RHA Board of Governors

September 23, 2014


EXEC BOARD: Taylor Bates (President), Grayson Berger (Vice President), Jessica Porter (Executive Secretary), Candice Zhou (Executive Treasurer), Karen Cheng (Internal Affairs), Jessica Feely (External Affairs), Justina Vasquez (CEO), Spencer Ivey (NCC), Tate Shanahan (Director of Special Projects)

GOVERNORS: Keerthi Nandipati (Carmichael), Katelyn Merendino (Cobb), Matt Renn (Connor), Travis Broadhurst (Craige), Roshni Verma (Ehringhaus), Lucas McCallen (Granville Towers), Harrison Toohey (Hinton James), Yunah Park (Kenan), Neil Harwani (Manning East), Tyler Sharp (Manning West), Usman Rahim (Morrison), Anna Henderson (OCLQ), Malgorzata Leszczuk (OCUQ), Sean Henderson (Odum Village), Susan Gleaves (Parker), Treyaun Fulton (Ram Village)

ADVISORS: Krista Prince

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM



Tardy: Kenan, Craige, Ram Village

Early Leave:

Approval of Minutes: Manning West, Manning East


Executive Officers Reports

Vice President Grayson Berger

·  RHA bonding

Executive Secretary Jessica Porter

·  RHA bonding last week

·  Started and scheduled all one on ones

o  Morrison and Hinton James

·  Finalized meeting times for Community Government

·  Discussing alumni possiblities with GAA representative

Executive Treasurer Candice Zhou

·  SAFO grind

·  Met with a few treasurers

·  Working on allocations for this year ASAP

Internal Affairs Karen Cheng

·  Met with all Lt. Governors

·  Programming committee meeting will be next week

·  Make sure to turn in programming reports

External Affairs Jessica Feely

·  Went to pancake night at Cobb

·  Getting first check from laundry vendors soon

·  In the process of revaluating vendors

·  Marketing managers need to get in contact with Jessie, even if they are added on

o  Will be sending marketing managers RHA logo

·  Sheet that is being passed around for programs put location, dates, etc.

National Communications Coordinator Spencer Ivey

·  Attended Fall Summit with Shreya

·  All delegates programs were accepted for SACCURH

o  Leaving Friday!

·  Recognition committee had first meeting

·  Working to reaffiliate with NCCURH

Chief Enhancements Officer Justina Vasquez

·  Three more one on ones and others shceduled

·  Went to South Campus jamboree

·  Ordered a lot of the new vaccums

·  Working with vaccum repair man to make sure everything is figured out

Director of Special Projects Tate Shanahan

·  Met with Taylor and Austin on Friday for Green Games

o  Reccommends sustainability officers to attend those meetings

·  Met with RESPC about solar umbrellas

·  Had one on one with Krista

President Taylor Bates

·  Met with recognition committee Monday

o  New program with OTW system

·  Went to a couple of community government meetings

·  Structural grant is due October 6

·  NRHH applications are due soon – only relevant to sophomores

·  Gabe Chess, president of Carolina Union, offering special discounted tickets to homecoming if a floor goes together

·  Mental Health Awareness week is next week – attend those events if you would like to

