Applying the Miracles of Jesus to Modern Life

(Please use the chart we completed in groups to help you with assignment)

Name: ______Due Date: ______

Thinking/Inquiry: /8 / Application: /12 / Communication: /8
  1. Find an article in a newspaper or magazine or website which relates to one of the seven miracles discussed in class. Do this again for three other miracles. You must have 4 different articles in total attached to the back of this assignment. Each article must show a situation of despair and an action of hope that people are undertaking in an attempt to overcome this situation of despair. (Thinking and Inquiry - 2 marks for the relevance of each article = 8 marks)
  1. Answer the four questions listed below for each article chosen for 12 application marks.
  1. Be sure to properly reference your sources by using APA format. I expect four magazine or newspaper or website sources to be appropriately referenced for 8 communication marks. Please see the notes after the chart below to discover how to reference properly.

Name of miracle performed by Jesus from the gospel of John that best relates to the article chosen. / Answer the following questions for each miracle chosen. (3 marks each x 4 = 12 marks Application)
Cure of the man born blind / Title of the article:
Florida Teen Honored for Saving the Life of a Police Officer Who Was Arresting Him
Briefly describe the situation of despair in this article:
Sometimes people who do not make good decisions in their life get labelled as bad. Their actions define who are they are and people are reluctant to give them a second chance.
What actions are the individuals (or group of people) in this article undertaking in an attempt to overcome this situation of despair?
Despite the situation he was in, the Florida teen, Jamal, decided that he was not going to let his bad decisions define him as a person. He knew that he was better than that and he showed people this by calling for help when the officer who was arresting him had a heart attack.
Explain why you believe the situation of hope and despair in this article best reflects the miracle chosen.
People can blind themselves to the true identity and potential of others if they let someone’s outward appearance and actions define who they are. We shouldn’t judge people because they may start believing the negative labels placed on them.
Title of the article:
Briefly describe the situation of despair in this article:
What actions are the individuals (or group of people) in this article undertaking in an attempt to overcome this situation of despair?
Explain why you believe the situation of hope and despair in this article best reflects the miracle chosen.
Title of the article:
Briefly describe the situation of despair in this article:
What actions are the individuals (or group of people) in this article undertaking in an attempt to overcome this situation of despair?
Explain why you believe the situation of hope and despair in this article best reflects the miracle chosen.
Title of the article:
Briefly describe the situation of despair in this article:
What actions are the individuals (or group of people) in this article undertaking in an attempt to overcome this situation of despair?
Explain why you believe the situation of hope and despair in this article best reflects the miracle chosen.







How to Cite a Newspaper in Print in APA

Structure: Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. Page(s).


  • Bowman, L. (1990, March 7). Bills target Lake Erie mussels. The Pittsburgh Press, p. A4.
  • Meier, B. (2013, January 1). Energy Drinks Promise Edge, but Experts Say Proof Is Scant. New York Times, p. 1.

How to Cite a Newspaper Online in APA

Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. Page(s). Retrieved from URL.


  • Bowman, L. (1990, March 7). Bills target Lake Erie mussels. The Pittsburgh Press, p. A4. Retrieved from
  • Meier, B. (2013, January 1). Energy Drinks Promise Edge, but Experts Say Proof Is Scant. New York Times, p. 1. Retrieved January 3, 2013, from

How to Cite a Newspaper on a Database in APA

Last name, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. Page(s). Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL.


  • Anand, G. (2010, April 2). Fire and fumes can’t drive Indians from hellish village. Wall Street Journal, p. A1. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from
  • Carey, P. (2012, December 21). An apps-eye view of global warming and climate change. Contra Costa Times. Retrieved January 3, 2013, from


How to Cite a Magazine in Print in APA

Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Magazine Title, Page(s).


  • Rothbart, D. (2008, October). How I caught up with Dad. Men’s Health, 108-113.
  • Jaeger, J. (2010, August). Social Media Use in the Financial Industry. Compliance Week, 54. Retrieved January 3, 2013.

How to Cite a Magazine Online in APA

Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Magazine Title, Page(s). Retrieved from URL.


  • Rothbart, D. (2008, October). How I caught up with Dad. Men’s Health, 108-113. Retrieved from
  • Folger, Tim. "Higgs: What Causes the Weight of the World." Discover Magazine n.d.: n. pag. Web. 2 Jan. 2013.

How to Cite a Magazine on a Database in APA

Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Magazine Title. Retrieved from URL.


  • China's export prospects: Fear of the dragon. (2010, January 9). The Economist. Retrieved from
  • Miley, M. (2008, December). Magazine's We'll Miss.Advertising Age, 79(46), 19. Retrieved January 3, 2013, from


Structure: Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Website Title. Retrieved Month Date, Year, from URL.


  • Satalkar, B. (2010, July 15). Water aerobics. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from
  • Cain, K. (2012, June 29). The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication. Social Media Today RSS. Retrieved January 3, 2013, from