

NAME OF WORK:Annual Contract for Hire of car with driver

LOCATION / HEAD QUARTER: Hadapsar-2 Sub Division


ESTIMATED COST : Rs. 168000/-

E.M.D.: Rs.1680/-

DATE OF SALE : 13/03/2008 to 19/03/2008

ACCEPTANCE OF EMD: 24/03/2008 up to 13.00 Hrs.

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 24/03/2008 up to 13.30 Hrs.

DATE OF OPENING: 24/03/2008 at 16.00 Hrs.

TEDER FEE : Rs. 100/- + VAT Rs 4 /-

BY POST: Not applicable

______Issued to M/s……………..


E.M.D. PAID VIDE R. No. : Date:


Sr. No /



Page No

1 / Letter to the Tenderer. / 2
2 / Instruction to the Tenderer. / 3
3 / Terms & Conditions / 5
4 / Schedule ‘A’ / 8



Dear Sirs,

Please quote your lowest rate for providing vehicle with driver on hire as per Schedule ‘A’ and return the tender documents duly filled in, signed on each page. You are also requested to read the Tender thoroughly before submitting your offer. The rates should be offered on Schedule ‘A’ only and shall bear the seal of the company if applicable. Separate tender should be filled in for each vehicle offered on hire. The offer should be valid for ninety days for acceptance from the date of opening of the Tender.

You will have to transport men & material, T& P, oil etc to various places under BundGarden Division & anywhere in Maharashtra as per requirement of work. The vehicle can be operated by any of the officers as designated by the Executive Engineer or his designated officers.

The vehicle will normally be camped at Head Quarter mentioned in Schedule ‘A’. It can also be asked to camp at any other places as detailed above for a considerable period of time also. Residential accommodation to the owner / Driver of the vehicle is not available with MSEDCL. However, the parking facility will be made available at office or Sub-Station premises as detailed above, if feasible, at the cost & risk of the owner of the vehicle.

The owner / driver should make himself available at any time of day and night including the weekly off days do perform the emergency duties are required to be done. Hence, it is desired that owner / driver should be of such nature and behavior that he may be able to attend the duties at any given time with promptness.

Please note that your tender will not be considered if payment of E.M.D is not done or relevant documents as per checklist are not attached following conditions are not fulfilled even though it is lowest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully




Sealed and super scribed, item rate tenders are invited from the transport contractors and Travel agencies for hiring of transport vehicles for following work:

1. Name of Work: Annual contract for hiring of Car / Van with driver.

2. Period of Contract: One year from the date of placing of the Contract Order.

3. Brief Scope of Work: The details for Hiring of Tourist vehicles such as Car / Van with driver as given in Schedule ‘A’

4. Area of Operation: Area under Bund Garden Division and anywhere in Maharashtra.

5. Tender Fees (Non Refundable): The tender documents (tender forms) shall be issued to the competent tenderers on payment of non-refundable fees per tender form.

6. Payment of E.M.D.: Tenderers will have to pay Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for each vehicle as mentioned on first page, per tender along with the tender in cash or by D.D. drawn on any schedule bank in favour of M.S.E.D.C.L., payable at Pune. The tenders submitted without E.M.D. will be liable to be rejected.

7. Submission of Tenders: The tenders duly filled in shall be deposited in person in the office of The Executive Engineer, Bund Garden Division, Pune within stipulated time period. The tenders will be opened, if possible, on the due date at 16.00 hrs or on the next working day at 11.00 hrs in this office in the presence of such tenderers who desires to remain present.

8. Security Deposit:The tenderers will have to pay S.D. @ 5 % of the value of Contract in cash or D.D. if the order is placed with you.

9. Filling of Schedule: Tenderer must return the form of schedule duly filled therein the rates in figures and in words and each schedule duly signed. Any tender not bearing the signature of the tenderer on any documents accompanying with the tender is liable to be rejected. In case dual rates are offered for the same item, the offer is likely to be rejected.

10. Alterations: Tenderer should not offer rates for items not covered in the schedules and also should not split any item of the Schedule. Doing so may disqualify the offer. Discount on any account, such as quantitative discount, payment discount etc. will not be entertained. As such, rates should be on firm quotation basis.

11. Signing the Tender Document: Special attention is invited to requirements that all corrections must be initialed and dated by the tenderer and that all the pages should bear the full signatures of the tenderer at the foot of each page and each schedule should bear the seal of the tenderer.