Board of Governors

Carmichael Keerthi Nandipati

·  Pancake night last week

·  T-shirt design contest this week

·  Coordinating with RA’s for a Scaryoke event

Cobb Katelyn Merendino

·  Made pancakes for the first time last week

o  Need cooking related enhancements in Cobb

·  Meeting Sunday

·  Placing an order for t-shirts by Sunday

·  Next Tuesdays bagels and hot chocolate October 7, Tuesday at 7:30 AM

Connor Matt Renn

·  Brought Jacob, CEO

·  Hour long one on one with CD

·  Weekly programs completely fixed

·  Budget fixed and large enhacement issue fixed

Craige Travis Broadhurst

·  First event, Mug Mornings, last week

·  Made preliminary budget to go over with CD

·  Planning a candy night to introduce community government

Ehringhaus Roshni Verma

·  Brought Jacob, marketing manager

·  Cocoa with CoGo had 75-80 people

·  T-shrit design has been decided on

·  In coordination with Tar Heel vote

·  Sunday Cookies and Karaoke

·  Reoccurring event Waffle Wednesdays

Granville Lucas McCallen

·  Pancake night was successful – but too many supplied

·  Ben and Jerry’s night will be later this week

·  Tailgate will be November 15 with a live band

·  Partnering with Granville to purchase Safetober fest t-shirts

Hinton James Harrison Toohey

·  T-shirt competition started

·  Quesadilla night this week

·  Took part in the South Campus Jamboree with Ram Village

·  Ethics board meetings earlier this week

Kenan Yunah Park

·  Tardy

Manning East Neil Harwani

·  First meeting with 13-15 people

·  CD meeting with Sara, and meeting with RA’s

·  Doughnuts at the Door 7:30-9 in Horton

·  T-shirt designs made by marketing manager

·  Assigned jobs for floor reps

·  Made Instagram with Twitter handle

·  Food in my Hall like text message to send out

·  Recycling drive next week

·  Feast at Manning East for major event next Wednesday

Manning West Tyler Sharp

·  Brought Katelyn, marketing manager

·  Manning Moving night on Wednesday

·  Working on T-shirts

·  Quesadilla night on Sunday

·  Coffee, pastries, etc one morning

Morrison Usman Rahim

·  Meetings with CD, Andy

·  MoTown milkshakes alternate Wednesdays and Sundays

·  Recycling drives will be on Sundays

·  T-shirt designs will be voted on soon

·  Working on structural grant

·  Morrison only basketball tournament next Sunday

Odum Village Sean Henderson

·  Marketing meeting Sunday and CoGo meeting Wednesday

·  Trying to weed out which programs to actually move forward with

·  Cultural Cuisine night is a definite in November – emails have been sent out

·  Want to do something with ResNet for a speaker or lockbox for video games and things

·  Applying for the structural grant for outside remodels

OCLQ Anna Henderson

·  Brought Jessica, marketing manager

·  First pancake night last Thursday

o  Shout out to Justina, Taylor, Grayson, Sean, and Tyler for coming

·  T-shirt design submission is due next Monday

·  Connected with Tar Heel votes today and retracted the box

OCUQ Malgorzata Leszczuk

·  Goodbye Summer event 7:30-9:30 in the Quad

o  Ram shopped for her!

·  Birthday Bash partnership with the RA’s so that they can have a photo booth, balloons, birthday hats

Parker Susan Gleaves

·  Went to Carmichael pancake night

·  Supposed to have a recycling drive, but CD and RAM against it

·  Meet CoGo with pizza tomorrow in Parker basement 8-9 PM

o  RHA education to represent Food in My Hall

Ram Village Treyaun Fulton

·  17 out of 18 CoGo members made meeting last weekend

·  Went to South Campus Jamboree

·  Had Scandal night and ran out of chairs and pizza!

·  Made up a committee for movie nights

·  Looking at having a haunted basement program in Rams 2

·  Meet CoGo day on Twitter

·  Starting to plan out T-shirt designs

·  Networking mixer for Rams

·  Sustainability committee to coordinate recycling for each building

·  Tar Heel vote will be done another day, was going to be today

·  Coordinate everyone going together for Late Night with Roy


§  Conference Chair: Shreya

Advisor Report:

·  Krista Prince:

·  Like to recognize CD from Morrison, Andy, Sara, and Justin Insco, FYE

·  HeelPrint evaluations due this week

·  Boxes are not allowed in lobby, you must be at table if you are collecting forms and then have Tar Heel vote pick them up right away

Committees and External Appointments

·  Ethics: Lucas

o  Nothing

·  Recognition: Spencer

o  Met and talked about general expectations

o  Making a new OTW system

o  Community government member of the month

o  Top ten lists will start at meetings

·  Safety Committee: Travis

o  First meeting last Wednesday

o  Mental Health Awareness week

o  Helping at Safetober fest – meeting Thursday at 2 PM

·  Dining Board:

o  Shout out to Harrison, Mia will be joining dining board

Grant Requests

·  Josh Green presents for Honor System Outreach

o  New Honor System this semester, which they would like students to know more about

§  Sactioning chart, plagerism, professors can sit on pannels, changes to transcript if failed class due to academic dishonest

o  Prizes needed because the Honor System is not the most exciting thing

o  People do not find out anything until they have to know it

§  Not discussed because no funding left

·  Sara Roe and Justin Inscoe, Safetober Festival

o  Goal of Safetober Fest to interact with offices and resources on campus before Halloween

§  400-500 students attend each event -> 800-1,000 overall

o  Held on October 24, 2014

§  Granville Towers: 1-4 p.m. and SASB: 2-5 p.m.

o  Need funding for T-shirts, foods, and other things

o  CDs will decide what the laundry trust funds can be accessed through

o  Move to fund Safetober Fest by Connor, Morrison for $785

§  New amendment by Manning West to fund for $0

·  Amendment by Odum Village, seconded by Morrison to fund for $500

o  Stipulation added by Manning East, seconded by Craige to only allow the funds to be used for t-shirts

§  Approved 15, 1, 0

·  Main amendment to fund for $500 with the stipulation that only spent on t-shirts

o  Hinton James moves to call to question, seconded by Morrison

§  Fails 3, 12, 0

§  Main motion to fund for for $785

·  Called to question by Hinton James, Morrison

o  Passes 12, 4, 0

New Business

·  Meeting time extended for t-shirt presentations

o  Make sure to check a lot of different sites and vendors for pircing options

§  Get at least three quotes

o  Make sure that your designs are inclusive of the communities choice

§  Can make it a competition or vote on the design

o  Sizes can be polled online or use the 35% - 40% - 25% rule

o  Distribution at events with Google Docs


·  No recognition


·  No announcements


Motion to adjourn from Manning East and second from Morrison

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. The next BOG meeting will be held Tuesday, October 7 at 7:30 PM.