Chapter XXI
causā + gen for the sake of atque and
iterum again asper aspera asperum rough, harsh
casa -ae f house (casino) causa -ae f cause, reason, case
fenestra -ae f window (fenestration) gens gentis f clan, race, nation (gentile)
navis navis f ship, boat (naval) salus salūtis f health, safety (salutation)
mundus -ī m world, universe (mundane) vicinus -ī m neighbor
finis finis m end, limit, boundary (finite, final) vulgus -ī n mob, rabble (vulgar, divulge)
contineō continēre (2) continuī contentum to contain, enclose
iubeō iubēre (2) iussī iussum to order, command
laborō laborāre (1) laborāvī laboratum to work
rapiō rapere (3io) rapuī raptum to seize, snatch
relinquō relinquere (3) relinquī relictum to leave, to leave behind, abandon
sciō scīre (4) scīvī scitum to know
tangō tangere (3) tetigī tactum to touch
To defenestrate someone is to throw him/her _____ the ______.
One who is omniscient ______things.
If our interest in something is only tangential, we shall just ______briefly on it.
II. Conjugations
Conjugate laborāre in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive.
Conjugate iubēre in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive.
Conjugate tangere in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive.
Conjugate scīre in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive.
III. Parse and translate these verbs.
iussus est laborātī erant scitum erit
tacta eris relictae sumus lecta eram
IV. Render these verbs into Latin.
she had been seized they will have been worked you (sg) have been known
we (girls) have been ordered I had been left behind it will have been chosen
V. Supply the correct passive form of the words in parentheses, and translate.
In ludō omnēs puellae hodie ______(docēre; perf).
Duo puerī ā magistrō nōn cras ______(movēre; futperf).
Quattuor ex urbibus ā copiīs acribus ______(delēre; plup).
Brevis mora consiliī ā nobis heri ______(exspectāre; plup)
VI. Translate these sentences.
Quis tum iussus erat Graeciam metu liberāre, familiās defendēre, atque hostēs ā patriā prohibēre?
Omnēs metu novō territī erant.
Omnia genera servitutis nobis videntur aspera.
Rapieturne igitur Cicero ex manibus istōrum?
Casa vicinī nostrī habuit paucās fenestrās per quās vidēre potuit.
VII. Translate and answer the questions about the story.
Vergil: Eclogue IV
Vēnit iam magna aetas nova; de caelō mittitur puer, quī vitam deōrum habēbit deōsque vidēbit et ipse vidēbitur ab illīs. Hic puer reget mundum cui virtutēs patris pacem dedērunt. Pauca mala, autem, remanēbunt, quae hominēs iubebunt laborāre atque bellum asperum gerere. Erunt etiam altera bella atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittētur Achilles. Tum, puer, ubi iam longa aetas tē virum fēcerit, erunt nullī laborēs, nulla bella; nautae ex navibus discedent, agricolae quoque iam agrōs relinquent, terra ipsa omnibus hominibus omnia parābit. Currite, aetātēs; incipe, parve puer, scīre matrem, et erit satis spiritus mihi tua dīcere facta.
1. Ā quō mundus aetāte novā regētur?
2. Quis ad Troiam mittētur?
3. Quando erunt nulla bella atque nullae curae?