PSRC Elementary School Curriculum Map
5th Grade Strings (Updated 2016)
Time / Content Area / Essential Questions / Content Connections / Skills / Assessments(Formative & Summative / Resources
Quarter 1
Quarter 2 / Rules &
Instrument Care
Posture and Bow Hold
Basic Music Literacy and Rhythm
Health Issues in Music
Cultural and Global Issues
Performance / What are the behavior expectations for the class?
How do I keep my instrument safe at home and at school?
How do I hold my instrument and bow correctly? What are the fundamental techniques necessary to play a stringed instrument? ______
How do I interpret various music symbols? How do I apply those symbols to create a composition?______
How do I play with a steady tone?
How do I play with accurate pitch?
What are major health issues in music?
How do I protect my hearing?
What is tension and how do I play tension-free?
What is Mariachi music like? What is Native American music like? How does culture shape these types of music?
How do I blend with my stand partner and the other people in my section?
How do I create an accurate and expressive performance? / School wide student behavior
Science- how temperatures affects the instruments, variable that contribute to sound and intonation
Math- note values, meter, and music theory.
English- Critique performances; respond to bell ringer questions
History- composer of the month
Foreign language- music terminology
Other arts- singing, visual art
Phys Ed and Health-
-keeping a steady beat through body movement, stretching and relaxing the body through exercise / *Class and performance etiquette
*Play with good posture, bow hold, tone, intonation
*Perform beginner music
* Recognize note values in simple and compound meters.
*Use steady tone while performing music.
*Perform with technical accuracy with very few mistakes.
* Learn about music and issues in other cultures and apply knowledge
* Apply knowledge of physical wellness
*Balanced ensemble performance / * Formal winter performance
*Individual student assessment and self-reflection.
* Listen to a recording of playing and reflect
*Daily observations by
*Peer feedback
*Written Tests / Orchestra Handbook
Sheet Music
Essential Elements book 1
Software: Finale, Sibelius
Internet, SmartMusic
Live performances
PSRC Elementary School Curriculum Map
5th Grade Strings
Time / Content Area / Essential Questions / Content Connections / Skills / Assessments(Formative & Summative / Resources
Quarter 3
Quarter 4 / Rules &
Instrument Care
Posture and Bow Hold
Basic Music Literacy and Rhythm
Health Issues in Music
Cultural and Global Issues
Performance / What are the behavior expectations for the class?
How do I keep my instrument safe at home and at school?
How do I hold my instrument and bow correctly? What are the fundamental techniques necessary to play a stringed instrument? ______
How do I interpret various music symbols? What are the notes on my G, D, and A strings? How do I interpret quarter notes and rests, half notes and rests, and whole notes and rests?
How do I play with a steady tone?
How do I play with accurate pitch?
What are major health issues in music?
How do I protect my hearing?
What is tension and how do I play tension-free?
What is jazz music like? What is fiddle music like? How has American culture shaped these types of music?
How do I blend with my stand partner and the other people in my section?
How do I create an accurate and expressive performance? / School wide student behavior
Science- how temperatures affects the instruments, variable that contribute to sound and intonation
Math- note values, meter, and music theory.
English- Critique performances; respond to bell ringer questions
History- composer of the month
Foreign language- music terminology
Other arts- singing, visual art
Phys Ed and Health-
-keeping a steady beat through body movement, stretching and relaxing the body through exercise / *Class and performance etiquette
*Play with good posture, bow hold, tone, intonation
*Perform Grade 1 music
* Perform D major and G major scales
* Recognize note values in simple and compound meters.
*Use steady tone while performing music.
*Perform with technical accuracy with very few mistakes.
* Learn about music and issues in other cultures and apply knowledge
* Apply knowledge of physical wellness
*Balanced ensemble performance / * Formal spring performance
*Individual student assessment and self-reflection.
* Listen to a recording of playing and reflect
*Daily observations by
*Peer feedback
*Written Tests
*all-county audition
*all-county clinic and performance / Orchestra Handbook
Sheet Music
Essential Elements books
Software: Finale, Sibelius
Internet, SmartMusic
Live performances