Ryerss Hunt Homeowners Association
Board of Directors 1999
Annual Meeting Minutes - Approved

P.O. Box 2121 West Chester, PA 19380 February 18, 1999 @ 7:00pm


John Skreenock – President (absent) Tim Porreca – Secretary Scott Pilotti – Vice-President Teri McCandless – Treasurer Kevin Dagit – Member at Large Approximately 24 homeowner lots represented

Discussion Topics

1.  Call to Order – 7:06pm.

2.  Approval of Minutes – Teri seconded. Approved as distributed.

3.  Introduction of Board Members – Scott informed the homeowners that the Board members were all volunteers and that they were responsible for the maintenance of the common areas in the community as well as for enforcing the development's by-laws. Each Board member introduced themselves.

4.  Explanation of items to be voted on

a.  Election of Board Members Scott explained that there were currently two open positions on the Board, these positions were being held by John Skreenock and Tim Porreca and expired this year. Scott went on to explain that John Skreenock would not be running again due to the demands of his job.

5.  Introduction of Candidates for Board of Directors Tim Porreca introduced himself again as a candidate. Tim stated that he had lived in the community for 4 years, had severed on the Board since its inception under control of the homeowners and that he had lived in West Whiteland Township for 9 years. Debbie Shulkowski explained her history in the development, stated that she had served previously on a condo board and that she was interested in continuing to make Ryerss Hunt a nice place to live.

6.  Association Financial Review - Teri explained that there had been confusion from the previous management company, but that now all accounts were current. Teri went on to review the 1998 and 1999 budget. She noted that we had collected more than budget; due to more initial contributions than expected, since the number of sales for 1998 was an unknown last year. Teri also noted the savings on management company fees due to the dismissal of C.M. Barlow. The overage on general maintenance was mainly due to the addition of entranceway lights, which was unknown last year as well. Teri announced that the Board had voted to use some of the overage to lower assessments in 1999 from $136 to $95. Teri also stated that this was a one-time adjustment and would be reevaluated next year. Teri ended by reviewing landscaping. She stated that since we expected to be responsible for additional common areas next year, we had estimated additional expenses for landscaping.

7.  Introduction of Management Company Teri explained that the builder (Brandolini) had signed a 3 year contract with C.M. Barlow. When the homeowners took over the Board, we found that Barlow was not charging for some fees, were double charging others and making a variety of accounting mistakes. The Board contacted an attorney and had to prove willful or repeated misconduct, which Teri was able to prove. We dismissed Barlow late last year. At the same time, the Board received 4 bids from other management companies and chose Mid Atlantic. Teri introduced Patty Mullin-Smith from MidAtlantic. Patty explained that the Board purchased a financial service and record keeping package from MidAtlantic and praised Teri's record keeping, which was some of the best she had seen. (The Board and the Homeowners gave Teri a round of applause.

8.  Review of items to Board has been working on

a.  Engineering Review – Kevin explained that RHHA keeps money in an escrow fund to cover major expenses. One of the largest possible expenses is the retention basins. Kevin explained that there are 7 retention basins, designed to slow water flow to ease it into streams. The one on Constitution is a detention basin, which holds water to percolate into the ground or evaporate. The Board sent out an RFQ to local engineering firms and contracted with Brandywine engineers. While their report in not yet complete, in general they will define our expenses for the short term; clear blockages (Kevin explained that firewood was found by the township in one basin), weed whack, fertilize, seed and maintain plantings as well as for the long term; major repairs and future studies. We expect the annual expensed to come in around $5,000/year. Kevin further explained to the homeowners that the basins have not been dedicated, and that the builder is responsible for 18 months after dedication. He also stated that the Board has been cutting the basins for appearances sake.

b.  Nature Trail – Scott explained that the trail has been only partially constructed. He also informed the homeowners that the builder is responsible for construction and does not have to complete it until dedication, which is behind schedule. The Board will maintain the trail after dedication. Scott has tried to get information on possible dates for dedication, but Brandolini's representative has left last week and the new person is not up to speed. Homeowner Questions

i.  Guy McCandless – Guy asked for the new representative's name. Scott stated he thought it was Rich (Carr)?

ii. Sue Leinbach – Is it realistic to expect that the trail will be maintenance free? Scott stated that it was probably not, but it is designed to be. One of the key problems is the washout areas. The builder has tried several times unsuccessfully, and is aware he will need to rectify the situation before dedication. It is simply not a top priority for them right now.

