University of North Texas

History 4260.031

Gold, Silver, and Settlement in the Americas.

Spring 2016 Syllabus.


This class operates best with Firefox. Do not take quizzes using Internet Explorer

Instructor: Dr. Deborah Liles. (Please put Hist 4260 in the subject line

of all emails).

Office hours: Tuesday 9-12, 1-2 pm. Office: Wooten Hall 229.

Teaching Assistant: Kylie

We will attempt to answer all questions as soon as possible, but please allow a reasonable amount of time for an email response (48 hours).

Course Description: This class examines different gold and silver rushes in North and South America from the time of European settlement. Common themes throughout the course are influx of populations, mining techniques, plight of native populations, and the results of mining booms. This course is 100% online. Upon completion of this class students will be able to discuss, analyze, describe, compare and contrast the influence of mining throughout the United States and parts of South America.

Class Reading material:

David Williams, The Georgia Gold Rush: Twenty-Niners, Cherokees, and Gold Fever

ISBN: 978-1570030529(this book is mandatory).

H.W. Brands, The Age of Gold: The Califronia Gold Rush and the New American Dream

ISBN: 978-0385720885(Fair warning: The Age of Gold has 500 pages. It is also available as an audio book in both the abridged or regular version, either will work for this course)


Ken Egan, Jr.Montana 1864: Indians, Emigrants, and Gold in the Territorial Year.

ISBN: 978-1606390764

All other reading material is provided online (see Readings).

Class Work: The course is divided into four (4) units. All unit reading material isavailable throughout the class, but quizzes and discussion forums close on scheduled dates (see schedule of assignments at the end of this syllabus). There will not be make-up opportunities for missed assignments, so please make sure that you complete your work in a timely manner.

Readings: Each unit has a main folder for Readings. Readings contain two (2) folders: mandatory and additional. Mandatory readings are used for mandatory quizzes (see Quizzes below). Additional readings are to be used to enhance your knowledge; they are also a required component of your exams (see Exams below). A complete listing of all articles used in the class is posted at the bottom of the homepage.

Quizzes: Each unit has four (4) mandatory multiple choice quizzes that match the four mandatory readings. There are 10 questions drawn from a pool. You have 30 minutes for each quiz; after the time is up, the quiz will automatically submit. You have two opportunities for each quiz in case you experience technical difficulties. It is highly recommended that you always use the second attempt as your highest score is entered in the grade book. Each quiz is worth 100 points. As a bonus, each quiz contains one extra credit question worth 10 points.

Book Reviews: There are two required book reviews. The first book is The Georgia Gold Rush; the second is your choice of The Age of Gold or Montana 1864. Guidelines for your book review are posted on the home page. The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you to review books for publication in peer reviewed journals, which requires a limited number of words that assess a book’s value for those interested in the field. Please make sure that you submit your book review to the Turnitin link in the Book Review folder on time. Late work is not accepted for partial credit. Each report is worth 200 points.

Discussion Forums: There are eight (8) discussion forums in this class. You are required to post and reply on each of them. Discussion forums prepare you for exams by summarizing and discussing readings with your classmates. After each forum has been graded it will reopen for your convenience. Each forum is worth 50 points (25 points for your post and 25 points for your reply).

Exams: You will have a midterm and a final exam. The exams are cumulative. Questions will be posted on the Professor’s Forum two weeks in advance. You will be required to include information from at least three (3) of the mandatory readings, three (3) of the additional readings, and one of your book review choices. Participation in the Discussion Forums is vital preparation for your exams, as the questions posed will be similar in nature to those on the exams. Each exam is worth 400 points.

Grade breakdown:

Each Unit is worth 500 points

(400 for quizzes and 100 for discussions). Total (4 units) is 2,000 points.

Each book review is worth 200 points. Total for 2 report is 400 points.

Midterm exam 400 points.

Final exam 400 points.

Total points 3,200 points.

Easy way to calculate your final grade:

A = 2,880 points or more.

B = 2,550 – 2,879 points.

C = 2,240 – 2,549 points.

D =1,920 – 2,239 points.

F = 1,919 or below.

To calculate your grade during the class, divide your earned points by the number of points available per completed assignment.

Assignment scheduleDue Date

Unit #1 – Mexico and South America ------February 10

Includes all quizzes and discussion forums.

Book review #1 ------March 2

Unit #2 – Georgia and California ------March 9

Includes all quizzes and discussion forums.

******************Spring Break March 14-18********************

Midterm ------March 23

Unit #3 – Coloradoand Nevada ------April 13

Includes all quizzes and discussion forums.

Book review #2 ------April 27

Unit #4 – Montana, Black Hills, and Alaska ------May 4

Includes all quizzes and discussion forums.

Final ------May 9