TLAC minutes, meeting of Dec 8, 2006

Present: Barbara Coleman, Keith Ellis, Jill Leonard, Russell Prather, Judy Punchocar,

Kathy Saville, Carol Steinhaus, Carol Strauss

I. Agenda approved (Barb, Jill); Nov 10th minutes approved (Russ, Carol Steinhaus)

Thanks to Judy for breakfast treats

II. Reports

A. Dec 7th ceremony: beautifully done, 50-60 people attended

B. TLAC e-mail address in place ()

C. Fred Joyal approved the text for grant proposals (TLAC Conference Grant Program)

and it was turned over to CindyProsen for her approval; Judy to hear shortly .

D. Budget: Carol Steinhaus still awaiting word from Carol Bergmann

E. TLAC website: TLAC link is now on NMU faculty homepage. Carol Strauss to ask Eric Johnson to add “TLAC” (present wording: “Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee”). Keith has graciously agreed to oversee it.

III. Reminders

A. Anyone with documentation re Teaching Engagements and/or samples of

departmental advising forms, bring/mail/give to Judy

B. All should carefully check Teaching Engagements poster to be e-mailed by Keith,

send him corrections/changes

IV. Teaching Engagements

A. finalized March TE: Mar 15-16, time & location to be set, title: “Creating an Exemplary On-Line Course.” Kathy has organized and made all arrangements for the presenter, Dr. David Graf of SoutheasternNovaUniversity

Partnering with AIS for this TE: AIS contributing $500., TLAC $2200.

B. TE Budget: we are below budget; this funding does not get carried over, thus we

can arrange niceties, e.g., refreshments, etc

C. Proposal to add a third January TE: “Building Learning Communities with RSS

Feeds, Wikis, and Blogs.” Presented via distance learning by

Dr. Norm Garrett of Eastern Illinois University This is already being arranged by the provost’s office. Discussion. Consensus is to add to our TE’s; at this time we need only add it to our TE advertising. To take place Jan 25, 1:00-2:30 – same day as TE on Internationalization, but different time, potentially different audiences.

D. For the FUTURE: think about whether TE’s successful, whether we want to

continue them next year, potential topics. One could be on advising—involve AQIP Ad-Hoc Committee

We segued from this into a discussion of peer advising/coaching, esp for faculty who need assistance. Should this be tied to the advising office? Or, does it fall under academic affairs? Through DeanProsen’s office? There is a clear need, consensus to explore.

V. Good of the Order: “Equity in the Classroom” conference to be held here late March;

Several sessions on T & L, diversity, affirmative action

Winter 2007 TLAC meetings: Jan 26, Feb 9, Mar 16, Apr 20

Respectfully submitted, Carol Strauss