6Melville Hall, Holly Road, Birmingham B16 9NJ Tel: (0044) 121 454 5874..
Email: Website:

Registration Introductory Letter

Thank you for requesting further details of the services we offer. These are our registration documents, which include the Terms of Engagement (our contract with you) a Database Proforma and a Disclaimer, which is a legal formality to enable us to provide you with this service.

Please complete the forms and return them together with your annual registration fee of £75 Standard or £100Express (for non UK clients £100 as Standard and £135 Express) as a cheque payable to Academic Ghostwriting Servicesor by bank transfer.Bank details will be provided on receipt of the registration forms.

Registration entitles you to unlimited telephone or email contact, charges as outlined in our Terms of Engagement, and we are able to accept your instructions for any written or editing work that you require. Verification checks on standard registration applications are concluded seven days after receiving your fully completed registration form. If you require work to be completed quickly we strongly advise you to select express mode which can be completed in 48 hours, provided that Registration Document 2 is completed in full and any additional documents are provided by return.

We are unable to receive any materials or accept any instructions until your registration is completed and any files sent prior to registration are automatically deleted from our system.

Please provide all the relevant informationrequested, registration cannot be completed without the details for which we ask. The process of registration is in complete confidence security checks will be carried out but your identity and all relevant details are subject to the Data Protection Act and confidentiality is assured.

This is the only British-based internet site that offers customised assistance and direct writing of academic assignments. Each piece of work is produced to order and is your property on its delivery and settlement of your account.

It is not an entry from a data bank and will not be submitted, now or at any time in the future, by any other client or for any other programme. We anticipate that you may choose to continue customise the work when you receive it to make sure that it meets your specific needs and advise you to build in sufficient time to do so if you wish.

In the unlikely event that on receiving your work it does not meet your written instructions in any way inform us by email where and how it does not do so within 24 hours and all amendments will be made free of charge. The final decision to submit any work resides with you.

Customised work cannot be detected using existing anti-plagiarism software and is especially safe if you are able to work consistently with your writer, which we always urge for long-term collaborations.

We pledge confidentiality and in special circumstances can provide a staged payment package if this is more convenient for you. If you wish for this option please advise us as soon as possible.

Our rates are based upon both direct writing and editing because from experience we know that editing existing work is as time consuming as new writing. But given the condition of a manuscript and subject to a pre-reading fee we will provide a fuller estimate of cost.

If you have a query that is not answered on our How it Works/ FAQs Page or wish to discuss your requirements in detail please telephone us 24/7 and one of our advisors will be able to help.

If you are sending electronic copy of these documents please also send the original 'hard copy' to us by courier or Royal Mail. We are unable to accept Formal Instructions until we are in receipt of the original Registration Documents.

We hope that we shall have a long and successful working relationship.

Registration Document 1


6 Melville Hall

Holly Road


Birmingham B16 9NJ


Tel (044) 0121 454 5874

Terms of Engagement

  • All the work completed upon your behalf remains the sole property of the client (you) once the invoice is settled.
  • Complete confidentiality is pledged in working with you and on your behalf provided that these terms are adhered to.
  • All work provided to you constitutes customised models (hence the disclaimer form) and is supplied on disc and/or by e mail so that you may carry out final modifications.
  • The final decision to submit an item of work for assessment is the client’s (yours) alone.
  • The more material you provide the more cost effective the commission for you. Where necessary we may suggest contracting a researcher to obtain the required materials and this service is costed at the appropriate hourly rate.
  • Full security checks will be made on information provided and in complete confidence and we will request you to provide a utility bill (or any official document) as confirmation of these details. We reserve the right to decline commissions from persons who fail to provide adequate contact details and/or fail to demonstrate the ability to provide financial credence.
  • Once work is initially commissioned in writing, accompanied by the completion dates you have chosen and we are in receipt of theFormal Instructions Sheet,you are allocated a PALO and an academic writer and verifier. Their time is now committed to meeting your requirements. The commission then becomes binding and cannot be cancelled.

Editing and complete writing is normally costed on an hourly basis and at the rates contained within the Scale of Charges information on the site. .

