Helios Ensemble Concert Program Advertisements
You are cordially invited to advertise in the concert program of The Helios Ensemble for our upcoming concerton Sunday, April 21, 2018 featuring beloved works of Johan Sebastian Bach along with an outstanding selection of choral music from Asian nations including Japan, China and Korea. We will be joined in this concert by the voices of The Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus! We enclose a poster to help you help us to promote this concert.
The Helios Ensemble, a 501(c)(3)Nonprofit Corporation, has taken Tucson by storm with outstanding performances of advanced choral music. By purchasing affordable advertisement space in the program for this concert, your business will reach a discerning Tucson audience of up to 500 for our concert on Sunday,April 21, 2018 3pm at Catalina United Methodist Church, 2700 E. Speedway. Advertising prices are below; please return this form and your advertising copy no later than Monday, April 15.
Advertisement Sizes and Prices:
_____ Business Card 3.25” x 2” ($40)
_____ Quarter Page 3.25” x 4” ($80)
_____ Half Page 6.5” x 4” ($120)
_____ Full Page 6.5” x 8” ($250)
_____ Inside Front Cover or Back Cover In B&W ($300)
_____ Inside Front Cover or Back Cover In Color ($350)
Advertising copy Instructions:
Advertisements may be submitted in electronic form (.jpg, .tif, or .pdf file types) and emailed to our graphic artist Alisha Escoto at . Alisha can adjust the size of your image if needed. Hard-copy artwork (such as a business card) may be also be submitted CAMERA READY to our P.O. box address below to be received by Monday, April 15.
Payment methods:
- Check made out to “The Helios Ensemble” and mailed to: The Helios Ensemble, P.O. Box 64762, Tucson AZ 85728-4762
- Credit Card payment online at the Helios Store,
If you submit your artwork via email and pay online (preferred), please include your contact information in your email to Alisha Escoto. If you prefer sending your ad on paper, please include this form with your advertisement copy. Thank you so much for your support of Helios!
Company or Name: ______Address: Zip: Phone: Email: Web Address or Social Media Page: