Definitive schedule for satisfying the (additional) statutory preparatory requirements for the decentralised selection of the Bachelor’s in Medicine 2017, includingthe International Track in Medicine,in time
Dear applicant,
If you do not satisfy the additional admission requirements (yet), then you have one or more deficiencies. If you have one or more deficiencies on 15 January 2017, then you must produce a detailed schedule showing that you will satisfy all the admission requirements by 31 July 2017 at the latest.
The definitive schedule for satisfying the (additional) statutory preparatory requirements 2017 (hereafter referred to as definitive schedule) consists of 5 parts, A through E, andadditional space for the enclosure of scanned evidence, such as a copy of a diploma / testamur, a list of marks, the outcome of an approved preliminary test (voortentamens), proof of registration to sit approved preliminary test.
Make sure that you first read the instructions to the definitive schedule carefully and indicate that the following statement is applicable.
I have read and understood the instructions to the definitive schedule and I am aware of the admission requirements for the Bachelor’s programme in Medicine as described on UM’s website.
Then complete all parts and do not forget to enclose the requested evidence at the end of theform.
Please use the designated text boxes.Your account should be well-written and grammatically correct and count not more than 300 words per text box. Your answer will not be evaluated if the word limit is exceeded.
* For admission to the Bachelor’s programme in Medicine, acandidate must have the proper diploma and subjectcombination/profile. These lawful requirements for thediploma and subject combination/profile are referred to asadmission and/or additional admission requirements forbeginning the Bachelor’s programme in Medicine. If acandidate does not completely satisfy these admission and/oradditional admission requirements with respect to thesubject combination/profile, he or she is regarded as havingone or more subject deficiencies.
Part A: Personal data
ID number**:
First and last name:
Email address:
** This is the user ID that you use to logon to ‘My UM’
Part B: Biology
Please indicate which of the following situations (B.1 to B.2) applies to you:
B.1: I will not have a deficiency in Biology on 15 January 2017. Continue with part C
B.2: I will have a deficiency in Biology on 15 January 2017 and I will rectify my deficiency in Biology before 1 August 2017.Continue with B.3
B.3: Finalised plan for rectifying my deficiency in Biology by the deadline
Describe in detail how you will rectify your deficiency in Biology.Report which preliminary test / examination you will be sitting and the date and location of the examination. Attach proof of your registration at the bottom of this document.
Describe your plans / preparations for this preliminary test / examination.Topics that you should most certainly address include the material that you will be studying, how you will go about studying it (independent study, course, sitting a practice exam, etc.), and how you will combine studying the material with your other activities.
Attach proof of registration for the preliminary test / examination at the bottom of this document.Make clear that the proof of registration concerns the deficiency in Biology.
Part C: Mathematics
Please indicate which of the following situations (C.1 to C.2) applies to you:
C.1: I will not have a deficiency in Mathematics on 15 January 2017. Continue with part D.
C.2: I will have a deficiency in Mathematics on 15 January 2017 and I will rectify my deficiency in Mathematics before 1 August 2017.Continue with C.3
C.3: Finalised plan for rectifying my deficiency in Mathematics by the deadline
Describe in detail how you will rectify your deficiency in Mathematics.Report which preliminary test / examination you will be sitting and the date and location of the examination. Attach proof of your registration at the bottom of this document.
Describe your plans / preparations for this preliminary test / examination.Topics that you should most certainly address include the material that you will be studying, how you will go about studying it (independent study, course, sitting a practice exam, etc.), and how you will combine studying the material with your other activities.
Attach proof of registration for the preliminary test / examination at the bottom of this document.Make clear that the proof of registration concerns the deficiency in Mathematics.
Part D: Physics
Please indicate which of the following situations (D.1 to D.2) applies to you:
D.1: I will not have a deficiency in Physics on 15 January 2017. Continue with part E.
D.2: I will have a deficiency in Physics on 15 January 2017 and I will rectify my deficiency in Physics before 1 August 2017.Continue with D.3
D.3: Finalised plan for rectifying my deficiency in Physics by the deadline
Describe in detail how you will rectify your deficiency in Physics.Report which preliminary test / examination you will be sitting and the date and location of the examination. Attach proof of your registration at the bottom of this document.
Describe your plans / preparations for this preliminary test / examination.Topics that you should most certainly address include the material that you will be studying, how you will go about studying it (independent study, course, sitting a practice exam, etc.), and how you will combine studying the material with your other activities.
Attach proof of registration for the preliminary test / examination at the bottom of this document.Make clear that the proof of registration concerns the deficiency in Physics.
Part E: Chemistry
Please indicate which of the following situations (E.1 to E.2) applies to you:
E.1: I will not have a deficiency in Chemistry on 15 January 2017. Continue with the addition of appendices.
E.2: I will have a deficiency in Chemistry on 15 January 2017 and I will rectify my deficiency in Chemistry before 1 August 2017.Continue with E.3
E.3: Finalised plan for rectifying my deficiency in Chemistry by the deadline
Describe in detail how you will rectify your deficiency in Chemistry.Report which preliminary test / examination you will be sitting and the date and location of the examination. Attach proof of your registration at the bottom of this document.
Describe your plans / preparations for this preliminary test / examination.Topics that you should most certainly address include the material that you will be studying, how you will go about studying it (independent study, course, sitting a practice exam, etc.), and how you will combine studying the material with your other activities.
Attach proof of registration for the preliminary test / examination at the bottom of this document.Make clear that the proof of registration concerns the deficiency in Chemistry.
Sub parts B, C, D and E:Appendices
Use the space below for the enclosure of the following information:
- A copy of your diploma or diplomas / testamurs + relevant list of marks.Please only provide information related to any deficiencies you have.
- Proof of registration to sit approved preliminary tests (voortentamens)
- Other evidence concerning rectification of deficiencies
This space is expressly not intended for the enclosure of information other than the above, such as recommendation letters and/or information about additional activities.
Space for scanned evidence
Version December 20161