St. Thomas the Apostle Parents Club

Minutes of the September 12,2016 Meeting

In Attendance: Val Gigante, Michele Biscotti, Kerilyn Boswell, Alice Browne,Keri Suttmiller, Kathy Wade, Terri Hanley, Jessica Hernandez,Mary Marcella,Tami McSherry, Francesca Staudinger,Patrice Villa, Maura Sahin, Irma Hernandez, Natacha Paul, Maryann Harding, Lucy Palmieri

President’s Report: Meeting called to orderand opened with a prayer by Terry Hanley

• Welcome back to everyone

• Discussed Parents Club’s role within the school environment as well as the Fundraising

initiatives & purposes

• Parent’s Club meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month – 7:30pm

• Reviewed last year’s purchases, student appreciation day & field day

• Contact information reviewed so everyone can reach out at anytime

Principal’s Report:

• Welcomed and thanked all parents for supporting the STA students, faculty and


• Discussed communicating effectively with staff, volunteers & parents/guardians

• Encouraged questions, suggestions and comments to staff, school board and principal

Treasurer’s Report: (Alice Browne)

• Reviewed finalized fundraising/expense totals from School Year 09/10-15/16

• Reviewed last year’s Revenue/Expense Reports – YE 7/31/16

• YE – 7/31/16 - Fundraising total: $72,205 (yearly goal ~$70,000)

• Highlights of last year’s purchases: freezer, 21 computers & projector, walkie talkies,

smartboards, 2 defibrillators and helped with the purchase of the google chrome tablets

• Discussed current school year expenses: Cabinets, sink, counter & supplies for STAR/PK

room, stem projects/supplies for Science Classes & the Sunshine Fund

Upcoming & Current Events/Fundraising:

Back to School Night – 9/15/16 - Volunteer Fair to begin at 6:00pm

•Volunteers are needed:

-Discuss “All in One” payment for class dues, craft fair donations and Parents Club dues

-Selling pizza coupons, magnets & notepads

-To inform parents/guardians of volunteer opportunities and have them sign up

• Presentation will begin at 7:00pm followed by classroom visits

•Mandatory Volunteer Policy will be discussed – 10 hours & 1 shift at the Family Festival will

be required for all families

• Volunteer log will be kept at the security desk – must sign in and out for volunteer duty

• All Chairs of events will reach out to those that sign up to volunteer at their event

• Fun Run – 9/24/16 – 9:00am

-Registration is on going

-1 mile – walk/run

-Volunteers are needed to set up – please arrive by 7:30

-Lang family is donating apples

-Portion of the fundraising efforts will be donated to the Special Olympics

Blessing of the Backpacks -9/18/16 – 10:30am – All are welcome

-Refreshments will be served

Virtus Training – 10/1/16 – 10:00am

-Anyone that will be volunteering must be Virtus Trained to interact with the students

Oktoberfest – 10/15/16 – 6:00pm – Prost

-Discussed possible kickback of 10%-20% of all profits from that night

-Bar & dinner are included

-50/50 raffle

-Create flyer for distribution & give to parish to publish in bulletin

Upper School Halloween Dance – 10/21/16 – 7:00pm

-Volunteers are needed

Family Halloween Party – 10/28/16 – 7:00pm

-Volunteers are needed

-Parents/Guardians are encouraged to dress up as well

• Candy Sale

-STA’s largest fundraiser

-Contacts are Alice Brown & Michelle Biscotti

-Candy will be delivered to students on 9/15/16

-Assembly will take place to encourage students and discuss prizes that they can win

Class Parent Coordinators: (M. Biscotti, K. Boswell, chairs, present)

• No new business

Corresponding Secretary Report: (Keri Sutmiller, present)

• No new business

School Board Report:

• No new business

Fundraising/Social Events Report:

• No new business

Hospitality Report:

• No new business

Parish Report:

• No new business

Other Business:

• Parents Club Corner information is available on school website.

• Tuesday Mailing can be viewed/printed in the Parents Club Corner

Meeting closed byPresident Terri Hanley. Next Parents Club meeting scheduled for

Monday, October 17, 2016.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Keri Sutmiller
