City of Fruita

Community Survey 2017

Request for Proposals


The City of Fruita, Mesa County Health Department, and Family Health West (Partners) invite all interested, qualified companies or firms to submit proposals to develop and conduct a citizen opinion survey. The selected consultant will develop an appropriate survey instrument and methodology to gauge citizen opinion about the activities and direction of the Partners and to further conduct the task of carrying out the survey tabulating its results, and preparing a final report.

Responses to this Request for Proposals will be accepted untilJune 16, 2017. It is the sole responsibility of the consultant to ensure that the proposal is received before the submittal deadline listed above. Late proposals will not be considered.

Any requests for clarification or additional information deemed necessary by any respondent to present a proper proposal may contact the Odette Brach. The Partners reserve the right to negotiate any and all elements of this proposal.


The City of Fruita is a growing community with a population of 13,000 in the heart of the Grand Valley. The City of Fruita has traditionally conducted a community survey to ask the citizens of Fruita what their attitudes and feelings were on a multitude of issues. However, the last survey was conducted in 2013. These issues ranged from population size, support for a sales tax increase to fund a new recreation center, ranking of services performed by the city government and quality of life issues in Fruita. This survey is a joint survey between the City of Fruita, Mesa County Health Department, and Family Health West.


The selected contractor shall assist a committee representing the Partners to determine the most cost effective, reasonable, and productive survey methodology to employ. The last several surveys have been mail out surveys and the City averaged a 23% return on those surveys. The Partners are amenable to any methodology but feel it important to include mail out surveys and electronic options.

Once the desired methodology has been determined, it is expected that the selected contractor will assist and guide the Partners in developing objective questions designed to gauge community sentiment about issues such as: community values, population size, health care, substance abuse, growth impacts, public services, land use and annexation policies, needs for recreation amenities both indoor and outdoor, and other timely issues of interest to the Partners. These questions will be in addition to a slate of standard questions utilized in the past to help measure satisfaction with City services. The survey and questions will be designed to ensure statistical validity and unambiguous quantifiable results.

The selected contractor shall also advise the Partners on all aspects of the survey including the proposed quantity of surveys, length of survey, and desired results.

Following selection of an appropriate methodology, the selected contractor will work with Partners to determine the acceptability of the recommended survey approach and the content and the scope of questions to be included therein. Any modifications of revisions to the approach or the questions that may be required shall be completed in a timely manner.

Assuming the acceptability of the survey approach, quantification, and the content and scope of the questions, the selected contractor shall then proceed with the conduct of the survey.

Once the survey has been completed, the contractor shall compile and analyze the results that will be set forth in a final written and electronic report including all illustrative graphs, raw data analysis, and any other information the contractor believes could be beneficial to the City Council. The contractors shall provide the Partners with ten (10) bound copies of the final report and two (2) reports in electronic format (one in Excel or .csv and one in PDF format). In addition, the Contractor shall give the City Council a presentation outlining the final report. As a cost saving measure, the City has worked with previous contractors to handle and coordinate many of the administrative tasks associated with a survey. The Partners are willing to again utilize Partners for administrative functions.


Interested contractors shall submit deliverables that clearly demonstrate their ability to provide the services as outlined in this Request for Proposals. The following submittals shall be organized in the order listed below to facilitate fair and equal evaluation of the responses.

  1. Cover Letter: A cover letter shall be provided which succinctly explains the contractor’s interest in the project. The letter shall contain the name, address, and phone number of the person who will serve as the firm’s principle contact with Partners and shall identify individual(s) who will be authorized to make presentations on behalf of the firm.
  2. Methodology: Describe your firm’s preferred process, methodology, and approach for this project. Indicate how your process and approach will accomplish the project objectives.
  3. Qualifications of Key Personnel: Submit summarized resumes of all those who will be involved in completing the scope of services. Please include their experience in performing the required and necessary services or functions.
  4. Firm’s Experience and References: Provide at least three (3) references for completed projects of similar size and scope, including at least two (2) references for projects completed during the past two (2) years. Include the name of the organization, a brief summary of the work performed, and the name and telephone number of the responsible contact person.
  5. Partners Responsibilities: Identify all services that are expected to be provided by the Partners.
  6. Cost and Time Required for Services: Each proposal shall include a fee schedule for services and shall include a not-to-exceed amount for the project. The proposed timeline for the Citizen Survey is attached; however, survey design must be completed no later than July 21, 2017.


The Partners shall determine whether or not particular consultants have the basic qualifications to complete the project. A committee of selected Partners will evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria:

  1. The firm’s experience as it relates to Section III;
  2. Qualifications of key personnel that will be assigned to the project;
  3. Narrative and project approach;
  4. Timeline and completion of each phase meeting the City’s goal of completion with a finalized report; and
  5. Cost effectiveness.

Note: All respondents must initially represent themselves solely by their written submittal. After the selection committee has reviewed the proposals, the finalists may be asked to provide a personal presentation on site at the firm’s sole expense, or the committee may contact phone interviews.

Proposed Timeline for Completion of 2017 Citizen Survey

RFP ProcessMay 23 – June 16, 2017

Survey DesignJuly 21, 2017

Print and mail surveysWeek of July 24, 2017

Cutoff for receiving surveysAugust 25, 2017

Tabulate survey resultsSeptember 8, 2017

Final reportSeptember 22, 2017

Report Delivered to City CouncilOctober 3, 2017