Lesson Plan 7th Grade

Week 1: Crusades

Monday: Jerusalem: city of many religions

A. Use three part diagram on overhead projection. Have them copy onto their own paper.

B. Use overhead 11 to show your point.

C. Read pg. 120 (start in middle of the page at “Jerusalem was a sacred city for Jews, …”

D. Begin Homework: Chapter Preview

Reading Preview

Name ______Date ______Period ______


1. What is the title of this chapter? On which pages is the chapter located?

2. Write down all the section headings in the lesson.

3. What is the main picture that begins the chapter? How do you think it relates to the chapter?

4. Look at all the pictures in the lesson. Which picture do you find most interesting? Why does it interest you?

5. Read the chapter summary at the end of the chapter. Write one sentence that explains the main idea of the lesson.


A. collect homework

B. use picture on pg. 118 to review Jerusalem.

C. use map on pg. 121 to introduce different crusades.

D. read 11.3 (pg. 121) and begin notes (use Lesson Guide #1 pg. 244)


A. Read p. 122 -123 (Second and Third Crusade and Later Crusades)

B. Finish Notes (except for the last row marked “Jews”)

C. Use the question at the bottom to start a small converstation, can even RT (ask them to talk about it for a minute then share answers as a class

D. Begin Homework: Newspaper Article (Lesson Guide 1 pg. 245)Can any good come from the Crusades?

1. requirements:

- 200 words,

- a clear opinion (yes/no) with at least three good examples. The examples can show that most things are negative and that some good does exist (new cultures in Europe, a check in the strength of the church, rise of middle class merchants and craftsmen, etc…)

- use at least two colors to decorate at least one picture (drawn or printed from the internet),


2. I scheduled a time for them to work on them in class on Thursday.


A. Read p. 124 (Christians and the Crusades) to start talking about data they can use in their articles.

B. Start Crusades Map (Continents, Countries, Cities, and do the routes for the First Crusade so you don’t have to use colors. Tomorrow, you can use markers, crayons, etc. **you might want to find another supply of colors because that classrooms marker supply sucks)

C. Article Workshop: give them time to continue their article


A. collect homework

B. Nystrom Atlas (Green) p. 62 **the teachers edition with worksheet is on the shelf behind the teacher’s desk

- I usually go through it with them, first with an example, then giving them time to complete each section.

C. finish crusade maps

Week 2


A. Preview Chapter: and you can use the pictures to start a converstation about the bubonic plague.

B. Read pg. 53

C. Introduce Crusades Game (show them a transparency of the game map and give them a Crusades packet also attached)

D. Do question 1 – 10 in class

E. Questions 10 – 20


A. collect homework

B. Quiz them on the questions you are going to use for the Crusades Game on Thursday and Friday.

C. Read 5.2 page 54 and answer questions (check page format because I tried to make these question on one single page.)


A. Bubonic Plague 5.3 with questions. You can tell them that “Ring Around the Rosy” is a kids song about the Plague. Refer to the picture on page 57 to show them people dancing in a circle.

B. Pass out newspaper article about Bubonic Plague in Los Angeles.

C. Begin Homework: One paragraph: What would you do if the Plague spread in Los Angeles? Escape with your loved ones? How? Traffic? Chaos?


A. Begin Crusades Game

- make three transparent copies of Crusades Game Map (one for each period)

- break the class into five teams (or four if more convenient), make up team names, and assign colors on the map

- go over rules to the game, and make any modification for your style of teaching

- leave the game half over to finish on Friday.

B. End of Feudalism Video : can be found in top right desk drawer

- I did not bring it home so preview and create questions for students to complete while watching.


A. Finish Game and Finish Video

B. You may want to add something here in case you have extra time.


5.3 The Bubonic Plague

1. What areas of the world were affected by the spread of the plague in the

14th century?

2. Why was the plague called the Black Death?

3. How was the plague spread?

4. How did the outbreak of plague in the 14th century contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe? (three to five sentences)

5.2 Political Developments in England

1. How did Henry II improve English law?

2. What changes did the Magna Carta bring about in English government?

3. What was the Model Parliament, and why was it created?

4. How did these political developments in England contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe? (three to five sentences)