12. Rejection of Tender: The tender which do not fulfill all or any of the above conditions or incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.

13. Before submitting their tender rates for the annual contract, the tenderer shall examine closely all documents, which forms part of the contract to be entered in to by the accepted tenderers.

14. Acceptance: The submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read these instructions, the conditions of contract etc. The M.S.E.D.C.L. will not, however, after acceptance of contract rates, pay extra charges for any reasons in case the tenderer is found later on to have misjudged himself.

15. Right to Reject the Tender: The Officers who accepts the tender shall have the right to reject, all or any of the tenders and will not be bound to accept the lowest without assigning any reasons whatsoever for the rejection of the any tender or all tenders.

16. Validity Period: Tenders shall remain open for acceptance subject to the provisions of clause above, for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders and during this period no tenderer shall be allowed to withdraw his tender. Any such withdrawal during the period will entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposited with the Tender.

17. Change / Alterations in the Document: If the tenderer has any doubt about the meaning of any portion of the tender, he should get it cleared from Executive Engineer, Bund Garden Division, Pune in writing in any case before the due date. Additions or alterations in the tender forms/ conditions etc. by the Tenderer without the consent of tendering officer are not permissible.

18. Ownership of Vehicle: Only owners of vehicles are allowed to fill this tender.


  1. Type of Vehicle: The capacity of the car / van should be Driver + Three persons
  1. Registration: The vehicle should have registered with RTO. All RTO formalities will be the responsibility of the tenderer.
  1. Body: It should have built up body cabin and roof covered for rear side.
  1. Insurance: the owner should cover vehicle as per Motor Vehicle Act should be done properly covering all risks persons traveling in the vehicle & third party.
  1. Permit: Tourist Permit or Taxi permit bearing ‘T’ marks on the vehicle The permit of vehicle under hire should remain valid until expiry of the contractual period for hire of the vehicle. All relevant documents required under Motor Vehicle Act in force, shall have to be produced as and when required.
  1. Head Quarter: The Head Quarter of the vehicle will be as per Schedule ‘A’ for various vehicles, however, it may be required change for Head Quarter at frequent intervals depending on the nature of work.
  1. Over Time: The vehicle may have to perform duties beyond specified time also. It will be under exigency of work and cannot be refused. The vehicle can be called upon other than the specified time also.
  1. Driver: The Driver posted on vehicle should possess valid driving license as per R.T.O. rules. He should be courteous in behavior and of good nature.
  1. Fuel: The fuel, oil and servicing of the vehicle etc. required for vehicle will be the responsibility of the tenderer & no other extra payment will be done by MSEDCL.
  1. Absentee from Work: In case of failure to operate the contract, the work will be got down by engaging some other and any extra expenditure incurred on this, the same shall be recovered from the contractor.
  1. Condition of Vehicle: The vehicle should be in good running conditions & be fairly comfortable.
  1. Validity: The contract can remain valid for a period of one year only. If the service is not found satisfactory then by giving 24 hrs notice MSEDCL can terminate contract in between.
  1. Rate:The rate will be paid on per day basis, duty period as per Schedule ‘A’ enclosed herewith. Other rates will be paid as mentioned in Schedule ‘A’.
  1. Duty Period: The vehicle will normally be engaged for 26 days in a month as specified in the Scope of Work. One day in a week will be given as rest day in normal course of duty. For repair and maintenance purpose, 1 day’s leave in a month will be permitted. But it will not be a continuous cumulative leave. Any absence in a month for more than 1 day will be liable for penalty. All the above leave will be without payment.
  1. Penalty: If the vehicle remained absent for more than the period as agreed upon, then the penalty will be levied. It will be about 50% of the daily rates of the vehicle. If the absence exceeds more than 7 days, then action to terminate the contract will be initiated.
  1. Alternate Arrangement: You shall have to keep the vehicle in good working conditions always during the currency of contract.

In case of break down of vehicle, alternate arrangement of vehicle will be accepted. But it must be for limited reasonable period only. The vehicle should be in fairly good condition. All the terms will remain the same.

  1. Vehicle Dairy: Your have to provide the dairy month wise. The officer using the vehicle will check the time and Kms. reading of vehicle at the end of the day the sign. It will be the responsibility of the driver of the Vehicle to keep the vehicle dairy up to date and in good conditions as the payment of the bill will be based on the record of the vehicle dairy.

