Body Blade Exercises

1 -2 sets 15s each (1 min total) Position. Start, Middle, End, & Full Motion

Series 1: Standing Arm to the Side 90:

Series 2: 90/90: Standing 90: Elbow at Shoulder height. Start in IR

Series 3: Side Raise: Standing Arm to the side Palm down. Start at hip & end above the head. Support w/ opposite arm

Series 4: Side Raise: Standing Arm to the side Palm UP: Same as Series 3

Series 5: Horizontal Adduction: Start at opposite Shoulder & End Arm out. Side to side movement

Series 6: Horizontal Abduction (protraction/retraction): Push back & forth. Start Arm straight out & End arm out.

Support w/ opposite arm.

Series 7: Shoulder Flexion (protraction/retraction): Push back and forth. Start Arm straight down & End overhead.

Support w/ opposite arm.

Series 8: Shoulder Extension: Push back and forth. Support w/ opposite arm. Start elbow at side:

Full ER, Begin Position of ER, IR: Hand behind body.

Series 9: Scapular Protraction: Push back & forth. Support w/ opposite arm Start arm straight down & End at shoulder out. Palm UP

Series 10: Scapular Retraction: Push back & forth. Support w/ opposite arm. Start arm straight down & End overhead. Palm down

Series 11: Scapular Downward Rotation. Push back & forth

Throwing motion: Scaps Down: Start in Arm Cocking Phase & End in the Follow through.

Series 12: Scapular Upward Rotation. Push side to side

Throwing motion: Start in Arm Cocking Phase & End in the Follow through.

Tube Exercise: 2 x 10 ea

·  Bow & Arrow (Hold 2s) (Right foot forward: pull back w/ Right Arm, Push Left Arm out)

·  Lunge/Landing Stance: Throwing Motion (Keep this motion the whole time)

o  D1: Start w/ band on the outside of opposite foot and thumb down. DO NOT SHRUG OR HYPEREXTEND YOUR BACK

§  End by Rotating thumb out and stop at the beginning of your throwing motion

o  D2: Start the w/ the band attached high enough, so it is at the beginning of your throwing motion. Thumb out.

§  End at the bottom of your follow through, thumb down


·  Half Kneeling External Rotation (Position is 90/90). DO NOT SHRUG OR HYPEREXTEND YOUR BACK

·  Wall Sit w/ Overhead Wall Touch.

o  Hold the band in your hand and pull from opposite leg. Lower back is Flat against the wall and rib down as you pull up. DO NOT SHRUG OR HYPEREXTEND YOUR BACK

·  Side Lying Scap Reach/Punch and Pull: You can perform this at different angles

o  Start by punching out as far as you can and HOLDING it while the arm is extended straight up.

o  End by retracting the shoulder back to neutral position, then start all over again.

Plyo’s/Other exercises 2 x 10 ea

·  Small MB OH Deceleration catch and toss

·  Lying/Side Lying External Rotation Med Ball Drop

·  3 Phased Throwing motion dynamic stabilization (5 x 20s ea)

Pec Stretch

·  Corner Wall Stretch Make Sure shoulder is against the wall Door Way/ Walk through

DO NOT Lean Forward/ Arms way behind you. We don’t want to stress the Shoulder joint.

·  Partner w/ Head on Foam Roller

·  Split Stance Broom Stick Pec Mobs: Hold for 2s and Return to Starting Position

Shoulder Stretch

·  Sleeper Stretch w/ Head on Floor

·  Side Lying/Wall Cross body Stretch & Ball Mob/Massage

Lat Stretches

·  1 Arm Lat Stretch: Right foot forward, reach w/ Right Arm and Lean back and sit down.

Body Weight Exercises

1.  Foam Roller – perpendicular to Spine x 2

2.  Foam Roller – Parallel to Spine x 2

3.  Side Lying Extension Rotation. R x 2 – L x 5

4.  Side Lying Rotation w/ shoulder IR to ER. R x 8 – L x 15

5.  Quadruped Thoracic Extension Rotation: L 2 x 10 – R x 10

6.  Small & Big Arm circle clockwise/counter clockwise x 15 ea

7.  Diagonals 2 patterns x 15 ea

8.  Push – up Plus x 15

9.  Push up hand Touch x 15

10.  Yoga Push Ups x 15

11.  Forearm Wall Slides x 15

12.  W’s/No Money w/ bands x 15

13.  Reach Roll & Lift x 15

14.  Dynamic Backburns x 15