A Green Day at your school

Choose a date when students are invited to wear something green or a green ribbon and bring along a donation. Below is some text that may be useful for the note to families.

Consider showing students the short movie at and discuss what the money will be used for.

Deposit funds using the remittance form on the website, click Kids 4 Kids, it’s under Green Day. That allows us to easily link the donation to your school. (When you click the link you may need to ‘save as’ before editing the downloaded form). A receipt is emailed when funds are received.

When the funds are allocated to a project the contact you nominate on the remittance form will be emailed details of the target school, system specifications and some pictures. When the project is completed you will receive a certificate of appreciation, images from the installation and plenty of smiling faces enjoying the benefit of your generosity.

All the best for your Green Day.

Green Day

Date: < Enter date >

Wear something green and bring along a donation. Green represents the environment and the new education opportunities our students will create.

Give the money to: < >

Your donation will help to install a solar system at a remote island school. So that school can spend its very limited money on computers and books rather than burning it away in diesel generators to provide their electricity. These solar systems can increase a school’s resources budget by more than 20% -- for decades.

It also removes the safety and health risks of kerosene lanterns in teachers’ quarters and boarding houses. And it’s a really cool way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

For example, Rabi Island School is saving over $7000 per year that is now spent on computers, software and other desperately needed education resources. That’s a big deal considering the average family income is less than $100 per month. That solar system will also save over 150 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

For more information visit:


Additional note for families

You are welcome to make an independent tax-deductible contribution (via the web address below).

You will see exactly how and where you helped out. When the target school is selected you are emailed details of the school and region, project specifications and a certificate of appreciation (with pictures of smiling kids benefiting from your generosity).