New Beginnings in Giving

Romans 12:9-13


The first thing that comes to mind when the topic of giving is raised is finances. If we limit our understanding of giving and generosity to money, we diminish God’s intent. Giving incorporates all of our life; every aspect of who we are.

Giving that is pleasing and honoring to God begins with our heart. It is having the right attitude toward God and toward generosity. Paul summarizes this in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. If we see giving only as an obligation or a duty, we will develop reluctant and even resistant hearts. But if we see giving as an act of worship, we will discover the joy in giving.

God’s command for us to give is intended to remind us that all that we have has been given to us by God. We have been the recipients of God’s generosity. He wants us to, in turn, share that generosity with others.

Giving also reminds us that we are only stewards of God’s resources. We are not the owners. God has entrusted us with the task of managing His resources on His behalf.

Giving that is honoring to God includes our time, talents, energy, and resources. It is not limited to writing a check or dropping a few dollars into the offering plate. It is a daily act of giving ourselves first to God and then to others.

Luke 9:23

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Study 1: Romans 12:9-10

The first way that we can fulfill God’s command to be generous is by expressing love to others.

1. What does it mean for love to be sincere?

2. In what ways could a person act loving yet not be sincere?

3. What does it mean to hate what is evil?

4. What does it mean to cling to what is good?

5. How does hating evil & clinging to good relate to having sincere love?

6. What does it mean to be devoted to one another in brotherly love?

7. What does it mean to honor others above yourself?


1.The word Paul uses for sincere literally means without hypocrisy. What does this say about our motives behind our acts of love and compassion?

2. Peter also calls for sincere love in 1 Peter 1:22. How does he further describe sincere love?

3.In our world that minimizes and even glorifies sin, what does it mean for you to hate evil?

4. In what ways is clinging to the good a counter-balance to hating evil?

5. In verse 10, Paul is using the language of family to describe our relationship with one another. What does this say about the ways we are to give ourselves to each other?

6. In what ways is honoring others an act of generosity?

Study 2: Romans 12:11-12

A second area where God asks us to give is in the use of our energy.

1. When you read the word zeal, what images come to mind? Are they positive or negative? Why?

2. What does it mean to have spiritual fervor?

3. How can our enthusiasm be a means of giving back to God?

4. Paul defines what he means by spiritual fervor in verse 11.

a. What are the three things he lists?

b. How do each of these things show gratitude to God?

c. How do each of these things promote a giving spirit?


1. We don’t often think of giving in terms of our passions and energy. How is being enthusiastic about the things of God an act of giving back to God?

2. How does our enthusiasm affect other believers?

3. What does it mean for you to use your energy to serve the Lord?

4. The world sees joy as a temporary, warm fuzzy feeling. The Bible depicts joy as a response to God’s grace. What does it mean for you to give your joy back to God?

5. What does it say about our faith when we are patient in affliction?

6. How can being faithful in prayer enhance our faith?

7. How is expressing joy, patience and faithfulness an act of giving to others?

Study 3: Romans 12:13

A third way that God asks us to give is by sharing our resources.

1. What is the purpose of us sharing with other believers who are in need?

2. How is sharing with others an act of giving to God?

3. Why might the word share bean important word to understand? What are some of the implications of the word share?

4. Why was it important for the early believers to practice hospitality?

5. What does hospitality say about a person’s faith?

6. What are the costs and benefits of practicing hospitality?


1. What are some of the things that get in the way of sharing our resources with others?

2. What is the purpose for God calling us to share our resources with others? Look at 1 Corinthians 8:8-15 & 9:12-15.

3. Genuine hospitality is a rare commodity today. What hinders people from practicing hospitality?

4. What does it mean to you to show hospitality to others?

5. How might you broaden your understanding of hospitality?

6. Look at 1 Peter 4:7-10.

a. In what context does Peter set hospitality? Why is this important?

b. What kind of an attitude are we to have? Why is this important?

Study 4:Matthew 6:1-4

Jesus addressed the issue of giving in the Sermon on the Mount. He focused on our motive behind why we give.

1. What warning does Jesus give in verse 1?

2. In Jesus’ day, some of the Pharisees made a big show out of their giving. What does Jesus say was their real motivation?

3. In what ways do people today make a show out of giving?

4. What do you think Jesus meant by not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing?

5. What does Jesus say is the proper motivation for giving?

6. Look back over the passage. How would you summarize what Jesus was teaching?


1. Vs. 1 covers all acts of righteousness or all expressions of giving. What is your primary motive for giving?

2. How do you feel about Jesus’ mention of rewards from God?

3. What are the wrong rewards to seek and the right rewards to seek?

4. What is the difference between people noticing your acts of kindness and displaying your acts of kindness?

5. In practical terms, what does it mean for you to do acts of kindness “in secret”?
