Arden Hills Otters

Arden Park Dolphins

Dixon Dolphins

Fulton – El Camino Stingrays

Sunrise Sharks

(updated 7/12/2015)

General Information

Dates & Times
July 17th (Friday)
Meet Setup: / 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Parent Setup: / 6:00 - 7:00 pm
July 18th (Saturday)
Check-In: / 6:30 - 7:00 am
Scratch Meeting: / 7:00 - 7:25 am
Meet Start: / 8:30 am
Awards for 6 & Unders: / Before Relays Start
July 19th (Sunday)
Check-In: / 6:30 - 7:00 am
Scratch Meeting: / 7:00 - 7:25 am
Meet Start: / 8:30 am
Awards: / Right after clean-up/teardown completed
Location / Teams
American River College
4700 College Oak Drive
Sacramento, CA 95841 / Arden Hills Otters
Arden Park Dolphins
Dixon Dolphins
Fulton – El Camino Stingrays
Sunrise Sharks
Meet Referee:
Eric Sweiven, Fulton – El Camino
Facility Logistics Coordinators:
1 person per 2.5 hr shift
(Each league rep will be assigned
a shift from 6:30am to 6:30pm)
Deck Referees:
One provided by each team / Meet Director:
(aka Championship Coordinator):
Teresa Folsom, Sunrise Sharks
League Reps:
Jason Marshal, AP
Sam Savinovich, AH
Gary Short, DIX
Eric Sweiven, FEC
Rebecca Shayegi, SUN

Team Responsibilities & Assignments

Team / Responsible For / Contact
Fulton – El Camino / Ready Bench / Eric Sweiven
Arden Park / Volunteer Coordinator / Amy DeAngelis
Dixon / Clothing, Awards,
Ribbons & Medals and
Awards Ceremony Setup / Gary Short
Arden Hills / Hospitality / Sam Savinovich
Sunrise / Computer Operations / Teresa Folsom

Volunteer Positions

Each team will have their own Volunteer Coordinator(s) check in their volunteers for their assigned shifts and pass out the shift stickers/labels so they can enter the closed deck. The team’s Volunteer Coordinator will meet with the Champ Volunteer Coordinator to pick up the stickers/labels and address any concerns or changes to the volunteer master list. Volunteers will not be allowed to leave their post until they are “tagged out” by the next shift worker. This will allow the meet to continue without interruption. The team’s Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible to find a person to work a shift if their person assigned did not check in or report to their position.

Meet Schedule

Shift / Stroke / Events
1st Shift / Individual Medley / 1 - 8
2nd Shift / Short Freestyle / 9 - 20
3rd Shift / Backstroke / 21 - 32
4th Shift / Finals & Relays / Finals + 33-43
Shift / Stroke / Events
1st Shift / Long Free / 44 - 53
2nd Shift / Breaststroke / 54 - 63
3rd Shift / Butterfly / 64 - 73
4th Shift / Finals & Relays / Finals + 74-83

Meet Overview

The American River College Pool is a 15-lane pool. We will run 10 lanes for preliminaries and finals. The lane next to Lane 10 will be considered a dead lane – no swimming – so as to reduce waves impacting the swimmer in lane 10. The four lanes closest to the ready bench will be used for warm-ups and cool-downs. No diving in those lanes will be allowed during the meet. If, in the opinion of the Meet Ref, the activity in those lanes is impacting racing, they will be shut down.

Relays and finals make up last segment of each day. Ready bench will be on the pool deck at the Northwest end of the pool in front of the warm-up lanes. All swimmers MUST come through the ready bench in order to swim an event for prelims AND finals, including relays.

Men’s and Women’s T-Shirts and Tanks Tops will be available for purchase as well as swimming gear. NCSL will accept cash and check only for clothing. American River College will host a snack bar with breakfast and lunch items. We will have various vendors at the meet such as Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffee & Smoothies, Hagens Freeze, and California Swim Shop. Vendors may only accept cash. Make sure you’re parents are aware of this. There is an ATM on campus if parents forget to get cash.

Facility Overview

The pool deck will be set up first, then the age group tents in the team area, followed by the parents setting up their family tents. Anyone seen setting up their age group tents prior to 5:00pm or their personal family tent prior to 6:00pm will be asked to take it down.

