City of East Chicago Board of Public Works

4525 Indianapolis Blvd. • East Chicago, Indiana46312 • (219) 391-8355 • Fax #(219) 391-8401

Val Gomez, President; William Allen, Vice-President; Emiliano Perez, Member

Minutes for theRegularMeeting

Board of Public Works

Wednesday, January 13, 2016, at 4:30 pm

City Hall Council Chambers

1. Call to Order: The regularmeeting of the Board of Public Works was called to order by

President, Val Gomez.

2. Roll Call: Mr. Val Gomez, President Present

Mr. William Allen, Vice-President Present

Mr. Emiliano Perez, Member Present

3. Minutes: Regular Meeting; November 12, 2015:

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

4. Correspondence:None.

5. New Business: Election of Officers:

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to nominate Val Gomez for President. Mr. Gomez accepted. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: Perez, Allen


Motion was made by Mr. Perez to nominate William Allen for Vice-President. Mr. Allen accepted. Mr. Gomez second. No discussion.

Ayes: Perez, Gomez


Mold Remediation Bids (Health Dept.): Mr. Gomez read the following letter:

“Dear Board of Public Works,

In August 2015, Environmental Solutions Group, Inc. aka ESG performed an initial Remedial Microbial Evaluation (RME) of City Hall’s building and mold was found throughout different areas of the building. Therefore, causing ESG to put together a remediation protocol and to have mold remediation contractors view the affected areas. ESG with my permission contacted three (3) contractors, Americlean, ServPro, and Hayes & Sons. At the time of the scheduled walkthrough, Hayes & Sons was a no show, therefore, leaving only Americlean and ServPro to evaluate mold remediation.

I received two (2) bids for mold remediation of the City Hall’s building from both Americlean and ServPro that included complete remediation and air ducts/vent systems being cleaned. ServPro had a lower bid totaling $38,952.37. I am recommending that ServPro do the remediation due to their timeliness in preparation of bid; and they gave a thorough and precise walkthrough of affected areas to ensure proper protocol is followed. ServPro showed a genuine concern for the safety of the staff working in the building and wanted to make sure that all issues or possible issues were covered.

During and upon completion of mold remediation, ESG (Environmental Solutions Group, Inc.) will have a certified inspector that will oversee and conduct air quality sampling throughout process to ensure safety of employees, building occupants, and the environment.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 219-391-8467 or via email at .


Arnita D. Fowlkes


Motion was made by Mr. Gomez to approve the agreement with ServPro for thirty eight thousand nine hundred fifty two dollars and thirty seven cents ($38,952.37). Mr. Perez second. No discussion.

Ayes: Gomez, Perez


Opening Proposals for Indianapolis Blvd. (152nd to Columbus Dr.): Mr. Gomez reported four (4) proposals were received:

1.Primera Engineering; 9200 Calumet Ave., Munster, IN

2. Weaver Consultants Group 7121 Grape Rd., Grainger, IN

3. DLZ Indiana; 900 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN

4. Ciorba Group Inc.; 5507 N. Cumberland Ave., Chicago, IL

Mr. Gomez reported the proposals will be forwarded to the City Engineer to evaluate and review.

Repairs to Marina Dry Stack (Marina): Ms. Natalie Adams reported there were additional repairs that were done as an emergency to the Loss prevention system. When repairs were made, two (2) additional leaks were found. Funding was set aside for the invoices. Ms. Adams indicated that she anticipates additional work to the Dry Stack. Mr. Gomez reported both invoices are with Valley Fire Protection System; six thousand sixty dollars ($6,060.00) and three thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($3,320.00).

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the two (2) invoices from Valley Fire Protection System. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Section 5307 Fund Conveyance Agreements (Bus Transit): Mr. Frank Rosado reported the agreements are renewal procedures done every year with NIRPC. Essentially they are agreements between the City of East Chicago and NIRPC. The City of East Chicago would follow the rules and regulations for Federal Funding received. The agreements cover Operational and ADA Paratransit Reimbursement Funds.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Section 5307 Fund Conveyance Agreements between the City of East Chicago and NIRPC. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Myers and Stauffer (2011 and 2012 Government Ambulance Payment Adjustment): Ms. Carla Morgan, City Attorney reported Myers and Stauffer is for Ambulance Medicaid cost reimbursement for the last year and a half (1 ½) that the City had ambulance service, which was all of 2011 and 2012 through May 3, 2012. The City has been working on the reimbursement for approximately two (2) years. The City was contacted by a company – Blue & Company. They helped the City get its cost report together to the State Agent, which is Myers and Stauffer, which they would review cost reports from Ambulance Agencies like the City. The City is owed one hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred seventy seven dollars and eighty eight cents ($177,377.88). For reimbursement a number of forms were executed and reported the cost spent for ambulance service. The City is in its final stages. Ms. Morgan stated “there were a couple documents I had to execute as City Attorney and I am requesting permission to do so. I have been involved as a Board Member and City Attorney. That is why my name is still on the document.” All documents enclosed were previously approved. Ms. Morgan requested permission to execute the forms for 2011 and 2012. There are two (2) forms for each year. After Myers and Stauffer receive the documents, it will be approximately two (2) weeks before the City will be issued a check. The City does not owe Blue & Company a fee until the City receives the reimbursement check.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to give the City Attorney permission to execute all forms for the project. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Request for Advertisement; 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties – Phase I (Building Dept.): Ms. Winna Guzman requested permission to publish the notice submitted for the 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties – Phase I. There are a total of thirty (30) properties. Funding will be under RDA, Hardest Hit and/or Unsafe Building. Mr. Gomez questioned whether the properties would be bid by group. Ms. Guzman reported the properties can be bid by groups or individual.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the request to advertise the 2016 Demolition of Vacant Properties Phase I for the Building Department. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Request for Advertisement; Roof at James Knight Public Safety Facility (Engineering Dept.): Mr. Gomez reported the request is to advertise.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the request to advertise the Roof at James Knight Public Safety Facility. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Cender & Company: Mr. Gomez reported the agreement is to provide financial consulting services. Mr. Gomez read the followings:

“We are pleased to submit herein our proposal to engage Cender & Company, LLC as financial consultant to perform certain professional services for the City of East Chicago Waterworks during the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016 on projects as requested.”

Mr. Gomez questioned Joe Allegretti whether the agreement would take action by the Water Board. Mr. Allegretti reported he did not see work provided to any Department other than the Department of Water Works. Mr. Gomez indicated the agreement would not need action taken by this board. Mr. Allegretti reported it doesn’t appear to.

Change Order #1; Roof at Riley Park & McArthur Golf Course (Public Works): Mr. Gomez reported the cost for the change order is one thousand nine hundred ninety three dollars and seventy five cents ($1,993.75). Ms. Fran Nowacki reported Gluth Brothers did the work in October 2015; however, the Maintenance Building was in extremely bad shape. Mr. Gomez reported when conducting the work they found additional damage. Ms. Nowacki reported yes and they informed her.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Change Order #1 for the Roof at Riley Park & McArthur Golf Course in the amount of one thousand nine hundred ninety three dollars and seventy five cents ($1,993.75). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Resolution 2016-01; Global Consulting: Joe Allegretti, Corporation Counsel reported the Resolution provides for a six (6) month extension of the existing agreement with Global Consulting Solutions. The recommendation is that the Board of Works acts favorably on the Resolution, on the condition that the original agreement is modified to provide, as with all consultants it could be terminated without notice.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-01 extending the service agreement of Global Consulting Solutions through May 31, 2016 and on the condition that wording for termination clause be amended. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Consulting Contract; J.M. Bennett & Associates Inc.: Mr. Allegretti reported the Law Department requested the Board acts favorably on executing the agreement with J.M. Bennett & Associates for the calendar year 2016 and the termination clause should be added. The cost is not to exceed one hundred thirty thousand dollars ($130,000.00).

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept the consulting contract with J.M. Bennett & Associates for 2016 in the amount of one hundred thirty thousand dollars ($130,000.00). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Resolution 2016-02; Quit Claim Deeds and Sales Disclosures for the following; 4831 Alexander Ave., 4840 Alexander Ave., and 4909 Alexander Ave.: Mr. Joe Allegretti reported the three (3) properties are in need of demolition and are owned by the Civil City and it is a provision by Statute that there may be inter department transfers. The purpose of the conveyance to the Department of Redevelopment is for the Demolition Project, which is the Hardest Hit Project Agreement.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve Resolution 2016-02. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Midwestern Electric; 2016 Rates: Mr. Gomez reported the rates include: equipment, hourly and time and material. Service is provided to the Engineering Department for Traffic and Street light maintenance repair. The rates will be effective January 1, 2016.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the Midwestern Electric rates for 2016 – effective January 1, 2016. Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Emergency Replacement of Mayor’s Office Furnace: Mr. Gomez reported during the past week, with the cold weather, the Mayor’s Office has three (3) furnaces and the oldest original furnace went out. Budd Mechanical was consulted and the City was told it was beyond repair. The replacement cost is two thousand nine hundred ninety eight dollars ($2,998). It was an emergency and repairs began.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to approve the emergency replacement of the furnace at the Mayor’s Office for two thousand nine hundred ninety eight dollars ($2,998). Mr. Allen second. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

Right of Way Applications; Engineering Department: Mr. Gomez reported on the following permits:

Permit 16-02457: Utility – Actin, Inc. – 4816 Alexander – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is for temporary obstruction of public right-of-way, due to demolition.

Permit 16-02458: Utility – Actin, Inc. – 4930 Alexander – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is for the use of public right-of-way for the demolition equipment and personnel at the following location: 4930 Alexander.

Permit 16-02459: Dumpster – Oscar D. Coronado – 4146 Tod Ave. – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is for removing flooring.

Permit 16-02460: Heavy Load – Freight Logistics Management – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is to haul via: Dickey Rd., Michigan Avenue and 912.

Permit 16-02461: Heavy Load – Tri-Union Express, Inc. – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is for hauling via: Dickey Rd., Michigan Ave., Canal St., Riley Rd., and Indiana Harbor Dr.

Permit 16-02462: Heavy Load – Liberty Enterprises – Mr. Gomez reported the permit is for hauling via: Cline Ave., Michigan, 129th and Dickey Rd.

Motion was made by Mr. Perez to accept permit applications 16-02457–16-02462. Mr. Allensecond. No discussion.

Ayes: AllPerez, Allen, Gomez

  1. Old Business: None.
  1. Other Business: None.
  1. Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 4:30 pm
  1. Adjournment: Motion was made by Mr. Gomezto adjourn the meeting. Mr. Perez

second. Nodiscussion.

Ayes: All Perez, Allen, Gomez

Board of Public Works


Val Gomez, President


William Allen, Vice-President


Emiliano Perez, Member

