RHA Board of Governors

January 15, 2013


EXEC BOARD: Heather Robertson (President), Kelsey Wallace (Vice President), Katie Cartwright (Executive Secretary), Eleisheia Sawyer (Executive Treasurer), Caitlyn Bassignani (Internal Affairs), Will Walton (External Affairs), Ricky Kong (CEO), Kinsey Richardson (NCC)

GOVERNORS: Brian Min (Carmichael), Kendall Nicosia-Russin (Cobb), Joshua Reed (Connor), Austin Glock Andrews (Craige), John Wilhoite (Ehringhaus), Linran Zhou (Granville Towers), Ajene Robinson-Burris (Hinton James), Landon Sherwood (Kenan), Gelly Lieth (Manning East), Alexander Walkowski (Manning West), Dushyanth Biyyala (Morrison), Catherine LaChapelle (OCLQ), Michael Thornburg (OCUQ), Chelsea Martin (Odum Village), Graham Martin (Parker), Shaneequa Shyrier (Ram Village)

ADVISORS: Aliana Harrison

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM




Early Leave: Andrea Pino (NRHH)

Approval of Minutes: motion by Connor, second by Craige à unanymously approved,


Executive Officers Reports

Vice President Kelsey Wallace

·  RHA rejuvination day

·  Bid things for Kinsey

·  Planning future leadership development

Executive Secretary Katie Cartwright

·  Bid things for Kinsey

·  New products for office

Executive Treasurer Eleisheia Sawyer

·  Officers perspective

·  Leadership coming next week

Internal Affairs Caitlyn Bassignani

·  First programming committee meeting was Sunday – planning a valentines day event

·  Bid stuff for Kinsey

External Affairs Will Walton

·  Meeting yesterday with vendors about marketing

·  Meeting with laundry vendors

·  Bid for Kinsey

National Communications Coordinator Kinsey Richardson

·  NCARH coming up soon: president of the year and school of the year

·  Picked delegation!

Chief Enhancements Officer Ricky Kong

·  Looking into large enhancements for RHA at large

·  Getting large enhancement form up

·  Vacuums for granville fixed

·  Getting receipts from cEOs

President Heather Robertson

·  Student body debate for presidental election

·  Exec is going to NCSU RHA meeting

·  Bid stuff for Kinsey

·  Fall Report almost done

·  Working on quiz

·  HJ office space is 99% done

·  Large enhancements put in the office

·  Lots of prep for this meeting

Board of Governors

Carmichael Brian Min

·  Meeting last Sunday – t shirt design, video game competition night

·  Fixing constitution

Cobb Kendall Nicosia-Russin

·  Met with cogo last Wednesday and reorganized to be more efficient

·  Basketball game showings

·  Wifi updates soon

·  Governor eval with CD today

Connor Joshua Reed

·  Cogo meeting last week

·  Pancake night was succcessful

·  Working on valentines ideas

·  Brought Lt Gov

Craige Austin Glock Andrews

·  First 1:1 with CD tomorrow

·  Cogo meeting coming up

Ehringhaus John Wilhoite

·  Met with cogo – what works this semester

·  Wants to set up 1:1 with cogo members

·  Thisrty Tuesday

·  First recycling drive

Granville Linran Zhou

·  First meeitng was Monday

·  Tuesday event – New Years resolution event

·  Planning casino night, valentines program

·  Meeting with CD Thursday for evaluations

Hinton James Ajene Robinson-Burris

·  Set official meeting night

·  Three events already

Kenan Landon Sherwood

·  Meeting on Sunday, went over stuff for semester

·  OneAct scheduled, Kenan Coffee house scheduled

·  Thirsty Thursday starting this week

·  Got CD evaluation

Manning East Gelly Lieth

·  Met with CD, doing gov eval

·  Setting new meeting time

·  Blood drive – wants to partner with high rise

·  Starting a floor bonding activity

·  Alternative Friday night programs – partner with RAs

Manning West Alexander Walkowski

·  T-shirt designs in

·  First meeting this week sometime

·  Looking at feb programs

Morrison Dushyanth Biyyala

·  Looking into times for weekly meetings

·  Finalized tshirt design

Odum Village Chelsea Martin

·  Finalizing tshirt design

·  Meeting next week

·  Sunday monthly diversity dinner

·  Monday is monthly exercise night

OCLQ Catherine LaChapelle

·  Setting up new meeting time

·  First meeting yesterday

·  Blood drive Feb 18th

OCUQ Michael Thornburg

·  Met with CD

·  Set new meeting time

·  Went to RA meeting last night – want to utilize them more this semester

·  First meeting next week

Parker Graham Martin

·  Met with CD yesterday. Coming up with meeting times

Ram Village Shaneequa Shryier

·  First meeting last night

·  Formed new committees

·  Meeting with CD tomorrow

·  Tshirt designs

·  Ram village blast

·  First event soon

·  Brought two cogo members!


