Guardrail Committee

Strategic Work Plan

As of 3/17


Goal A:ATSSA will advocate for roadway infrastructure safety.

Strategy A1: Focus federal advocacy efforts on preserving HSIP funding solely for infrastructure safety.

Strategy A2:Promote a fully funded Highway Trust Fund, including our current policies and alternatives for funding.

Strategy A3:Develop a framework to deliver government relations services at the state level.

Strategy A4:Educate the new Administration on roadway safety infrastructure.

Goal B:ATSSA will be our industry’s primary resource for roadway infrastructure safety knowledge exchange.

Strategy B1: Foster knowledge exchange at all ATSSA venues (e.g. Chapters, Midyear, Convention).

Strategy B2: Develop and deliver training programs that meet the needs of the membership.

Strategy B3:Increase the number of member/companies participating in ATSSA programs and Events.

Goal C:ATSSA will be the recognized voice and authority on roadway safety.

Strategy C1: Incorporate the ATSSF’s unique activities and messages to amplify ATSSA’s Toward Zero Deaths initiative.

Strategy C2: Produce strategic briefing documents and identify policy issues in order to strengthen ATSSA’s position as the voice of roadway safety.

Strategy C3: Educate the industry on key strategic issues that impact member’s businesses.

Strategy C4:Expand ATSSA’s messaging beyond fatalities to also include the number of serious injuries.

Strategy C5:Represent our members in stakeholder groups whose decisions may affect our industry.

Goal D: ATSSA will actively support our members’ business development.

Strategy D1: Foster and facilitate relationships and communications between members and public agencies with increased emphasis on chapters and their public agencies.

Strategy D2: Identify and educate members about emerging business opportunities.

Strategy D3: Identify and educate members about agency or organizational actions or processes that may affect their businesses (e.g. state and federal).

Strategy D4:Improve public and industry awareness of the distinction of ATSSA members’ contributions to and expertise in the roadway safety industry.

Goal E:Educate and inform our members regarding innovations and developments in the area of connected and automated vehicles and other innovative technologies.

Strategy E1: Represent the roadway safety industry at V2X meetings and events.

Strategy E2: Educate and inform members regarding V2X initiatives.

Strategy E3: Create maximum benefits for members from the Circle of Innovation.

Strategy E4:Develop partnerships as appropriate.

Strategy E5:Advance use of WZ ITS through communication and knowledge exchange.

Subpart K Task Force:

Task Force Members: Gary Lallo, Will Burney, John Durkos, Brent Kulp

Develop comments for NPA on Subpart K / Task Force / When comment period is posted by FHWA

Education Subcommittee

Subcommittee Members: John Durkos, Bill Lovewell, Lance Bullard, Roger Bligh, Craig Sliter, Michael Bennett, Gary Lallo, Priscilla Tobias, David Takiguchi