It should have the following columns: a) Date b) Starting Time c) To whom sent d) Km. reading e) Run details f) Closing Time g) Closing Kms. reading h) Sign of the Officer incharge.

  1. Bill: Bill should be submitted in triplicate in the name of the Executive Engineer, through Deputy Executive Engineer concerned along with vehicle dairy every month & certificate of the operating officer as per following abstract.

i) Total number of days vehicle was in use for M.S.E.D.C.L. work.

ii) Total Nos. of days permitted for repairs.

iii) Total run in Kms.

iv) Any other details or recovery to be made

  1. Payment: the Executive Engineer will make Payment within reasonable time after receipt of bill and certifying and recording. And as per availability of funds.
  1. Loss and Damage: M.S.E.D.C.L. will not be responsible for any damage / loss to the vehicle or the driver or any outside party during the validity of contract period. Any loss / damage to the M.S.E.D.C.L. property and injuries to staff or persons occurring due to the vehicle shall be made good at the cost of the vehicle owner and at the cost decided by the M.S.E.D.C.L. / Authority.
  1. No Other Uses of Vehicle: The vehicle once hired by the M.S.E.D.C.L. normally should not be used for any other purpose during off days and beyond duty hours.
  1. Deductions: Any amount which becomes payable by you to the M.S.E.D.C.L. can be deducted from any amount which is due to you. The amount of Security Deposit can also be adjusted against such payment.
  1. Transfer of Contract: The successful Tenderer shall not affect the transfer of contract to any other party. In the event of violation of this clause, the contract will be liable for termination without any notice and without any liabilities on the part of M. S. E. D. Co. Ltd.
  1. Jurisdiction: Any dispute regarding terms and condition or any other point, the decision of the undersigned will be final and binding on you.
  1. Income Tax: Income Tax @ 2.3 % or as per the rate fixed by Govt. from time to time will be deducted from your bills as per rules.
  1. Agreement: You shall have to execute an agreement with the MSEDCL on Rs.100/- Stamp paper at various Offices where the vehicle is running.
  1. Model: The vehicle under hire should be manufactured in February 2003 or thereafter. In exceptional cases, the vehicles manufactured before this date will be considered provided the vehicle is in the best operating condition, decision of Executive Engineer will be final in this case.

The Executive Engineer reserves the right to relax these clauses, split the Tender.


1)Tender fee receipt XeroxAttached / Not attached

2)EMD payment receipt XeroxAttached / Not attached

3)Valid RTO Registration certificateAttached / Not attached

4)Valid Insurance certificateAttached / Not attached

5)Valid Tourist certificateAttached / Not attached



The Executive Engineer,

M. S. E. D. Co. Ltd.,

BundGarden Division, Pune- 411001.

Dear Sir,

I agree for the rate tendered below by us subject to the conditions of tender and which I have carefully red & understood and to which I hereby agree. I hereby agree to keep this offer open for 90 days after the opening date of the tenders and shall be bound by communication of acceptance despatched within the prescribed time. I accept rates as given in Schedule below

Head Quarter for which offered: Hadapsar-2 Sub Division


A / Make/Model/Type
B / Registration No.
C / Year of Manufacture
D / Seating capacity as per R.T.O. Permit
E / Nature of Fuel used for vehicle / Petrol / Diesel
F / R.T.O. Permit No.
G / Insurance Details
No. / PARTICULARS / Rate Rs. Per day (In figure & Words)
1 / Daily charges for 10 hours duty 2000 Km. Cumulative in a month (Rates with fuel & driver to be bourn by Tenderer) / Rs…………/Day
(Rs………………………………………………….……………. only)
2 / Overtime beyond 10 Hrs. duty / Rs. 30.00/Hr. (Rs. Thirty only per Hr..)
3 / Night Halt Charges / Rs. 50.00/ Night (Rs. Fifty only)
4 / Extra run beyond 2000 Kms. / Rs. 6/- per Km. (Rs. Six only)
5 / Expenditure Limit. / In any case the total Expenditure per month should not exceed the limit of Rs.14000/- per month.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully


Name & Address of the Tenderer

TENDER NO. 4 of 2007-08

Page 1 of 8

Seal & Signature of the Tenderer