  • Telephone tutorials or discussions with your PALO (which should be pre-booked) are charged at the appropriate hourly rate
  • Tutorials and co-working can be arranged at your home, place of work, college or any other venue, subject to travel and accommodation costs being met.
  • Costings are included on the invoice under the heading ‘Sundries’ and are always at immediate response rates. These costs include all administrative time taken on your behalf, communication costs between ourselves, your writer and verifier, telephone calls, time and costs incurred in receiving and sending email communication, printing, downloading files and postage. There is a minimum chargeof 2 hours sundries per commission up to 5,000 words. 4 hours up to 10,000 words, 6 hours up to 15,000 words etc etc.
  • We are essentially an internet based organization, although we can also despatch commissions by Royal Mail Special Delivery or DHL if required and at the appropriate cost. Special Delivery and the cost of conveying materials through the Royal Mail will charges as 30 minutes administrative time plus postal costs.
  • Office hours are Monday – Friday 9 – 5 although we provide a 24/7 contact service. Contact outside office hours is acceptable, but material downloaded and telephone calls and contact (including tutorials) are subject to an additional £5 per hour charge 5-10pm, and £10 per hour, 10-9am. During the UK holidays of Easter and Christmas periods we are officially closed for three weeks; Christmas vacation commencing seven days before Christmas Day, and Easter, seven days before Good Friday. We are also officially closed for the whole of August. Work can be progressed during this month but again at an increased charge of £10.00 per hour over and above your hourly charge. Work can be commissioned during these periods if required, but at the appropriate rates and work received during these periods will reflect the booking in date of the next working day. Materials can be received at any time by prior arrangement. Allow 2 days closure for UK Bank Holidays, if relevant, when selecting your completion dates.
  • PALO's are on duty 365 days of the year to respond to emails and telephone queries and you will be provided with the name of your PALO and his/her mobile telephone number at time of registration. Out of hours costs for contact will be reflected in your invoice.
  • Invoices are itemised and tendered for settlement within 14 days. All invoices are calculated upwards to nearest 500 words. Outstanding invoices that incur retrieval costs of email communication, telephone calls and letters will be cost aggregated and submitted as retrieval costs. Invoices not settled within 14 days will incur a 10 per cent per week or part of week surcharge on the total invoice.
  • Whilst work is on-going we require you to check your e mail on a daily basis and to provide us with a contact telephone number where you may be reached in the event of a query.
  • FREE OF CHARGE amendments are made providing you notify us strictly within 24 hours of our releasing your work, which is the date you have specified and it is strictly adhered to. Free amendments apply only when you are able to show your written instructions have not been adhered to and in this event we will ask you to submit a copy of your original instructions giving evidence how and where the omission occurs. Please always retain a copy of your instructions.
  • You can always request other changes, but these will be chargeable if they were not contained within your original instructions. Those amendments advised by your tutor or institution can be made but are chargeable and classed as a second draft.

Note: Please complete these forms using a word processor or clear block capitals. Unclear entries may result in the application being rejected.

Please sign one copy of the terms and return them to us together with the remaining registration documents. Retain one copy for your records.

Date of registration application

Please sign and write your name legibly and in black ink.

If sending by courier or post please ensure that you have enclosed your annual registration fee with your registration documents at £75 standard (7 days) or £100 express (2 days) if you are residing within the UK, or if residing outside the UK £100 standard rate or £135 express. Cheques should be made payable to Elizabeth Hall Associates or Academic Ghostwriting Services. Registration documents that arrive without the registration fee, or without confirmation that this is transit, will not be retained and this will require a re-application.

If you select ‘express registration’ we advise you to choose this method.

We ask overseas clients to indicate their chosen method of payment prior to accepting the commission. Please rememberthat all rates are in sterling and you will need to ensurethat you send thecorrect amount for Standard or Express Registration when converted to £ sterling. You will also need to add £5 to the Registration Fee for bank conversion charges.We can offer BACS facilities. We do not advise PayPal and we do not accept credit cards.



IF POSTING YOUR REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS PLEASE ENSURE YOU CLEARLY MARK THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNERRegistration Application. If posting or sending documents by courier please always advice the anticipate arrival date.

Failure to do socouldresult in a delay in your registration process of up to one week above length of normal processing period.

Registration Document 2

Database Registration Proforma

Please complete in capitals and black ink. All sections MUST be completed in full. We reserve the right to refuse any registration submitted without comprehensive details. All applications pass through a confidential verification check.

Home Address
Home Telephone
Work Telephone
Mobile Telephone
Email address
Name of Workplace
Work Address
You are asked to access your email each day whilst work or registration is in progression, please also indicate if we should need to speak with you, on whichofnumbers given would you prefer us to make contact? / Home
What times of day do you prefer to be contacted?
A text to your mobile is the least cost option and we shall use this wherever possible.
Full/Part Time Course
Course Title (e.g. MSc in)
Level or Year
Campus Address
Date this Registration Form was Completed


IF POSTING YOUR REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS PLEASE ENSURE YOU CLEARLY MARK THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNERRegistration Application. If posting or sending documents by courier please always advice the anticipated arrival date.

Failure to do so,could result in a delay in your registration process of up to one week above length of normal processing period.

Registration Document 3

Client Disclaimer

I agree to accept any material provided by Academic Ghostwriting Serviceson the understanding that it is a guidance model only.

I have read and understood ALLthe information provided within the web site and also in the Terms of Engagement, and agree to abide by them.

Full Name
Full Home Address
Post Code

Please ensure that you print your details clearly to prevent delays in processing your registration.
Details of our account will be provided once we are in receipt of these forms if you choose to scan and email them to us. Once you have made the payment please provide us with proof of that payment (the bank authorisation or payment slip) by scanned email so that we can match up your registration fee with the documents as quickly as possible.


IF POSTING YOUR REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS PLEASE ENSURE YOU CLEARLY MARK THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNERRegistration Application. If posting or sending documents by courier please always advice the anticipated arrival date.

Failure to do so could delay your registration for up to one week longer than necessary.