One Day Training Course for Inspectors / Chad / Course development is complete.
Webinar Series / All / The first webinar was held January 31, 2008 on Corrugated Beam Barriers. We had 64 attendees at 18 sites.
The second webinar was held June 24, 2008 on Cable Barrier Systems. We had 159 attendees at 42 sites and 5 sponsors. A new webinar provider was used.
The third webinar was held on April 28, 2009 on Transitions and Bridge Rails. 272 attendees at 49 sites and 1 sponsor.
The fourth webinar was held on February 25, 2010 on the subject of End Treatments. 189 attendees at 32 sites and 1 sponsor.
The fifth webinar was held on December 9,2010 on the subject of Crash Cushions. 175 attendees at 36 sites.
The sixth webinar was held on October 19, 2011on the subject of “Aesthetic Barriers” such as aesthetic or non-traditional barriers that may be used in state parks, federal lands, historic roadways, etc. 111 attendees at 28 sites.
The seventh webinar on TMAs was held on May 23, 2012. 198 attendees at 44 sites.
The eighth webinar Advancements in Longitudinal Barriers washeldApril 3, 2013. Speakers include: Nick Artimovich, Dean Alberson, Rory Meza,and Mike Hazlett. 137 attendees at 33 sites.
The previously conducted webinar on Cable Barriers may be presented again with updated information. The task force is brainstorming additional ideas.
Our next webinar will be: State of the Guardrail Industry: Documentation and Legal Liability – we are still trying to confirm speakers. This webinar topic was tabled. The subcommittee will work on additional topics on its next call.
-Update on cable barrier
-MASH Implementation
Funding for guardrail installation, maintenance, and inspection language inserted into the authorization bill / All / The Work Zone Safety Grant language has been amended to include training for guardrail installation, inspection, and maintenance. ATSSA will respond to the RFP when it is issued by FHWA.
ATSSA submitted a proposal for the 2016 Guardrail Safety Grant solicitation on 6/27/16.
Model Specification Language on Training for DOTs / All / Phase I COMPLETE. The Model Spec language has been developed.
Phase II: COMPLETE. Development of a PowerPoint presentation to be used in Phase III.
Donna is revising the PPT presentation to focus more on training and less on certification - COMPLETE
Phase III. Next step will be to visit select State DOTs to discuss the Model Specification Language:
IL – Priscilla Tobias: would support training for contractors
UT – Priscilla Tobias
OH – John Durkos– OH DOT indicated that they current do not have any certification requirements. They would not be receptive to requiring training at this time. They said that the contractors would not be interested unless the training was mandated and that they (OH DOT) would not be willing to mandate training at this time.
MO – Priscilla Tobias
LA – they are interested
IA – they are interested
DE, DC, MD – Tony Cappella
  • DE took advantage of free FHWA training
NH – Craig Sliter: NH is discussing it.
HI – David Takiguchi – HI has a bunch of questions for us. David needs to send those questions to us so that we can respond.
A, MS – Roman Clayton
  • AL has scheduled 2 GIT courses.
We would like to get a status report from each person at the convention meeting.
The Committee asked this group to revisit the PowerPoint presentation to ensure the focus is on training and not necessarily certification.
We should also target states that have already required TTC training. Additionally, we should look at states that are outsourcing their guardrail maintenance.
Update GIT Course / Chad / COMPLETE
Update the LBS Course / Chad / COMPLETE
Guardrail End Treatment Inventory Task Force / Task Force / Rob Dingess has been added to this task force.
The committee voted NOT to participate in the UTDOT Scan.
The task force held a call on 6/1/16 to discuss ways to supplement TTI’s efforts. Members will participate in technical working group that TTI is assembling.
Guardrail Inspection Course Pilot / All – Craig leading / NHDOT has expressed willingness to host the pilot offering. Dates need to be confirmed so that the course can be effectively marketed. 2 conference calls approved for this project.

Membership Recruitment Subcommittee

Subcommittee Members: Andy Artar, Guy LaPrade, Roy Riedl, Brent Tewksbury,Priscilla Tobias

Goal: 50 GSD members. / All / ONGOING
Identify states to target for 2015 meeting / All / COMPLETE
Promotional video clips at 2015 Convention / All / Gary Hadden, Brent Tewskbury, Matt or Bill Shorb, Rob Voccia, David Takaguchi, Roman Clayton, Ryan Kramer, Derrick Kerns, Glenn Stewart
We will try to do this at the Midyear meeting.
This project was tabled.
State DOT invites to 2016 convention / All / The following DOTs were invited:LA, PA, TX, IA, FL. COMPLETE.
Updated Prospect List / Membership Prospects Task Force – Andy Artar, Guy LaPrade, Roy Reidl, Tom Calton, Kevin Malley, and Golden Hatfield. / June 30, 2017 / 2 conference calls approved for this project.

Reauthorization Task Force

Task Force Members: Andy Artar, Will Burney, Pete Granillo

Generate recommendations for policies that ATSSA’s GR team can push. / All / ONGOING