Franklin & Marshall College
This organization shall be the Franklin & Marshall College Chapter of Hillel. It shall be affiliated with the international Hillel Organization.
A. The objectives of Franklin & Marshall Hillel shall be to serve the needs of its membership and the Jewish students at large, to provide opportunities for them to further their Jewish identity through religious, social, cultural, and educational means, and to provide opportunities for interaction among the membership, the Jewish students and faculty at large, the local Jewish community, and the other interested individuals.
B. As a Jewish student organization on campus, Hillel shall seek to establish a balance between religious, cultural, educational, and social activities, and, when scheduling activities, shall bear in mind the requirements of Halacha.
Membership in Hillel is open to any member of the Franklin & Marshall College community, students, and faculty.
A. The Executive Board shall consist of eleven elected officers: the President, the Vice President, the Communications, Chair, the Religious Chair, the Social Chair, the Education Chair, the Hospitality Chair, the Tzedek Chair, the Israel Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the advisor(s).
B. The Executive Board shall meet weekly from September to April. The date and time of these and any other meetings shall be set by the President in consultation with the advisors.
C. A quorum for all Executive Board meetings shall be eight of the officers.
D. The Executive Board shall have the power to take any necessary actions between general meetings, and to appropriate funds as necessary.
A. The duties of the President shall be to oversee all activities of the Hillel Executive board, to conduct Hillel Executive Board meetings (prepare agenda), to conduct regular Hillel events, to facilitate the planning of the yearly calendar, and board retreats. The President shall act as a liaison to other campus groups, as well as to maintain regular contact and meet with the Advisor(s) regarding Hillel accounts, program plans, promotion, and recruitment.
B. The Vice President is to assist the President with all responsibilities, take the President’s role in his/her absence, and to oversee current program committees (ex. Israel, Tzedek, Holocaust Remembrance, and any others as needed), and to serve as a primary contact person for committee chairs. The Vice President is also to serve as a liaison to the Interfaith Student Council.
C. The Communications Chair is to seek opportunities for promoting Hillel within F&M and larger community, helping manage the Facebook page, making Facebook events for Shabbats/Bagel Brunches/other events, and sending the Facebook invitations, making and hanging posters/banners in the College Center, making and distributing program flyers, etc., update the Hillel photo board, and to advise the professional staff on the Hillel newsletter
D. The Religious Chair is to serve as religious activity coordinator. With the committee and Board support, the Religious Chair plans and leads regular Shabbat Services and helps identify students to lead Shabbat rituals. In addition, they will work cooperatively with the Education Chair to: offer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during weekly events and other Hillel programs (i.e.; D’var Torah, A Taste of Our Tradition, About the Holiday, etc.), to explain, then lead, blessings for meals at social events or Havdalah before Saturday night parties/activities, and to offer activities or programs for students to make/learn about ritual objects. The Religious Chair can also direct the Religious Committee, if exists. Finally, Religious Chair is to work with area synagogues to afford students the chance for more regular worship opportunities off campus.
E. The Social Chair is to plan and implement at least one significant social event each semester (i.e.; fall BBQ, comedy night, etc.), plan and implement social aspects of all events, including regular events, Bagel Brunches, and Shabbat and holiday celebrations (i.e.; Jewish Joke of the Week, Gambling for Chanukah, Lottery for Purim), work to maintain a sense of fun and community at all events, and manage all aspects of Hillel t-shirt/other design and order.
F. The Education Chair shall seek opportunities to creatively include Jewish learning in regular Hillel programs such as regular events, Shabbat Dinners, and Bagel Brunches, and to plan and implement a regular Jewish learning/discussion group program (i.e.; Lunch Learn, Torah Study, Ethics Exploration, How do you Jew?, high holiday programs, etc.). The Education Chair will work cooperatively with the Religious Life Chair to: offer students opportunities to practice/explore Jewish religious life during regular events and other Hillel programs (i.e.; A Taste of Our Tradition, About the Holiday, discussions with other campus groups, etc.), to explain, then lead, blessings for meals at social events or Havdalah before Saturday night activities, and to offer activities or programs for students to make/learn about ritual objects. The Education Chair can also lead the Education Committee.
G. The Hospitality Chair is to prepare and present snacks and thematically-appropriate foods for events (not including Shabbat and special holidays and celebrations), to oversee all kitchen operations, to participate in regular events by sharing interesting/pertinent Jewish food or Kashrut information, to monitor the Kashrut observance in the kitchen (teach and model observances of Hillel’s Kashrut standards, ensure that all pots, pans, etc. are clearly labeled and stored appropriately), and to work to create a generally welcoming atmosphere at Hillel functions. The Hospitality position can also oversee the Hospitality Committee and plan events with them (ex. Holiday cards for Israeli soldiers, candle making for Havdalah, baking for events, etc.)
