Preamble: The purpose of the Smith Hall Council (SHC) is:
1. To provide the residence hall community with activities and programs.
2. SHC shall promote hall activities and serve as an information source for the people living in Smith Hall.
3. SHC shall serve as a representative body for Smith Hall.
4. SHC shall be responsible for the formulation and review of hall policies.
5. We are striving to involve our residents in a safe, fun home in an academic environment.
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be Smith Hall Council (SHC).
Section 1. Membership. SHC shall consist of at least one appointed Hall Governor from each house and an Executive Board. Qualifications for member of the Smith Hall Council
1. Members are required to maintain a cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA).
2. To be a registered student in good standing, (academic, conduct, etc.)
3. To be a resident of Smith Hall during the term of office.
Section 2. Selection: The selection of Officers shall be made the first week of the fall semester if one is not elected at the end of the academic year. The hall is responsible for selecting the remainder of the officers. Membership will be open without regard to age, race, creed or religion, color, handicap, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
Section 3. Participating membership will include at least five (5) students in good academic standing (cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above)
Section 1. Officers. The officers of SHC shall be as follows:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Secretary/Historian
5. House Governors
6. Residence Hall Association Representative
7. Social Program Coordinator
8. Athletic Coordinator
9. Public Relations Coordinator
10. Food Advocate
11. Arts Advocate
12. Environmental/Green Advocate
13. Diversity Intern
14. Staff Liaison
Section 2. Terms of Officers. The terms of the officers shall be for one (1) academic year starting at the beginning of fall semester and terminating at the conclusion of spring semester. Officers elected during the current term to fill vacancies will serve the remainder of the term. There is no limit placed on the number of elected terms they may serve.
Section 3. Qualifications of Officers:
1. Members are required to maintain a cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA).
2. To be a registered student in good standing.
3. To be a resident of Smith Hall during the term of office.
Section 4. Election of Officers. The election of RHA officers shall be as follows:
A. Elections will take place each spring for the following academic year.
B. Persons interested in running for office will fill out an application for the desired position.
C. Each resident will have one vote.
D. Elections will be determined by the majority vote of Smith Hall residents.
E. If only one person is running for an officer position, the SHC has the power to appoint that person to the position by majority vote.
Section 5. Vacancy. If a vacancy occurs during a term, the hall shall choose a new officer.
Section 6. Attendance.
A. Attendance at SHC meetings and meetings with advisors is mandatory to insure communication between SHC and house members. All absences must be reported in writing (notes or email) to the President prior to missed meetings. After two unexcused absences from SHC meetings or scheduled meetings with advisors, a new officer will be appointed. Examples of excused absences include: family emergencies, academic commitments, work, and contagious illness. The newly appointed officer will have one week to attend a Hall Council meeting. Failure to have governor representation for four consecutive weeks will result in freezing of floor funds.
B. House money shall be restored only after an appeal has been made from the house to SHC.
C. Lack of participation could result in removal from your position.
Section 1. Position Description for President
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend and preside over the weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Attend all meetings that require the President’s supervision. (i.e., certain committee meetings, meetings of special interest groups, etc.).
6. Attend all campus-wide training workshops offered for individuals in leadership positions.
7. Create and set weekly agenda for Hall Council meetings.
8. Coordinate election for Smith Hall Council officers, including applications, publicity, ballots, and voting.
9. Generate ideas for hall projects and activities and then supervise a plan of action for their timely completion.
10. Assume duties as necessary to assure completion of hall projects and activities.
11. Encourage to be active in RHA and attend RHA General Assembly meetings if available.
12. In the event that there are not two RHA representatives:
· Serve four office hours per month in the RHA office.
· Serve as an active member on at least one RHA committee.
· Attend weekly RHA General Assembly meetings.
Section 2. Position Description for Vice President
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meeting and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Attend all campus-wide training workshops offered for individuals in leadership positions.
6. Preside over weekly Hall Council meetings in the absence of the President.
7. Participate and coordinate Homecoming Activities, including sitting on campus Homecoming Committee
8. Serve as a recognition coordinator for Smith Hall Government to NRHH and be a coordinator and promoter of items such as OTMs, OTYs, Recognition Days, You Rock Awards and other recognition processes.
Section 3. Position Description for Treasurer
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meeting and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position to review monthly expenditures and to reconcile ledger.