Each team is assigned a large grassy area at the facility for the team and parents to sit together. No one will be allowed to setup on the pool deck. The bleacher areas are for spectators only. Seating is limited and we want to ensure everyone is able to watch their child(ren) swim. Camping out in the bleachers is not allowed, and this rule will be strictly enforced. Please inform your parents to watch their child(ren) swim and return to the team area.

We will have a closed deck. The deck area behind the blocks all the way to the northwest side of the ready bench area will be completely blocked both days. We will have deck patrol monitoring entry onto the deck, and anyone without a deck pass will NOT be able to gain deck access. This is to cut down on noise, chaos and congestion. Please remind your parents to be kind and respectful to the Deck Patrol people as they perform their duties. Rude behavior and/or language toward the Deck Patrol people will not be tolerated. If this happens, the parent WILL be asked to vacate the premises immediately. The facility bathrooms (behind the bleachers) and inside the gymnasium will be open.

Please make sure your parents adhere to these facility rules--No dogs in pool area or on the school campus lawn. Tell your parents to leave their four-legged friends at home where they can stay cool. Since this is a college campus, smoking is allowed; however, there will be NO smoking in or around the pool area or in team areas. People can smoke over by the parking garage. Absolutely No alcohol on the premises whatsoever!

See the next two pages for a layout of the Team Areas and American River College Pool Facility.


Auto Parking / Parking is available in the Parking Garage accessible from the Football Stadium lot off of College Oak Dr and Parking Lots A and B off of Myrtle Ave. There will be no fees for parking.
RV Parking / RV’s are NOT allowed to park overnight in the campus parking lots.

Team Areas

Each team’s area will be well-defined and each team must stay within their designated areas only. Sidewalks and pathways are for evacuation and cannot be blocked. Please be advised that team areas are for camping – not the bleachers. There will be minimal security in the team area. Remind your parents to not leave any personal items if they do not want to lose them.

Under strict guidelines from the College Campus, these items may not be allowed in the team area or the facility: BBQ’s, camp stoves, generators and electrical fans. Teams cannot perform team cheers on the deck or inside the pool area at any time. This must be done in their own team areas.

Course Layout

The pool will be set up with one 10-lane course for both prelims and finals with one empty lane splitting the course and the warm-up/cool down lanes. The Dolphin timing system will be stationed at the Southeast end of the pool. Lane numbers will start with lane one (1) being the closest lane to the Dolphin and Official Starter. The lane numbers will progress moving towards the middle of the pool. All races will start from the blocks at the Eastern side of the pool. Ready bench will be on the pool deck at the Northern end of the pool in front of the warm-up lanes.

Pool Layout

Meet Programs on NorCal Swim League website

Like last this year, we will NOT be selling Champs Programs. Instead the Meet Program will be uploaded to the NorCal Swim League website (click here) on Friday, 7/17, evening around 6pm. Parents can download and/or print the meet program to use at Champs. We will not be reseeding the meet after scratch; thus, the meet program will not change. NO TEAMS WILL BE ALLOWED TO SELL THE PROGRAMS TO THEIR PARENTS IN THEIR TEAM AREAS OR ON THE POOL DECK. Make sure your parents are aware of this change. We don’t want upset parents when they find out there are no Champs programs to purchase when they get to the pool.

Online Meet Results via Meet Mobile

Meet Mobile will be available during champs so parents and swimmers can view the meet results by event/swimmer and track their favorite swimmers. The Heat Sheets, that provide the heat and lane assignment for each swimmer, will also be available for FREE. However, to see the results, Meet Mobile is now charging a fee of $1.99 per month or $5.99 for the year. Remind your parents and swimmers that Meet Mobile results are the initial times from the scoreboard and subject to change following officials review, verification and DQ processing. Once this processing is completed the results will be updated; however, the official results will be posted in the breezeway. The meet name they want to search for will be 2015 Eureka Championships. The meet will be uploaded on Friday, 7/17, around 6pm.

Ribbons, Medals & Awards Ceremony

Only the heat winners for the Prelim races will receive a 1st place blue ribbon. All legal swims in the finals will receive a medal.

Before the relay races begin on Saturday, there will be an awards ceremony to recognize the high-point 6 & unders. The team dual-meet and championships awards, as well as 7 & up high-point award ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the meet on Sunday after all equipment is put away and the pool deck and team areas are cleaned up.

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