H. The Tzedek Chair is to plan and implement one social action project for Hillel to participate in as a group each semester, to develop ongoing projects, to promote the Tzedek agenda, and to create programs for Hillel and the F&M community regarding the Tzedek agenda. The Tzedek Chair is to update Hillel students on community service opportunities in the community and at F&M, to research and present possible recipients of Hillel’s weekly Tzedakah collections (to be decided at the beginning of each semester), and to oversee the tzedek programs and find volunteers. The Tzedek Chair manages the Tzedek Committee whom assists in the Tzedek Chair’s responsibilities.
I. The Israel Chair is to plan and implement at least one significant Israel-related program each semester, and to present Israeli current events/issues at regular events (“Israel Update”). The Israel Chair is to represent Hillel by serving as Hillel Liaison at multicultural/ International programs, to organize some celebration (Hillel or campus-wide) for Yom Ha’atzmaut, and to serve as a resource for those searching for opportunities in Israel. The Israel Chair also manages the Israel Committee whom will help plan events and assist in the Israel Chair’s responsibilities.
J. The Secretary is to record and distribute Executive Board Meeting notes, to place all events and meetings on the college calendar, to send out weekly emails of the Hillel event schedule on Sunday nights (Exec notes get distributed to execs, general notes to Hillel general list, keep files of all event notes, maintaining email and housing lists), to ensure that photographs are taken at Hillel events and serve as a Hillel historian, and to work with Hillel webmaster to make sure that the website is current.
K. The Treasurer is to oversee the Hillel program budget, give updates to the Executive Board, to collect, deposit, and distribute Tzedakah funds, to oversee the use of the Hillel check card, to ensure that reimbursements are made in a timely fashion, to collect, deposit, and offer accounting of money from events and t-shirt sales, etc., and to act as the Hillel representative at the club council meetings.
* All Executive Board members are required to attend Exec board meetings at 7pm each Wednesday evening. Attendance at all or most Hillel events is expected.
A. Elections shall be held in November on a date to be decided by the Executive Board.
B. Nominations shall be accepted at the Board meeting preceding the announced election date, as well as through email prior to a selected date.
C. A complete list of candidates and their blurbs must be sent to the e-mail list prior to the elections.
D. At the elections event, each candidate for office will have the opportunity to make a brief statement of his/her goals and ideas, not to exceed three minutes. Prior to the election, each candidate must select for which position they will run.
E. Voting shall be by secret ballot. All offices shall be voted on at the same time. No votes for persons not previously nominated may be counted. Absentee ballots, from student studying abroad will be counted if they have been submitted one day prior to the voting.
F. Outgoing senior Board members will count the ballots with the advisor. The vote tally shall not be revealed.
G. If a candidate is running unopposed for an office, they must receive a majority (one more than half) of the votes cast, including written in abstentions, to achieve election. If this does not occur, the office remains vacant and is filled by the procedures in Article IX.
H. If more than two candidates are running for office, a majority is needed for election. If none of the candidates receives a majority, then, before the rest of the election results are announced, there must be another ballot between the top two vote-getters
A. In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall serve as President until the next regularly scheduled election. The President will appoint a Vice President following procedure outlined in VII B..
B. In the case of a vacancy in any other office, the President shall appoint a successor to be confirmed by a majority vote by secret ballot at an Executive Board meeting.
C. Should a vacancy arise in the office of Advisor, the President, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall suggest a successor, subject to a 2/3 vote of approval by the Board.
A. An officer can be removed from the office if they are unable or unwilling to carry out the duties of the office as defined by the constitution, including the overall support of Hillel programs and projects.
B. Impeachment shall be initiated by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The officer in question must be informed of the proceedings prior to the meeting and their result but may not vote.
C. At the meeting of the Executive Board immediately following the above proceedings, a representative of the Executive Board shall explain the reasons for removal of the officer. The officer in question may make a statement to the Board and answer questions put to them. They must then leave the room.
D. Removal shall be accomplished by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board, held by a secret ballot.
Any amendments to this document must be introduced, in writing, at a weekly Café to the attendees. Its text shall appear in the minutes of the meeting. It shall be voted on at the very next weekly meeting, by those present, a 2/3 vote is necessary for adoption.
Rev Oct. 2017