1.Preliminary business


For decision: Senate is asked to approve the Minutes of the meeting of Senate held on

2 May 2017.(Document A)

1.2Matters arising from the Minutes

1.2.1Revocation of a Degree (Minute 50, 24.01.17, Minute 56, 07.03.17)

Date of meeting:24 January 2017 and 7 March 2017

Status:To receive a report from Mrs Braiden, Academic Registrar.

(Document B)

[Document B is classified as ‘strictly confidential’ and is being circulated only to members of Senate. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Senate.]

1.2.2Annual Report of Student Casework (Minute 61, 07.03.17)

Date of meeting:7 March 2017

Status:Professor Cholerton to provide an oral update on the timescales for formal academic appeals and complaints for 2015/16.

1.3Vice-Chancellor and President’s Business

For information: The Vice-Chancellor and President’s report is attached as(DocumentC)

1.4Summary Report from Council, 22 May2017

For information: To receive a summary report from the meeting of Council that took place on 3 April 2017. (Document D)

2.Strategic items

2.1.International Strategy Progress Report

For discussion: To receive the International Strategy Progress Report from Professor Richard Davies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Internationalisation & Engagement, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document E)

2.2.Engagement Strategy Progress Report

For discussion: To receive the Engagement Strategy Progress Report from Professor Richard Davies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Internationalisation & Engagement, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document F)

2.3.Sports Strategy

For discussion: To receive the Sports Strategy from Professor Suzanne Cholerton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Learning & Teaching, and Dr Phil Ansell, Dean of Sport, on behalf of Executive Board. (Document G)


For information: To receive a presentation from Professor Tony Stevenson, Deputy Vice-Chancelloron behalf of Executive Board.

3.Reserved business

3.1.Academic distinctions – title of Professor Emeritus (Statute 29(4))

For decision: In accordance with Statute 29(4), Senate may accord the title of Professor Emeritus on professors retiring from the University.

Senate is asked to approve the proposal in the attached report from the Vice-Chancellor, following consultation with the Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor, for the conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus. (Document H)

[Document H is classified as ‘strictly confidential’ and is being circulated only to members of Senate. The contents should not be divulged to any person who is not a member of Senate.]

4.Other Business

4.1.Minutes from Committees of Senate

For information: The following meetings of Senate committees have taken place and the minutes from each committee are provided for information:

a)University Research Committee: 24 April & 8 May 2017(Document J)

b)University Internationalisation Committee: 12 April & 4 May 2017(Document K)

c)University Engagement Committee:3 May & 14 June 2017 (Document L)

d)University Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Committee:
3 May 2017(Document M)

4.2.Membership of Senate

4.2.1Sabbatical Officers 2017-18

For information: The following have been appointed Sabbatical Officers of the Students’ Union for 2017-18 and will be members of Senate for the same period:

PresidentMr George Reid

Education OfficerMr Rowan South

Welfare and Equality OfficerMiss Sarah Craggs

4.2.2Student Representative on Senate

For information:Miss Saffron Kershaw-Meehas been elected by the Students’ Union as the student representative on Senate for 2017-18.

4.2.3Senate Election 2017

For information: An election for Non-Professorial members of Senate is underway. Members of Senate will be informed of the outcome of the election by email once the ballot has closed and the votes have been counted. The voting deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday 5 July 2017.

4.3.Senate appointed Chairs and members of University Committee

For decision: Senate is asked to approve the recommendations in the attached report.(Document N)

4.4.Report from Great North Museum Board

For information: The Great North Museum Hancock Strategic Plan 2017-2021. (Document O)

4.5.Congregation Ceremonies

4.5.1December 2017

For information: Congregation ceremonies will be held on 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 December 2017 in the King’s Hall, Armstrong Building.

4.5.2July 2018

For information: Congregation ceremonies following the end of the Summer Term 2018 will be held in the King’s Hall, Armstrong Building on:

Monday 9 July 2018 (all day)

Tuesday 10 July 2018 (all day)

Wednesday 11 July 2018 (all day)

Thursday 12 July 2018 (all day)

Friday 13 July 2018 (all day)

Monday 16 July 2018 (all day)

Tuesday 17 July 2018 (all day)

Wednesday 18 July 2018 (all day)

Thursday 19 July 2018 (all day)

Friday 20 July 2018 (all day)

4.6.Reported Business

For information: A report of action taken in accordance with agreed procedures, approved where necessary by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate and/or the Chair of Council on behalf of Council, and by other University bodies and Chairs. (DocumentP)