Thursday, July 08, 2010 / Spitsbergen In Depth
R/V Akademik Ioffe
Longyearbyen, Svalbard
On behalf of the Captain, his Officers, Crew and Staff - Welcome aboard!
Captain & Officers: / Expedition Staff:
Captain / Viktor Lysak / Expedition Leader / Dutch Willmott
Chief Officer / Denis Ageev / Expedition Coordinator / Hadleigh Measham
Chief Engineer / Anatoliy Kuklin / Biologist / Christian Geissler
Radio Officer / Alexander Kostolanov / Geologist / Yvonne Cook
Passenger Mate / Alexandra Sintsova / Historian / Scott MacPhail
Ornithologist / Sam Thalmann
Catering Staff: / Logistics / Damien Battye
Hotel Manager / Eva Molin Westerholm / Kayak Guide / Christine Hawes
Ass. Hotel Manager / Eric Alund / Guide / Mikolaj Gowlachowski
Executive Chef / Steve Tracy / General Assistant / Narelle Darker
Sous Chef / Ildefonso Ramos / Physician / Mark Freedman
Garde-manger / Joey Gaerlan
Pastry Chef / Gerardo Maniscalco
Bartender / Diane Erceg
16:00 / Embarkation – All aboard!
Please feel free to explore the vessel and make yourselves comfortable.
16:45 / A Welcome Buffet will be served in the Dining Room on Deck 3
We will also complete our Mandatory Lifeboat Briefingin the Dining Room. You do not need to bring anything to the Lifeboat Briefing.
TBA / The Akademik Ioffe sets sail from Longyearbyen. Join us out on deck to enjoy the evening scenery as we departAdventfjorden.
19:30 / Hotel Manager Eva Molin Westerholm and Executive Chef Steve Tracy invite you to the Welcome Dinner, served in the Dining Room (Deck 3).
  • Please checkthat all your luggage has been delivered to your cabin.
    If you are missing luggage or find another person’s luggage in your cabin, please inform staff immediately.
  • If you find that your expedition parka has not been delivered to your cabin, please listen to announcements after dinner regarding a parka fitting in the Lounge.
  • Please take care whilst familiarising yourselves with the ship, especially on stairwells and in doorways.

Doctor: Mark Freedman - Cabin 538 - Phone 667 (Deck 5, starboard side, opposite the Clinic)
Reception: Phone 614 (Deck 3)
Hotel Office: The Hotel Office is located on Deck 3, Aft, towards the bar
Radio Room: Phone 616 (Deck 6, adjacent to the Bridge)
Bridge: Phone 666 in case of emergency (Deck 6)
Gift shop opening times will be announced via the Public Announcement system

Translating Norwegian Place Names

  • …øya – … Island

e.g. Bjornøya - bjorn means bear, thus Bear Island.

  • …dalen – … Valley

e.g. Rosenbergdalen – After Karl Benjamin Hermann v. Rosenberg, 1817-88, German zoologist and explorer (Dutch East Indies).

  • …hamna – Port … / … Harbour

e.g. Gåshamna – Meaning Goose Harbour. Originally named by the Dutch as Goeshaven.

  • …breen - … Glacier

e.g. Hamiltonbreen - After Count Hugo Vilhelm Hamilton, 1859-1919, Swedish naval officer.

  • …neset – Cape …

e.g. Worsleyneset - After Commander Frank Arthur Worsley, 1872-1943, a British naval officer, born in New Zealand, and leader of a British expedition to Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land 1925.

  • …bukta - … Bay

e.g. Vibebukta - After Andreas Vibe, 1801-60, Norwegian land and hydrographic surveyor and office manager of the Geographical Survey of Norway 1836-60.

  • …fjellet - … Mountain

e.g. Alkefjellet – A rookery for seabirds, it was named Auk Mountain after it’s main inhabitants.

  • …pynten - … Point

e.g. Poolepynten - After the English whaler, Jonas Poole, who repeatedly visited Spitsbergen early in the 17th century