·  Shirt design set!

·  Service projects planned

·  Application sent out soon

·  First years now can apply

Advisor Report:

·  Aliana Harrison

o  CD evaluations need to be done soon

o  Working with you soon on executive board evaluations as well

o  Governors will receive forms soon to evaluate your community directors

o  Jan 24th, first year experience forum 6pm Carmichael fishbowl

o  Help publicize the open houses across campus

o  LLC applications going live soon!

o  LGBTQ ally week at the end of January – Housing is partnering with them

New Business

·  John Hu from Student Government – Mobile App

o  www.tinyurl.com/uncmobileapp

·  Review Constitutional Changes

o  Governors voting next week!! Look for an electronic copy from Heather

·  RHA Annual Awards

·  Update 2012-2013 Budget

o  Move left over funds from Fall grant requests to the Spring $738.46

§  Craige motion to move the money, second Granville

§  16-0-0

o  Motion Kenan to move $296 Fall Traditional to Spring, Second Craige

§  16-0-0

o  Motion to add line items for RHA Award line items and RHA Projects Line items Connor, second Ram Village

§  16-0-0

·  Review Rejuvenation Day

o  Next Saturday, Jan 26th 1-4pm

o  Reception with snacks and drinks at the end who want to talk to exec about possibly being on exec next year

o  Be there by 12:45pm.

o  Great Hall this time

o  Executive board members only – it is required for everyone

o  Love Where You Live photo contest – photos due Sunday

§  Photos posted Monday, contest ends Friday. Winner announced Saturday


·  Michael passes the crown to Brian!!


Nominator / Nominee / Reason for Nomination
Kinsey Richardson / Cobb CoGo / I absolutely adored Cobb's Panera study break event. It was well thought out and organized. Keep up the good work!!!
Gelly Lieth / Heather Robertson / For being awesome and creating the housing quiz (that I may or may not have taken 20 different times). You are a boss.
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Kimberly Lassiter / Thanks for giving the crown to our new member and having her feel welcome!
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Caitlyn / Thank you for getting the LGBQT representative to come out and talk to our residents about the meaning and gender-neutral housing!
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Susan Gleaves / Thanks for working with Alex and setting up delicious Chinese delicacies! :) Everyone loved them!
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Shreya Shah / Thank you for being a strong Lieutenant Governor and getting our reports in quickly! Also, thanks for taking my shift when I couldn't get back for an event and keeping the ball rolling.
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Alex Vasquez / Thank you for being a strong new member and handling business. We appreciate your hard work.
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Kimberly Lassiter / Thank you for putting together a very successful welcoming alternative weekend event. I heard people loved it and you did excellent with doing things in a timely manner!
Gelly Lieth / Brian Min / For being wonderful and inspiring us all.
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Sarah Xie (Hojo Secretary) / Thank you for being the head of our plans for the diversity dinner. It was a great success.
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Prasant Baratam / Thank you for getting awesome enhancements to keep our residents happy, keeping a positive attitude, and being a key member in our team. We appreciate everything you do!
You are awesome!
Kinsey / Alisha Gardner / Alisha did a great job leading the team builder for the first NCARH meeting!!!!
Ajene Robinson-Burris / Sarah Xie (Hojo Secretary) / Thank you for getting to work and ordering the condoms for Michaela's event so quickly and getting your team together!


·  Alex: can we try to organize RHA Hungar Games? It’s Gelly’s Birthday!!

·  Kendall: Cobb blood drive on the 28th, Cobb RA staff said Koury will be a first year honors residence hall and Cobb is only upper classmen – Hardin will be first year all girls

·  Caitlyn: giving platelets on Thursday – you should too

·  Ricky: tell your cEOs that he isn’t taking any more receipts til next Wed. Large Enhancement request form will be made live soon

·  Kelsey: email soon about evaluations – email to MC or can print and bring to rejuvination day. If you have new exec members, see Kelsey after. Ethics board see after

·  Heather: look at memo from folder. Tshirt designs, do it by April 1st for RHA tshirt week fun. Community contitutions need updates! If you’re interested in being RHA presi

·  Katie: take things out of folder, alumni committee watch for an email, newsletter email coming out soon!

·  Austin: loved napkin talk, suggested to dining board to put up a sign in pasta area to say “look at all the pastabilities”

·  Linran: can we set up RHA at large platelet donation week?


Motion to adjourn from Granville and second from Craige

The meeting adjourned at 8:48 PM. The next BOG meeting will be held Tuesday, January 22nd at 7:30 PM.