BRG Vision
To create a fair and equitable society throughout PNG, as set down by the PNG Constitution Goals & Directive Principles, by challenging the current model of development, which unfairly and ruthlessly exploits the earth, it’s people, land and natural resources.
BRG Programs 2014
Community Facilitation
Build relationships with individuals, groups and organisations who support PNG’s development path as set down by the PNG Constitution Goals & Directive Principles
This includes:
* Identifying & connecting individuals, groups & organisations
* Sharing & collecting information as well as receiving
* Planning
* Building a network of people, groups & organizations
with common interests, visions and goals
* Building the capacity of the network by facilitating
exchanges, training’s and skills development
Provide educational workshops & training’s to motivated individuals, students, young people, groups and organisations based on a PNG development timeline which connect their particular concerns and issues to national, regional and global events.
To generate critical reflection so there is a thorough understanding which enables the participants to actively support PNG’s development path as set down by the PNG Constitution Goals & Directive Principles
Information & Communication
Gather credible stories and information from local people, communities, groups and organisations; processing and putting them in the context of national, regional and global events.
To disseminate this information through BRG programs, networks and media outlets to generate critical reflection in promoting PNG ways, as set down by the PNG Constitution Goals & Directive Principles.
Challenge the current model of development in PNG while advocating the development path as set down by the PNG Constitution Goals & Directive Principles by:
* researching, documenting & packaging information; including producing documentaries
* informing, educating and connecting people through internet, social media and BRG programs & networks
* working with mainstream media
* lobbying on relevant developmental issues
* initiating and supporting relevant issues
* initiating, facilitating & participating in online
discussions and debates
* monitoring development, social and political trends
Our view is the current model of development has strayed completely away from the thoughts of the PNG Constitution as set out by the Constitutional Planning Committee’s 1975 National Goals & Directive Principles and we MUST return to them and be guided by our declared directives every step of the way, in all decisions made in regards to achieving our aims.