c.  Vandalism – Tim stated that there were several instances of vandalism which the Board was aware of recently. Someone had broken a fixture at the entranceway, someone had spray painted a new home on Woodbank as well as several mailboxes and there were instances of cut Christmas lights over the holidays. Tim explained that he had spoken with the West Whiteland Police, and they have stepped up patrols recently. He also inquired about a Neighborhood Watch. Tim explained that for a neighborhood watch, we would need at least 30 volunteers to take turns patroling the neighborhood every night. The police would provide us with training and a phone number to call in the event of trouble. Finally, Tim explained that there were still instances of motorized vehicles causing problems for some homeowners. Tim stated that this was not only a violation of the community's by-laws, but was not allowed by the township. He stated that if anyone sees dirt bikes, etc… in the neighborhood they should contact the West Whiteland Police.

d.  Landscaping – Kevin explained that he took over for John at the last minute and was still getting up to speed. He showed a map of the neighborhood, and explained which new areas were to be mowed. He also stated that we would have plantings three times a year, as well as mulching. Homeowner Questions

i.  Ester Delkin – What is going to be done about the dead trees on Granby way? Kevin explained they are under warranty and are the builder's responsibility.

ii. Brian Delkin – Can we be informed before they are replaced? Kevin responded that he would ask.

iii.  Sandy Shultz – Will the area behind lot 192 be mowed? It is not even graded Teri stated she would check the documents to see if it should have been graded.

iv.  Greg Hill – Stated that trees have fallen onto his property from the common area. Who is responsible? Kevin said he had mentioned it to Roger. Teri stated that this was not common area and that we need to work together to have them moved since they are on the walking path as well.

v. Carol Stairiker – Will there be a sign at the entrance to Constitution? Tim told her that the existing sign was staying and we would have it repainted.

vi.  Carol Stairiker – There is a lot of Bamboo at the entrance to Constitution and it makes it difficult to see the entrance., can we remove it? Scott stated we would look at it.

vii.  Carol Stairiker – Is there an allotment for flowers? Teri stated that there is not specifically an allotment, but we increased the budget overall to do more this year.

viii.  Sue Leinbach – The lights are out on the island, when will this be repaired? Tim stated that someone had broken one of the fixtures off and a new one was on order, but was misshiped. He hopes to have it in the next 2 weeks to replace.

e.  Recognition of Volunteers – Teri reviewed the list of committees and events from 1998 to recognize all the volunteers in the community. The Board especially thanked Dottie Borchardt for her work with the RHHA Directory.

f.  Review of Committees – Scott spoke on behalf of the Safety Committee. He stated that they were working with West Whiteland Township on lowering speed limit to 25 mph. They will be looking to homewowners to attend a Board of Supervisors meeting at some point if it goes that far. Homeowner Questions

i.  Carol Stairiker – Does the Board have any power to control items such as Constitution going through to the corporate park? Scott stated that the Board has no legal power with the Township beyond the fact that we represent 192 homeowners and that we are looking to homeowners to step forward at times. Tim stated that there is nothing like 192 people showing up at Board of Supervisors meeting to get results.

ii. Andre Cotrefello – Andre is on the safety committee, but arrived late. He reviewed some items, which he will be putting together in a Safety Newsletter. Some of his suggestions include; keeping outside lights on, driving 25 mph at all times, cleaning up after dogs and clearing sidewalks of snow and ice quickly.

iii.  Unknown - Can the township put up a fence along the railroad on Constitution? Scott stated that the Board would look into it.

g.  Trash – Tim reviewed the trash program and explained that the Board had looked into using a private trash hauler instead of using the pay-per-bag program. He stated that a private hauler would be less expensive and that we would be able to have them pick up yard waste (e.g. Grass clippings). Unfortunately, upon review of the Township's Ordinances, we must use the Township's program. Homeowner Questions

i.  Sandy Shultz – Is there a township recycling center? Tim stated that there was and he thought it was behind the Township building in Miller Park or behind the K-Mart.

h.  Election / Votes – A box was passed around to collect votes. Tim Porreca and Patty Mullin-Smith counted them.

i.  Open Floor to Questions –

i.  Dottie Borchardt – Stated she had brought copies of extra directories if anyone needed them.

j.  Election Results – Tim announced the results as follows: Tim Porreca – 44 Debbie Shulkowski – 44 Both Tim and Debbie were voted onto the Board unanimously.

k.  The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm (Teri motioned, Tim seconded)

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 18 1999 @ 7:00pm.