Writing, Communi-cation / Choice novels – determined at each building / Ø  Sioux Falls School District 6+1 writing trait rubric
Ø  District semester test
9.R.2.1 Students can evaluate text by applying comprehension strategies / How does understanding of written material influence how we look at ourselves and at the world around us? / Know and use reading strategies / Preview
Set a Purpose
Use prior knowledge
Make inferences / Romeo and Juliet project / Romeo and Juliet project rubric
9.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text / How school-related reading improve student reading comprehension? / Engage in a variety of independent and in-class reading / Independent Reading project / Independent Reading project rubric
9.R.3.1 Students can analyze an author’s use of literary elements in fiction / To what extent does an author's style influence meaning and purpose? / Identify literary elements and techniques / Ø  Extrapolate and analyze literary terms as they appear in selections
Ø  Identify and apply the five points of plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution / Ø  Recognize the different genres. / Ø  Conflict
Ø  Irony (dramatic, situational, verbal)
Ø  Mood
Ø  Style
Ø  Symbolism
Ø  Protagonist
Ø  Antagonist
Ø  Suspense
Ø  Epic
Ø  Epic hero
Ø  Metaphor
Ø  Simile
Ø  Personification
Ø  Allusion
Ø  Aside
Ø  Comic relief
Ø  Foreshadowing
Ø  Characterization
Ø  Tone
Ø  Foil
Ø  Point of view
Ø  Setting
Ø  Poetic devices
Ø  Onamatopoeia
Ø  Oxymoron
Ø  Soliloquy
Ø  Imagery
Ø  Theme
Ø  Tragedy
Ø  Tragic hero / Literary terms booklet / Literary terms booklet rubric
9.R.4.1 Students can analyze text to determine the influence of time period, culture, geography, and author’s background / How do societal forces in an author's life influence writing? / Ø  Critically read short stories, poetry, drama, nonfiction, and a novel (incorporating multi-cultural literature)
Ø  Develop appreciation for other cultures / Ø  / Edgar Allan Poe research project / Edgar Allan Poe research project rubric