A SCAW workshop co-hosted with
The Rockefeller University, Weill Medical College of Cornell University,
the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH/DHHS, and
Working for Animals used in Research Drugs and Surgery
April 15, 2004
Rockefeller University
1230 York Avenue
Weiss Hall, 17th Floor, Room F
New York City, NY
8:15 Registration
Coffee and muffins
8:45 Welcome by SCAW, Rockefeller University and
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Gregory R. Reinhard, DVM, MBA, DACLAM
The Rockefeller University Representative
Jeffrey M. Cohen, PhD
9:00 Introduction to IACUC-Advanced
Gregory R. Reinhard, DVM, MBA, DACLAM
9:15 IACUC Function and Development
David K. Johnson, DVM
J. G. Collins, PhD
Alan J. Herron, DVM
10:30 Break
What Constitutes a Reportable Event by the IACUC?
Betty J. Goldentyer, DVM
Axel V. Wolff, MS, DVM
IACUC Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
John G. Miller, DVM, DACLAM
International Harmonization
John G. Miller, DVM, DACLAM
Joanne Zurlo, PhD
Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
Joanne Zurlo, PhD
12:30 Lunch
1:15 Special Advanced Topics (Breakout Sessions)
Topic: Environmental Enrichment for Research Animals
Moderators: Carol A. Novotney, DVM, MS, DACVIM
Topic: Health and Security Considerations: When Working with Hazardous Agents
Moderator: COL. James R. Swearengen, DVM, DACLAM, DACVPM
Topic: Strategies for Training in Animal Experimentation
Moderator: Neil S. Lipman, VMD
Anita J. Piccolie, BA, RLATG
Javier W. Chavez, BS
2:15 Break
2:30 Topic: Transgenic Animals
Moderators: Fred F. Quimby, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Gregory R. Reinhard, DVM, MBA, DACLAM, Willie H. Mark, PhD
Topic: Consistency between Protocols and Research Grants
Moderators: David K. Johnson, DVM
J. G. Collins, PhD
Topic: Strategies for Training in Animal Experimentation
Moderator: Neil S. Lipman, VMD
Anita J. Piccolie, BA, RLATG
Javier W. Chavez, BS
3:30 Topic: General Protocol Review Discussion
Moderators: Alan J. Herron, DVM
Neil S. Lipman, VMD
Daniel F. Catanzaro, PhD, MBA
Anita J. Piccolie, BA, RLATG
Topic: Environmental Enrichment for Research Animals
Moderators: Carol A. Novotney, DVM, MS, DACVIM
Topic: Transgenic Animals
Moderators: Fred F. Quimby, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Gregory R. Reinhard, DVM, MBA, DACLAM
Willie H. Mark, PhD
4:30 End of Workshop