HS Code

8401 / nuclear reactors, fuel elem (n-l): mach isotope sep
840110 / Nuclear Reactors
840120 / Machinery and Apparatus for Isotopic Separation, and Parts Thereof
840130 / Fuel Elements (Cartridges), Non-irradiated, for Nuclear Reactors
840140 / Parts of Nuclear Reactors

ANSI Standards

ANSI/ANS 19.1-2002,

Nuclear Data Sets for

Reactor Design Calculations

Identifies and describes the specifications for

developing, preparing, and documenting

nuclear data sets to be used in reactor design

calculations. The specifications include (a)

criteria for acceptance of evaluated nuclear

data sets, (b) criteria for processing evaluated

data and preparation of processed continuous

data and averaged data sets, and (c)

identification of specific evaluated, processed

continuous, and averaged data sets that meet

these criteria for specific reactor types.

ANSI/ANS 19.3.4-2002,

Determination of

Thermal Energy Deposition Rates in

Nuclear Reactors

Provides criteria for: (1) determination of the

energy allocation among the principal particles

and photons produced in fission, both prompt

and delayed; (2) adoption of appropriate

treatment of heavy charged particle and

electron slowing down in matter; (3)

determination of the spatial energy deposition

rates resulting from the interactions of

neutrons; (4) calculation of the spatial energy

deposition rates resulting from the various

interactions of photons with matter; and (5)

presentation of the results of such

computations, including verification of accuracy

and specification of uncertainty. This standard

addresses the energy generation and

deposition rates for all types of nuclear reactors

where the neutron reaction rate distribution and

photon and beta emitter distributions are

known. Its scope is limited to the reactor core

and the thermal and biological shielding.

ANSI/ANS 56.8-2002,

Nuclear Reactors –

Containment System Leakage Testing


Specifies acceptable primary containment

leakage rate test requirements to assure valid

testing. The scope includes:

(1) Leakage test requirements

(2) Test instrumentation

(3) Test procedures

(4) Test methods

(5) Acceptable criteria

(6) Data analysis

(7) Inspection and reporting of test


ASTM C781-2002,

Practice for Testing

Graphite and Boronated Graphite

Components for High-temperature

Gas-cooled Nuclear Reactors


ISO 10270:1995

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Aqueous corrosion

testing of zirconium alloys for use in nuclear power



IEC 60515 Ed. 1.0 b:1975

Radiation detectors for the instrumentation and

protection of nuclear reactors; characteristics and

test methods

Applicable to gas-filled radiation detectors and certain related

cables used for the instrumentation and protection of nuclear

reactors. Operating and measurement conditions;characteristics of equipment; test methods.

IEC 60671 Ed. 1.0 b:1980

Periodic tests and monitoring of the protection

system of nuclear reactors

"Applicable to the protection system of nuclear power reactors

and of actuating devices. Lays down the principle for testing

such systems during normal power operation and shut-down.

Covers the possibilities of testing at short intervals or

continuous surveillance, as well as periodic testing at longer

intervals. "

IEC/TR 61510 Ed. 1.0 b:1996

RBMK nuclear reactors - Proposals for

instrumentation and control improvements

Identifies those problem areas relating to the safe operation of

RBMK reactors and makes recommendations to improve the

safety of those reactors. Is a technical report of type 3 and was

developed with the participation of IAEA experts.

Indian Standards

Document Number / Standard Title / Status
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
IS 11797 : 1985 / Radiation detectors for instrumentation and protection of nuclear reactors / Active

Licensing, enforcement, and rulemaking procedures and criteria

The regulations in this part prescribe licensing, enforcement, and rulemaking procedures and criteria, under the Atomic Energy Act, for the export of nuclear equipment and material, as set out in §§ 110.8 and 110.9, and the import of nuclear equipment and material, as set out in § 110.9a. This part also gives notice to all persons who knowingly provide to any licensee, applicant, contractor, or subcontractor, components, equipment, materials, or other goods or services, that relate to a licensee's or applicant's activities subject to this part, that they may be individually subject to NRC enforcement action for violation of § 110.7b.

Standards for Protection against Radiation

(a) The regulations in this part establish standards for protection against ionizing radiation resulting from activities conducted under licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. These regulations are issued under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended.

(b) It is the purpose of the regulations in this part to control the receipt, possession, use, transfer, and disposal of licensed material by any licensee in such a manner that the total dose to an individual (including doses resulting from licensed and unlicensed radioactive material and from radiation sources other than background radiation) does not exceed the standards for protection against radiation prescribed in the regulations in this part. However, nothing in this part shall be construed as limiting actions that may be necessary to protect health and safety.

For more information on rule making, licensing etc requirements, please visit the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reading Room .

Transportation of Radioactive Material