5. Attend all campus-wide training workshops offered for individuals in leadership positions.
6. Deliver a treasury report to the SHC.
7. Maintain accurate records of hall expenditures and deposits.
8. Process all forms necessary for completion of hall activities and projects.
Section 4. Position Description for Secretary/Historian
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Take meeting notes during Leadership Team and Government meetings and distribute within three days.
6. Take attendance and be responsible for tracking absences.
7. Take pictures at hall/floor events or send a designee when unable to attend or work to collect photographs from those who attended.
8. Create a scrapbook of hall activities yearly or twice yearly, the decision to be made by the Secretary/Historian.
Section 5. Position Description of House Governor:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Serve as a liaison between the Smith Hall Council and the members of the house, representing the majority viewpoint of the house population.
6. Assist in building a strong community on your floor by getting to know the fellow residents.
7. Work collaboratively with the Community Advisors to create programs, bulletin boards, hold floor meetings, and create other materials to students in social and educational ways.
8. Work with Residence Hall Director and Community Advisors to resolve floor issues such as on Community Damage fines, kitchen issues, and bathroom problems.
Section 6. Position Description for Residence Hall Association (RHA) Representative
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
· There shall be two RHA representatives for the hall, optimally.
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Attend all campus-wide training workshops offered for individuals in leadership positions.
6. Attend all RHA general assembly meetings or in emergency, must find a suitable substitute.
7. Serve four office hours per month in the RHA office.
8. Serve as an active member on at least one RHA committee.
9. Represent the perceived needs and wants of Smith Hall residents to RHA.
10. Inform Smith Hall residents of RHA activities and issues.
Section 7. Position Description for Social Program Coordinator
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on the activities of Smith Hall.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Provide guidance and feedback for members planning and implementing hall programs.
6. Continuously assist Smith Hall Council in the planning and execution of hall social programs.
Section 8. Position Description for Athletic Coordinator
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on the athletic activities of Smith Hall.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Provide guidance and feedback for members planning and implementing hall athletic programs.
6. Educate students on athletic events and facilities available on campus.
7. Coordinate hall athletic events, such as intramurals.
8. Provide, maintain, and upkeep to Smith Hall Fitness Room and sports equipment.
Section 9. Position Description for Public Relations Coordinator
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
- Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on the public relations & marketing efforts for Smith Hall.
- Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
- Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
- Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
- Educate students on events, activities, and programs happening in Smith Hall and on campus.
- Educate students on major issues happening in hall, RHA, and campus.
- Coordinate hall publicity which may include web site, newsletter, and/or weekly activity information.
Section 10. Position Description for Food Advocate
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on food.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Attend campus-wide training workshops offered for individuals in leadership positions.
6. Provide guidance and feedback for members and hall communityregarding food programs.
7. Inform students on how to be more healthy and nutritious food.
Section 11. Position Description for Arts Advocate
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
1. Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on the art activities of Smith Hall.
2. Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
3. Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
4. Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
5. Be an active member of Smith Hall Council and programming.
6. Provide arts-related programming and educate on art related topics and issues.
7. Promote campus art events and appreciation across campus.
8. Provide, maintain, and upkeep to Smith Hall Music Room and equipment.
Section 12. Position Description for Environmental Advocate
A. Responsibilities/Duties:
- Attend weekly Hall Council meetings and Leadership Team meetings, reporting on the environmental activities of the hall.
- Attend development sessions as designated by the Residence Hall Director with the Residential Living Hall Staff.
- Return to campus prior to the arrival time of the student body in order to participate in training and team building exercises and assist in the opening of the residence hall.
- Attend regular 1-on-1 meetings with advisor to government position.
- Be an active member of Smith Hall Council and programming.
- Advertise and inform students about environmentally friendly practices.
- Coordinate environmental programming that is educational, practical, or amusing.
- Provide a public face for residents to communicate ideas and concerns related to being environmentally sound.
- Situate “Please Turn Off Lights” signs on all public light switches in the hall, and provide correct labeling on all recycling areas.
- Assist with the planning and development of monthly green programs as determined by the Green Committee.
- Facilitate and carryout Green Committee programs in assigned hall.
- Assist and/or advise Hall Staff responsible for hall environmental programming.
- Promote and assist with the planning and setup of Greenest Resident Room Open House Tours.
- Care for the composting system at Smith Hall with every-other-day waste collection and other compost care as outlined by the previous caretaker and suggested in the compost system guide.
Section 13. Position Description for Diversity Intern
A. Responsibilities/Duties: