need…to be perfect
unconscious childhood message…It’s not OK to make mistakes
lost childhood message…you are good
compulsion or wake-up call…feeling a sense of personal obligation to fix everything themselves
red flag fear…that their ideals are actually wrong and counterproductive
spiritual jump start…value-judging, condemning self and others
wings…9 and 2
stress…4, get moody, depressed, irrational
security…7, spontaneous, joyful
dominant center…gut, doing
support center…feeling
repressed center…head, thinking
I want peace, but I settle for order
animal…terrier, ant, bee
energy source…perfecting things
need…to be needed
unconscious childhood message
lost childhood message…you are wanted
compulsion or wake-up call…believing you must go out to others to win them over
red flag fear…that you are driving friends and loved ones away
spiritual jump start…giving your value away to others
wings…1 and 3
stress…8, aggressive, dominating, rage
security…4, self-nurturing and emotionally aware
dominant center…feeling
support center…doing
repressed center…thinking
I want to be loved for inner self, but I settle for appreciation
animal…pelican, Lassie
time orientation…future
energy source…connecting with other people
need…to succeed
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to have your own feelings and identity
lost childhood message…you are loved for yourself
compulsion or wake-up call…beginning to drive yourself for status and attention
red flag fear…that you are failing, that your claims are empty and fraudulent
spiritual jump start…trying to be other than who you authentically are
triad…feeling->thinking or doing->feeling
wings…2 and 4
stress…9, apathetic, disengaged
security…6…cooperative and committed, share spotlight
dominant center…feeling
support center…thinking/doing
repressed center…feeling
I want to be loved for who I am, but I settle for image
animal…peacock, chameleon
time orientation…future
energy source…succeeding
need…to be special
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to be too functional or too happy
lost childhood message…you are seen for who you are
compulsion or wake-up call…holding onto and intensifying feelings through the imagination
red flag fear…that they are ruining their lives and wasting opportunities
spiritual jump start…making negative comparisons
wings…3 and 5
stress…2, over-involved, clinging
security…1, objective, authoritative, principled
dominant center…feeling
support center…thinking
repressed center…doing
I want love in the form of a perfect relationship, but I settle for deserving a perfect relationship
animal…housecat, mourning dove
time orientation…past
energy source…emotional embellishing
need…to perceive
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to be too comfortable in the world
lost childhood message…your needs are not a problem
compulsion or wake-up call…withdrawing from reality into concepts and mental worlds
red flag fear…that they are never going to find a place in the world or with people
spiritual jump start…over-interpret
ting your experience
wings…4 and 6
stress…scattered, hyperactive
security…8, self-confident, decisive, limiting
dominant center…head, thinking
support center…feeling
repressed center…gut, doing
I want to be rich, but I settle for what I can get in my head
time orientation…past
energy source…gathering information
need…to be safe
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to trust yourself
lost childhood message…you are safe
compulsion or wake-up call…becoming dependent on something or someone outside the self for guidance
red flag fear…that you own actions have harmed your security
spiritual jump start…becoming dependent on something outside yourself for support
wings…5 and 7
stress…3, competitive, arrogant
security…9, relaxed, optimistic
dominant center…thinking
support center…doing, feeling
repressed center…thinking
I want faith, to live without fear, but I settle for security
animal…wolf, meerkat, lemming
time orientation…future
energy source…question and make a plan for what might happen
need…to avoid pain
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to depend on anyone else for anything
lost childhood message…you will be taken care of
compulsion or wake-up call…feeling that something better is somewhere else
red flag fear…that your own actions have brought you pain and unhappiness
spiritual jump start…anticipating what you are going to do next
wings…6 and 8
stress..1, perfectionistic, critical
security…5, focused, fascinated
dominant center…thinking
support center…doing
repressed center…feeling
I want satisfaction, enough, but I settle for more
animal…golden retriever, otter
Country…Ireland, Brazil
time orientation…future
energy source…anticipating
need…to be against
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to be vulnerable; you can’t trust everybody
lost childhood message…you will not be betrayed
compulsion or wake-up call…feeling you must push and struggle to make things happen
red flag fear…that others are turning against you and will retaliate
spiritual jump start…trying to force or control your life
wings…7 and 9
stress…5, secretive, fearful, greedy
security…2, caring, open-hearted
dominant center…doing
support center…thinking
repressed center…feeling
I want justice, but I settle for revenge
animal…tiger, bull
time orientation…future
energy source…leading a group from point A to point B
need…to avoid
unconscious childhood message…it’s not OK to assert yourself
lost childhood message…your presence matters
compulsion or wake-up call…outwardly accommodating yourself to others
red flag fear…that you will be forced by reality to deal with your problems
spiritual jump start…resisting being affected by your experiences
wings…8 and 1
stress…6, anxious, worried
security…3, energetic, self-developing, stronger identity
dominant center…doing
support center…thinking/feeling
repressed center…doing
I want harmony and unity but I settle for sleep to true self and desires
animal…sloth, dolphin, elephant
time orientation…past
energy source…remaining unaffected by what is going on